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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2024 in all areas

  1. It rarely happens but I actually find myself to be disappointed when I check scores and the Sox win on a given day.
    7 points
  2. Korey Lee clearly does not give a s%*# about Pedro's opinion.
    6 points
  3. Bottom line is that we have a very bad team, a very bad manager, a very bad GM and a very bad owner, I guess that is why we have a very bad record with a recipe for disaster.
    5 points
  4. Everyone mentioning Gonzalez in this thread is providing the evidence that a prospect going cold for an extended period at a new level isn't an apocalyptic event. Jackson Holliday was ass in his debut and his numbers in AAA have dropped since. I don't think the Orioles are in extreme panic.
    5 points
  5. At some point, we have to understand that the roster is horrible AND Grifol is a terrible manager. He finished 20 below with a team that had been :500 the year before, and now is headed to the worst record in franchise history. Just because the person they bring in won’t win the division doesn’t mean you keep this guy.
    5 points
  6. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=05/27/2024 https://www.milb.com/scores/all/all/whitesox Happy Memorial Day. Take a moment to remember those who gave the ultimate measure for us.
    4 points
  7. I love the Chicago White Sox baseball team, but I despise the organization that runs it top to bottom. These players wear the uniform, but I can't root for them. This whole culture and work ethic construct is a farce, and we all knew it was, yet they sold it to us as if it was going to work. Pedro is an utter joke, Getz is inept, and JR just doesnt give a f*** beyond counting the dollars coming in. I actively want this version of the White Sox to lose in embarrassing fashion every time out. Until there are more than a one or two interesting players on the roster worth a damn, opposed to the garbage they run out there every day, I want historical lows for the dopes running this thing. I know nothing changes until JR is gone, but being a laughingstock is everything they deserve.
    4 points
  8. Amazing that anyone would actually exert some effort to defend Grifol. Sure, the team is awful but Grifol is a terrible manager in his own right and should be fired for his own individual shortcomings, regardless of the awful team that Getz put together.
    4 points
  9. former white sox color commentator bill walton has passed away
    4 points
  10. I am all for firing Pedro. But do something other than Montoyo on an interim basis. Jirschele or Sizemore.
    4 points
  11. eh he's just a writer riding a trend for views. replace the sky with loyola a few years ago or whatever it's the same article.
    4 points
  12. I can't say I am actively rooting against them on a daily basis, but their results also don't bother me. I absolutely do want to see change, and if it takes record bad to do it, so be it.
    3 points
  13. I understand what you are writing, but I don’t believe ANYONE ripping Pedro constantly, which includes me, doesn’t think the Sox would be awful no matter who managed them. This team has made the same mistakes over and over for 217 games. He cannot manage. And he is afraid of veterans. Finally popped off and said what he should have said in April 2023. And what happens? He benches the 2 rookies. And if you think I am playing Monday morning QB, check this site. I called it way before any of us had a line up. And they get 1 run today. Someone has to go. 15-40 with 10 as high as you can draft should be unacceptable. For some reason it isn’t.
    3 points
  14. I published Mock Draft 2.0 at FutureSox today: https://www.futuresox.net/2024/05/27/2024-mlb-mock-draft-2-0/
    3 points
  15. Getz really is very bad at his job...but he was bad at his previous job so I guess it's not that much of a surprise.
    3 points
  16. $7 million burned in a fire pit ? to go right along with Maldonado and Lopez’s combined $8.8 million. $15.8 million guaranteed to three players that are DFA candidates. Getz is terrible at his job.
    3 points
  17. Brebbia is such wasted money.
    3 points
  18. Writing off Nastrini already seems insane to me, but you do you I guess.
    3 points
  19. Maybe somebody needs to point out to Pedro that Vaughn, Benny and Maldy regularly give him at-bats that are "fucking flat", and he continues to write them onto the lineup card every day. Maybe he can find a surface in the dugout that is "fucking flat", and have those three ride that.
    3 points
  20. If you have a s%*# team, presumably you’d want the team to improve. A s%*# manager doesn’t help that happen. I don’t see how this is a difficult concept to comprehend
    3 points
  21. He could maybe, just maybe, stop throwing young guys under the bus to the media while continuing to let vets wander around the field lackadaisically without a single critique? Just a thought. Maybe stop pitching Kopech in the 8th? Maybe stop hitting AV 2,3, or 4? Maybe stop playing Maldonado? Maybe stop playing Benintendi? Maybe open the door to his office? Crazy ideas.
    3 points
  22. When I first had Bulls tickets they did a meet and greet and kissed my sss. Then they hosted an all star game, drafted a guard, built a new stadium, and screwed me over.
    3 points
  23. He’ll be fine. No reason for him to debut until May 2025, tho.
    3 points
  24. It’s a bunch of young guys and AAAA players, it’s the coaching staffs fucking job to help them make adjustments. If only the former Director of Player Development wasn’t watching from a skybox as the GM. What a piss poor organization.
    3 points
  25. Colson is really struggling in a great hitters park. The defensive numbers look fairly pedestrian. If he doesn't flip the switch soon, he might not be up to the task. Sure his plate discipline hasn't abandoned him. It will take more than that to be a good major leaguer. What a damn mess. Quero is down to .211 as well. At least he's young for AA. The tough part for me is that i'm stuck with these clucks. The only thing worse to me is being a frontrunner.
    2 points
  26. I always assume these pieces are written by AI and Julia Poe is a glorified spellchecker.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. Some fans are cheering for the Sox to lose, because it will embarrass the organization. Truth is, nothing embarrasses this organization. Just ask Stone Poney.
    2 points
  29. Who cares? Do whayis needed for the future.
    2 points
  30. It sucks to watch a losing team, you want the people responsible for its construction to face some consequences, but I can't understand the desire to want your team to lose. There are some logical reasons to want your team to lose, ie to tank for a better pick or to force the hand on firing executives/coaches. Well, Hahn and Kenny already got fired and there's no doing better than the 10th pick. There is still some pride in sports fandom, it's an analogy for pride in the place you're from, a less chauvinistic kind of nationalism. If you're a patriotic citizen, you might not like the people in charge but you don't want your country to fail, you want it to get better. You guys should be patriotic Sox fans. Critical of the morons in charge, objective about the performance on the field, watch the game and hope for a win. I think, in a way, you're disrespecting yourself by considering yourself a fan and wishing for losses. Give up the fandom, find a new nation if you feel that way. I'm gonna keep rooting for these unlikable losers, a brighter future is on the horizon.
    2 points
  31. At this point, I want them to keep losing. In my eyes it means the faster they accunulate losses, the faster necessary changes will happen. Whether or not we should trust the change-makers is another conversation.
    2 points
  32. Hes 22 for all of this year could spend all of this season and the next two at AAA and still be "on track" hitting is hard and power is often the last tool to develop. His strike out rate will normalize just like it did in AA; give the kid some time we're in no rush to start the clock and we're quite a ways away from competing.
    2 points
  33. "I can finally be my authentic self when I go to an arena and watch a ball game. I once was lost, now I am found, there is joy in the presence of Angel Reese" (Luka Doncic 15:10). I can't believe people get paid to write this garbage, it's marketing copy written in the sort of language you learn about in college to write about, I dunno, Foucault or microaggressions or something. Also, it reminds me of that Onion article about the Marlins' only fan. https://www.theonion.com/florida-marlins-delay-game-until-their-fan-shows-up-1819571683
    2 points
  34. I don’t mind Nastrini taking his lumps and seeing if we have anything with him. What makes it worse is this team can’t score any damn runs, so every run pitchers give up is magnified.
    2 points
  35. Sure, but Getz can't trade with himself.
    2 points
  36. 3 hits in an inning with no runs is the most 2024 White Sox thing ever
    2 points
  37. He didn't do anything but go hitless like the rest of the Sox starting line up. Pedro, per usual just takes it out on rookies.
    2 points
  38. Keep him away from this coaching staff at least.
    2 points
  39. Pedro Pascal for manager. Who says no?
    2 points
  40. Do not give up on a prospect after 2 months. If he continues to struggle entire year, then it is different but give some time. Colson Montgomery was not going to stay at SS though.
    2 points
  41. It's too early to give up on Montgomery. But his potential has gone from nearly a sure thing to iffy. The White Sox have two interesting prospects for third base, shortstop, or second base in Baldwin and Gonzalez at AA Birmingham.
    2 points
  42. Schultz has been our best prospect this whole time, Montgomery is a nonstarter. Quero was just underrated and has been our best (edit: positional) prospect since the second he entered the system.
    2 points
  43. Pedro is the best “deer in the headlights” manager in MLB. He should be replaced ASAP to shake the team up, as you cannot fire all the players. The buck on the field stops with Pedro.
    2 points
  44. He's the best ass kisser in baseball. That has to be the only way he got the job and when he gets fired (and eventually he will) he will probably go down as the worst manager by win percentage in the 124 year history of the franchise.
    2 points
  45. I am now embracing Pedro. He is making JR and Getz look every bit as bad as they have been since Getz was ridiculously promoted to a better position after his own failures, as well as before that awful decision with Hahn and Kenny running the show for decades. Getz has made one good acquisition — Fedde. He basically lucked into Pham just as Hahn lucked into Cueto for the same reasons, no one else wanted them and they had holes at those positions so they were quite simply the next best obvious players to sign. Almost all of Getz’s other transactions/decisions have been awful. Mena for Fletcher looks especially terrible for a team like the Sox that needs young starters. Trading Matthew Thompson for Bailey Horn, only to DFA Horn later? DFA’ing Jose Rodriguez just because he’s a panicky GM and can’t manage a 40-man roster. He kept countless pieces of garbage over Rodriguez. A perfect example is that Getz chose to keep awful Dominic Leone for so long that he got stuck with him because he got injured. Why was this bum not cut over other much young players/prospects?!? Chris Getz is a terrible GM.
    2 points
  46. Grifol is a mealy-mouthed dunce with zero cred and no confidence. This is a weird turn, to lose the clubhouse over a rookie throwing Grifol's criticism back in his face. Grifol has no power. He has no card to play. He's already benching Lee way too much for the team's fortunes. I want to see these guys start getting pissed off. That's great that everyone likes each other. Weeks ago, when Trea Turner was tagging from 1st to 2nd on a flyout, up 8, in the middle of a streak where every other game was a no-hit threat for the White Sox - Turner should have been sat on his ass the next at-bat. First pitch. Nicky Lopez is patting guys on the ass who just hit a double off his pitcher. That kind of stunned me. I hate Mike Ditka, but like he used to say, these guys are taking food off your table. They're mocking you. They're putting you out of a job. Get fucking angry.
    2 points
  47. Fucking guy wants to talk about making adjustments but had TA near the top of the order almost all last season and insists on hitting Vaughn there this season…
    2 points
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