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  1. It's hard to have good mechanics when your body is exhausted.
    4 points
  2. I've been a Sox fan for 63 seasons now. I'm as embarrassed as I have ever been about this incompetent, dysfunctional and inept organization. Interviewing a subject is an art form, you don't go all balls out, blow the guy up and expect him to ever consent to an interview again. It's called respect and common courtesy whether the subject deserves it on not. Another word is professionalism. You're pissed I get it, you're embarrassed I get it. There's nothing anyone can do about it now but hope for the best and hope to outlive current ownership. That's the way it is. Feel free to have another beer or six. Or do what I've been doing, watching games on You Tube from good seasons (or in my case from out of my library. I've got 74 games dating back to 1981)
    4 points
  3. When does this season start wearing on old ass Jerry?
    4 points
  4. Are we still blaming Kenny Williams for bad trades?
    3 points
  5. He’s become nothing more than a shill for JR.
    3 points
  6. A franchise that realizes guys take more than one season to build up to a full workload. I think he’s more than proven that he’s well on his way to a full workload.
    3 points
  7. Didn’t know where to put this, but since the 4th of July (80 PA sample) Bryan Ramos has been on fire: 133 wRC+ | 12.5% BB rate | 15.0% K rate | .258 ISO | .280 BABIP Kid doesn’t turn 23 until next March. This minor league season has been incredibly tough on the positional side, but it’s probably important to remind ourselves that him and Montgomery are super young for AAA and could in theory do another full season there and still reach the majors as fresh 24 year old’s.
    3 points
  8. Oh man I didn’t realize I was in the presence of such realness I apologize
    3 points
  9. Right...rip a guy apart, get no answers out of them and cut off your nose to spite your face because "real" fans want blood. Meanwhile you never get the guy again for an interview. Again the word is PROFESSIONALISM. Based on your comments, your complete not understanding of how things are done and a four letter word every other word, I assumed you had a beer or two or six or 12. The hosts put Getz on the spot got him to at least semi-answer their questions and provide information. If you don't like the answers well, that's to bad because that's all you are going to get from the organization and frankly I'm surprised Getz even said what he did and didn't completely dance around things. You don't like what this franchise has become? Get in line with the rest of us. You want real change? Get used to this fact, it's not happening...not yesterday, not today and not tomorrow until new ownership arrives. So, take care of yourself, eat right, exercise, see your doctor once a year and hope to outlive current ownership and see better days. That's all I've got and that's all you've got.
    3 points
  10. The radio hosts asked good solid probing questions and didn't mince words with Getz. That's why.
    3 points
  11. Maybe the 2 drunk guys running on the field in the 9th? and one getting injured causing a 5 min delay
    2 points
  12. From the Sun-Times tonight: Third baseman Yoan Moncada hasn’t played since April 9 after suffering a strained left adductor while running out a grounder against the Guardians. Moncada, who has played in only 11 games, has been medically cleared to play, but a return to the majors isn’t imminent. His rehab was interrupted in late July because of soreness, and he hasn’t made any gains that would enable him to return to the team. ‘‘He’s been running,’’ Sizemore said. ‘‘He’s still kind of feeling something there. I can’t tell you that we’re going to get him back or we’re not. I just don’t know. ‘‘With him, we’re checking in daily, hoping for the best and waiting for him to tell us when he’s feeling confident that he’s not favoring it or worried about anything else.’’ The Sox have a $25 million club option for next season on Moncada, who has been beset by injuries through much of his career.
    2 points
  13. That Fedde trade sure is looking Iike a joke, especially when it was considered a sellers market. I basically just wanted to say that to bump this thread because it never should be close to leaving page 1.
    2 points
  14. Now on pace for a 38-124 record. I absolutely love that Scrooge Reinsdorf is going to own the single season worst record. Enjoy the history books, you old cheap bastard!
    2 points
  15. Why is any Sox fan still paying Jerry money to watch his sham of a team? Empty stadiums speak volumes
    2 points
  16. Is there ever a good choice with this bullpen?...this is probably the worst collection of pitchers ever assembled.....Getz is a joke. Oh yeah, add that to the fact that this offense Getz has put together rarely scores against other bullpens. It is unbelievable that we have to deal with this asshat's decisions in the GM chair after this historically abysmal season with the team that he created.
    2 points
  17. Can the Sox just forfeit the next 3 games against the Yankees?
    2 points
  18. Getz should be fired for every reason possible.
    2 points
  19. f*** you Jerry, you pathetic piece of s%*#
    2 points
  20. Sheets getting any playing time with Colas in the minors is ridiculous at this point. Getz is a moron. Sheets is a DFA candidate. Colas may be a bust but we don’t know for sure yet. And what position has been an absolute black hole for the Sox for years? Right field. This is roster mismanagement.
    2 points
  21. Yep. The guy ripped every Sox fan on Twitter that was upset about the state of the team and that questioned the front office and now he is using the team’s performance as a reason he may want to retire? The Legend is a hypocrite.
    2 points
  22. I don’t know, dude. You know he needs to be shut down, same as everyone else. I’m not arguing specifics. He’s gotten through 120 innings this year, which is damn near a miracle based on his major league history. Now he’s starting to suck and having “mechanical” issues. The Sox are gonna run him out there just to try to avoid embarrassing themselves with the worst record in history, and will hurt him and the franchise in doing so.
    2 points
  23. Your passion came through. I am just glad there are still sox fans passionate about this club. I barely care when this team loses anymore and I have zero confidence in the current group. I personally wish there were interviewers who just say the truth of what fans think even if they couch it by saying the fanbase thinks you are terrible, are making awful trades, and should be fired. How would you defend the Cease trade. How do you defend the Maldonado signing. Why didn't you ask for Carlson back from the Cardinals. How do you plan on improving the talent base for this club in the short term to put a watchable product on the field not just signing washed up stop gap vets who are just looking for an opportunity. None of the CWS media has the balls to ask these questions. NY media does that is only because they don't care about access as much. I maybe watch a game a week now and when football starts that will be 0
    2 points
  24. I certainly don’t anticipate Jerry doing anything that pleases the fan base over the next few years, but doesn’t mean as a fan base we shouldn’t hold them to a higher standard, and when the inevitably don’t meet that standard, we should say as much.
    2 points
  25. Oh look, our “ace” has a 3.65 ERA and is steadily destroying his trade value. It will be fully destroyed when he injures himself. Why the f*** is this guy not already shut down for the season? Good thing he sabotaged his own trade value a few weeks ago. Now the Sox are intent on finishing the job.
    2 points
  26. This is an entire, scrape-the-rotting-edifice-off-the-earth, complete and total tear down. If you listen to the latest BA podcast on AL Central organizations, the Sox are pretty much considered the worst org in baseball with a farm system bereft of positional talent. They basically say the only possible impact bat is Wolkow, but the odds against him are pretty high. If Getz sets up a new international regime and improves instruction, that will help subsequent teams regardless of the owner. To get this org to average is going to take a long time regardless of the ownership structure.
    2 points
  27. Yea, Hall of Fame List it is.
    2 points
  28. Getz did nothing but give non answers to most questions
    2 points
  29. Dash won 5-2. 5 runs on just 6 hits (no XBH) because they walked a bunch (7BB) and ran all over the place (8SB/1CS) Zavala got his 68th. 69th. and 70th walks tonight. He's also running an unsustainably low BABIP, I think the hits will come. Nishida was 1-3 with 2 BB and 3 SB. He also reached on an error because he makes defenses nervous. Incredibly hard not to root for him, and his playstyle seems infectious. Bergolla (1-3 with a BB) seems to have solid speed too, he also stole 3 bags. RHP Connor Housley (UDFA) got his first WS save. He's got nice stuff, sub-1 ERA and WHIP. Other MiLB observations: DeLoach has looked really solid lately. Great defense, slashing .280/.419/.560 in August after an .815 OPS July. I thought the org was done with Carlos Perez catching, but maybe not? He's backing up Quero now. I know they called up Chuckie, but they could have Hackenberg in Charlotte if they wanted. FWIW, he looks okay back there and also hit a HR today. DJ is off to a hot start in AA. 5-13 with 2 HR, 1BB and just 2K:
    2 points
  30. I think I'd pay to see 2deep ask questions of Getz at Soxfest....if it ever happens again.
    2 points
  31. I have been in the sports media since 1978 yes, but to me that's irrelevant. They made Getz explain his restrictions on the managerial search. They asked him directly if the decision on the hiring was his, they specifically asked about what TLR's relationship is to the front office, the directly asked about the fact the Sox don't pay managers well (unlike the Cubs) and would that make an impact and they specifically asked if JR understands what is going on (the implication that at age 88, he may be losing his mental faculties) and tried to get a time line with one host saying he has elderly family members who could be dead before the Sox are good again. Yea...that's a damn good interview and to an extent put Getz on the spot. What would YOU have them ask?
    2 points
  32. Dumb thing to say, dumber thing to actually do. Let him have an offseason after his first ever season of "failure" as an athlete. See how he responds. Don't throw this on his plate now.
    2 points
  33. Nincompoops gonna nincompoop
    2 points
  34. Beckham is going to replace him, who has actually gotten a lot better. Just hope the other side of the booth changes as well.
    2 points
  35. Not 1 reason on earth to call him up
    1 point
  36. ?? Just frustrated like everyone else brother.
    1 point
  37. Apparently LIP is a big deal and I'm not aware. I'm a lamen white sox fan with no insight or ties to the organization. So excuse my ignorance when I ask REAL questions to those in the know or who maybe media or organization royalty. Honestly...I don't give a f*** If caring about my favorite team offends the royalty then ............. Then......
    1 point
  38. How about considering sending Luis Robert down.... Some one have some balls'
    1 point
  39. Benintendi’s wRC+ is 76. Robert is at 84. Let that sink in.
    1 point
  40. You can't assume the same result when the situation would've been different. They could've intentionally walked him to set up a DP or pitched him differently hoping he'd get himself out.
    1 point
  41. Q1: Jerry hired you because he said he owed it to fans to turn this around quickly.........and you knew the origination. How is it that your team has won 28 out of the first 116 games when Jerry hired you because you would be best for quick turnaround. Q2: When you were hired you talked a lot about how this division was not great and you thought sox could compete quickly.........now all of a sudden you are saying this isnt a quick turnaround and it takes time Q3: You said you didn't like this team.....what did you not like how is it better now? Q4: Did you have a hand in hiring Pedro? Q5: What do you have to say to the dir hard white sox fans who seem to care more about the losses then seemingly the organization does???? You want me to keep going???? Stop kissing ass or stop being a media apologist
    1 point
  42. We'll see what eventually happens with this.
    1 point
  43. I understand you all media people. STOP being fucking media people and covey the hurt that real fans have...... Non of you represent that hurt we feel. We get bull s%*# questions with, a side of ass kissing, and a "Good Luck Chris" f*** off.......... Be real.........represent real fans without your own agendas and kissing ass
    1 point
  44. Yes, let's rush the kid who is clearly not ready for the bigs. Clearly Getz is a sound decision maker and no one should question his (lack of) GM acumen...
    1 point
  45. Then u heard a different interview OR you are a media guy.
    1 point
  46. dear god, Getz is a fucking imbecile if he brings up CM right now
    1 point
  47. Sheets and Lopez should be cut tomorrow and Colas and Ramos should be up. Colas in right everyday, Ramos at third.
    1 point
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