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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2024 in all areas

  1. This is one of my favorite nicknames ever.
    5 points
  2. Only 4 more months we need to worry about Eloy. Biggest bust of the rebuild imo. Sad, really.
    5 points
  3. Pedro just stating the obvious: The Sox have too much talent to find a spot for Fletcher.
    5 points
  4. Like this is a perfect example of what I am talking about here. We cut Ortega to get Fletcher on the roster, and now we aren't playing him. That isn't good for his development, his confidence, and it sure doesn't help this franchise at all for the future. He needs to be playing daily, somewhere. If he isn't ready for Chicago, why is he here? And before someone states that the manager is the problem, the GM is his boss. Either the GM tells the manager to get Fletcher into the line up, or he is OK with him not being there. Why the hell does Andrew Benitendi need to be in the line up every day with his .500 OPS and terrible glove? Gavin Sheets has hit for a .582 over the last two weeks anyway, and it still one of the worst defenders in baseball. Fletcher's season OPS is actually higher than 10D, and not much less than what Sheets has put up the last couple of weeks at .548. Remember when we were fixing the defense for the pitchers so they would want to come here? Yeah, what happened to that plan?
    5 points
  5. 4 points
  6. This cannot be said enough. I am just jumping in to say Grifol should be fired for playing Remillard over Fletcher. The man is a fucking moron with no peer.
    4 points
  7. Bold of you to assume we don't wait 3 or 4 days before ILing him.
    4 points
  8. Imagine what this guy is going to be like in his 40s and 50s. He's going to get injured getting out of bed, or brushing his teeth. What a fucking China doll. Go the f*** away. You're not an athlete.
    4 points
  9. First of all, great win. Crochet is an all star obviously. Mendick is an MLB player. This is how the Sox had been playing when they were on that 8-6 stretch. Why do you guys want to trade everybody who has a pulse on the Sox? Do u really think it'll accomplish anything except guarantee another 4-20 April next season or worse? You tank lovers/trade lovers just slay me. Don't understand it when you know this strategy didn't work before.
    3 points
  10. I'm 47 and I pulled a muscle in my back this morning while yawning.
    3 points
  11. An ill wind comes arising Across the cities of the plain There's no swimming in the heavy water No singing in the acid rain Schiffren alert (red alert) Schiffren alert (red alert)
    3 points
  12. Tray told me this thread is fake news.
    3 points
  13. That's just got to be the most "small sample size driven/homer-ish" bit of team cheerleading in recent memory. Robert was almost the entire + fWAR last year on offense...and, when healthy, one of the best defenders in baseball. Certainly the only lock as a Gold Glove candidate.
    3 points
  14. Juks looks like he enjoys playing ball. If we get Ramos back that means we'll have at least four with Ramos, Juks, Lee and Pham. Jettison the bums and get some guys that the fans can relate with and who give a good AB most times.
    3 points
  15. At least Moncada played defense, had a very good 2019, and didn't spend as much time on the IL as Jimenez
    3 points
  16. i’ve never seen anything like this, a young man gets hurt on a constant basis just running the bases!!!
    3 points
  17. Thankfully no one could plan on ILoy getting hurt. Again.
    3 points
  18. Just DFA eloy after his DL stint. Nobody wants him, including our entire fanbase.
    3 points
  19. Did WestEddy report OP for the disparaging thread title?
    3 points
  20. I’m not going to feed you any BS. I’ll just flush it first.
    3 points
  21. Beckham notes there's still a RISP and Schriffen says "and a good bat up there with Nicky Lopez" Good god
    3 points
  22. Maybe he meant he's the Kevin Pillar of our lineup.
    3 points
  23. Remilard over Fletcher in LF. This franchise is something else.
    3 points
  24. This is kind of my feeling. The guy has been targeted since day 1 by this group, and when he fires back, he is then supposed to give time to them thus rewarding them for targeting him? Eh, I don't see it. Honestly this whole thing is stupid anyway, and reeks of people who aren't very important trying to make themselves self-important at other people's expense. It would be nice if he just left it alone, but I also get why having bitter people nipping at your heels constantly gets annoying.
    3 points
  25. This man decided to stay in the room someone send for room service
    3 points
  26. Know how you can connect with fans? Going on radio shows to talk about yourself and the team and try to show off your personality so people can make a connection. Seems pretty simple to me. Refusing to do those things and making comments about "haters" or "radio losers" is not something I would do.
    3 points
  27. And Beni, is a consistent pillar in the Sox line up. Consistent suckage in the worst line up in MLB.
    3 points
  28. There is exactly zero chance it all will be good.
    3 points
  29. "Beni is a consistent pillar in our lineup. He [Fletcher] has to wait for an opportunity and take advantage of it.'" Pedro Grifol Veterans are given their playing time; young players must earn it. Believe in Pedro.
    3 points
  30. A near MLB ready top 100 guy gets him out the door for me. I am sure not willing to see if he can sustain this longer term at the expense of someone would could be here in five years. I would love for them to find some OF help.
    2 points
  31. Andrew Vaughn keeps rising in the order even as his average sinks. #justpedrothings
    2 points
  32. Please.................????? Take emotion out of this. MLB is going to contract the Sox, lose untapped potential revenue with new ownership and go to a much smaller market like Nashville, Portland, Charlotte, Montreal or Salt Lake City... When they could get millions (maybe a billion) in expansion fee money for moving to Nashville, Portland, Charlotte, Montreal or Salt Lake City AND get the revenue generated by a well-run Sox franchise. The Sox have shown, even at times under JR, that when they are competitive, well run and successful they draw very well and make a s%*# load of money through local and national media and advertising deals.
    2 points
  33. Someone needs to be the bigger person. The "haters" thing was over, then he decided to re-light the fire with the "losers" comment on the broadcast. Sports radio already doesn't have a ton to discuss right now in the sports calendar, you KNEW it was going to re-ignite things. Why do that? I'm not absolving sports radio hosts, they are keeping this going and could not take the bait...but if you're Schriffen, why give them the bait at all?
    2 points
  34. South Side, staaaaaaaaaaaaand up! We're coming for you, Boston!
    2 points
  35. I remember a fun message board called JayTheJoke.com. My favorite Mariottism was when he wrote that Scott Skiles owed Shaq a debt of gratitude for his single game assist record. I wrote Mariotti and told him I was impressed with his sources, because Shaq was a sophomore at LSU at the time - so Mariotti must have had insider knowledge of Shaq giving Skiles a pep talk.
    2 points
  36. Yeah just let him play everyday in Charlotte and try to get his swing/stroke re-established. Nothing to lose. At the rate he's going...Sox front office will start writing him off soon as a non-prospect as well.
    2 points
  37. Actually you made the case for why they are panicking quite clearly right there. As for the "not convinced", only you have said that, but I suppose I should thank you for making it clear I shouldn't waste time on you then.
    2 points
  38. LMAO. Every Sox loss was a national news story and covered like the Yankees? Is this a comedy bit?
    2 points
  39. Yeah honestly, I was just looking for an excuse to post an Office Space gif. I've come to expect that any thread that mentions Getz's tenure as a GM will just morph into what this thread has become.
    2 points
  40. Why do you keep repeating that national news organizations care about the White Sox? The White Sox are an afterthought in the Chicago Sports media market. No one at the national level like CCN gives one sh*t about them.
    2 points
  41. I would say this is the room, and if what you are seeing is making you blush then you should go to another room ?
    2 points
  42. Came to this sub forum wondering if anyone was discussing this. Colson Montgomery has hit about .230 combined in AA and AAA in his career, over about 350 PA's. Still has plenty of time...but with the way people have discussed Colson and the impact he can have at the ML level....I think there is some reason for concern.
    2 points
  43. I saw this quote in another thread. Pukeworthy. ? ?
    2 points
  44. Grifol is a moron. ”Beni is a consistent pillar in our lineup.” Yeah, cuz they can’t cut him cuz of his obscene contract. It makes no sense to call up a guy like Fletcher if you aren’t going to play him consistently. Figure out if he can play or if he’s a bust like most of Getz’s other acquisitions.
    2 points
  45. The Parkins and Spiegel show was making fun of him for a while before he started badmouthing the haters. I’m sure that group is the one he was referring to with all this.
    2 points
  46. No he doesn't. The first sentence you mentioned is that it's a very personal attack. And then a few sentences later apparently it's broad enough to apply every single person who has ever worked in radio lol (which of course includes Schriffen himself). Which is it? Well it's really neither. It was a throwaway one sentence line that was kind of funny that has generated paragraphs and screeching from radio losers or whoever may apply.
    2 points
  47. You just listed Robert, one of the worst OFs in baseball, an interesting backup catcher, and 11 unproven prospects. There is a very real chance it takes five years to be a legitimate contender again. The major league roster is almost completely devoid of talent. I think 2027 should be the realistic goal of when we are competing for an AL Central title. I think it would take a miracle to be competitive before the 2027 season and not a ton has to go wrong for it to take a few years longer.
    2 points
  48. When has a JR owned Sox team gone after the big fish? They will do what they always do in free agency and spread their money out on a bunch of mediocre players, rather than signing one star that could out-WAR their entire offseason. It’s sad but true and it doesn’t matter who the GM is — Getz, Hahn, or Kenny. It’s Jerry’s call. He doesn’t believe in paying the price that top free agents cost. It will be more of the same strategy — sign mediocre, mid-level or lower tier free agents and hope they match their career years.
    2 points
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