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  1. The coach/first class discussion isn’t even about “comfort” It’s about the standard across the league. It’s the same for the analytics department, baseball ops, etc. Everything is done worse on the South Side than it is with 95% of the other teams in the league. Thats the point
    17 points
  2. This is an absolutely idiotic take. First off, they would be better off flying commercial first class. Second, they fly on a weekly basis. Their charter should be top of the line for a major market team with an owner worth over $2B dollars. Finally....the charter plane isn't being blamed for their s%*# play. It's being cited as a symptom of the cancer that is Jerry Reinsdorf. When your amenities and facilities are second class compared to the rest of the league....why would anyone want to play here? It hinders free agent signings as well as player morale. It's a huge problem.
    10 points
  3. It isn't the age of the plane. It's the fact that it sucks and is worse than the rest of the league. Seriously. Eight first class seats?
    7 points
  4. I don’t think people understand how insane the travel for an MLB team is. Flying that amount and sleeping in hotels put a lot of stress on an athlete trying to stay in literal elite condition physically and mentally. First class vs. coach seating makes an extreme difference.
    7 points
  5. Do you fly cross country every 3 or 4 days? Seriously, GTFO.
    7 points
  6. Eventually this asshole is going to take his permanent dirt nap. f*** this guy.
    6 points
  7. I 100% believe that there are multiple guys that have totally different career trajectories on other teams. I cite Andrew Vaughn often. I really believe he was just wrecked by the White Sox.
    6 points
  8. Got around to reading it….fans really should boycott this franchise. Reinsdorf has to sell
    6 points
  9. https://chicago.suntimes.com/white-sox/2024/09/19/fed-up-white-sox-fans-have-seen-enough Got an e-mail this morning from a former member of the front office who said the article by Rosenthal was 100% accurate. The only "regret" they said was that Ken didn't even get into what was happening on the marketing/public relations/broadcasting side of things.
    5 points
  10. 99% of people understand the issue, there are a few dolts that are seemingly argue to argue.
    5 points
  11. Quite the strange hill to die on. New players were literally making fun of the damn thing when they walked in it. Don't really need to say much else.
    5 points
  12. It’s great that this came out, no doubt. But all it does for the actual fans is prove things we already knew or “knew”. What it really does is prove how worthless our local sports reporters are. No way they were completely unaware of some, or most, of these things, and they didn’t run with anything for fear of the backlash.
    5 points
  13. I’ve posted this before, but worth repeating given the topic at hand. I was told when the Sox interviewed Joe Espada before the 2023 season, he left the interview telling people “It’s 2023 but they operate like it’s 2003. I have no chance here.” He obviously was right.
    5 points
  14. Jerry loves baseball as an abstract idea. It's a version of the game that does not exist, and perhaps never truly did. Holding firmly to this ideal (to him) despite the game evolving and refusing to adapt is how we got to where we are today. The chasm between reality and his fantasy land will only widen until the org is freed from his antiquated notions of what the game is.
    5 points
  15. This article is the one I have been waiting for, for years. It goes section by section of the franchise and just destroys what has happened and what continues to happen. It even overlays the empty and undetailed platitudes that local writers continue to print about how they are going to get better with how Jerry has historically stopped them from doing these very things in the past. Glad to see someone finally write this.
    5 points
  16. This is where you need a Donald Trump to come in and get things done. The man builds the biggest most beautiful buildings of all.
    5 points
  17. And listening to the family laundry get aired between those who want to use technology and the Luddites who are afraid of it, this really does check out.
    4 points
  18. I don't owe an apology to anyone who is associated with this organization OR has been associated with this organization. They have ruined my love of the White Sox and baseball. They can all eat a Dick!!!
    4 points
  19. Which is really all that matters. If MLB is mocking them for it, they are obviously missing something here.
    4 points
  20. Weren't you just posting that no one would want to play here if other people found out they treated their players badly?
    4 points
  21. None of them have a recent history of back or leg problems that also start affecting other muscles and their performance, so it’s ok.
    4 points
  22. Have you seen his trades? No amount of modernizing the org will make up for an idiot decision maker.
    4 points
  23. Nah. At some point you know what you sign up for and you co-sign to it.
    4 points
  24. It does not say he turned a blind eye. it is saying he's running it exactly how he wants to.
    4 points
  25. That he is going to do what Jerry wants first, and then try to do what he can with the rest of it. You can almost see the Jerry philosophy in who he is trading for.
    4 points
  26. During both offseasons, Getz has proudly declared they won't spend money. He's the ultimate company man for JR.
    4 points
  27. This article truly needs it's own thread. It confirms every suspicion of how inept, archaic, and clown show this organization is. Thanks Jerry.
    4 points
  28. The bad news: Nothing will change until Jerry dies The really bad news: None of us know when that is, and even when he goes, it's going to take a while to clean everything up. We have another decade of this, at least.
    4 points
  29. 4 points
  30. Sorry, Getz isn’t leading anything out of any wilderness. He’s a bumbling idiot.
    3 points
  31. It sure as hell explains how so many guys come here and have career worst years, BY FAR once they do. We are the 1950's Brooklyn Dodgers, while the rest of MLB is 70 years in the future from us.
    3 points
  32. I've repeatedly said that the 2020 core is racking up wins if they had a competent organization in charge of them.
    3 points
  33. This is what became incredibly apparent after their most recent rebuild and really cemented, in my mind, just how far they are from basically every other organization in terms of analytics and the applications thereof. Heuristics confirmed, and think about this to make your day sour: We acquired many near-ready top prospects in the rebuild who mostly all came up and performed well in 2020/2021. Then THE ENTIRE TEAM REGRESSED. As asinine as the TLR saga was, the manager doesn't make every talented, individual player regress to that degree. Other teams scouted our players, developed ways to attack them, used that information and coached their players on its application all the while our players were told, "figure it out on your own," in hopes they had some fatalistic neurosis like Ted Williams. The same probably applies to training methodologies portending our inability to maintain health. The bottom line is that we had young CHAMPIONSHIP TALENT assembled, like some blind squirrel finding a nut, that was completely squandered by our pathetic analytics and support staff.
    3 points
  34. No one hates the White Sox more than White Sox fans!
    3 points
  35. You know what's more comfortable for passengers? First class. You know what sucks? Flying coach. Have you ever seen how most professional athletes fly? The White Sox charter an Airbus320, a plane first manufactured in the 1980s. It features only eight first-class seats; the rest is coach. The article isn't BS at all. It's as thorough a breakdown and evisceration of the worst organization in professional sports, and why they're the worst, as you will ever see. Perhaps you should read it instead of focusing on a minute detail of the article and immediately calling it BS.
    3 points
    3 points
  37. And if he didn't like things, he could have left. He waited around to take a promotion when he was a huge star candidate around baseball. He turned down interviews with St Louis and The Mets IIRC at that point in time. He also could have quit at any time after and looked elsewhere. This isn't a Scientologist 1 billion year contract we are talking about here.
    3 points
  38. I'm glad this article was written and is out there for non-Sox fans to read. We, as fans, know how poorly the team is run. Maybe it was this historically bad season that finally got the truth out there. That could be good, as changes should be made. However, as many others have mentioned, until the Sox have a new owner, nothing will change. My guess is, JR will see the article and laugh. He doesn't care. His response will be to lower payroll again, not invest in the team, and keep things the way they are.
    3 points
  39. Can't see why they wouldn't. Just new ownership alone will bring in fans. We are past success will make people forgive Reinsdorf.
    3 points
  40. What is his vision and why is it different? Because he is hiring a navy seal to talk about culture and leadership? Hiring a few new names doesn’t change the fact that the minors has absolutely zero infrastructure investment and that hasn’t changed since the last time Hahn told us this all will change please explain to me what is so different
    3 points
  41. He deserves it all and then some. He turned a blind eye for years.
    3 points
  42. But you’ve seen his trades so far… Not much there to inspire any hope.
    3 points
  43. Sox fans knew this but national baseball fans may not have. Good on The Athletic on embarrasing Jerry. Sell the team!
    3 points
  44. Kenny checked out during the rebuild. Hahn tries to introduce technology and analytics, but the organization old guard is afraid of electricity. Kenny pops in randomly to be like "take this draft pick" or veto trades. Team turns the corner in 2020 and Kenny announces a more active role "like the (Michael Jordan) unretirement. It caught people off guard." KW Jr. and Haber fought a lot and Jr. basically offered dissenting views Hinch never made it to a Chicago interview because JR just handed the keys to TLR, despite people close to Hinch telling him to take the Sox job
    3 points
  45. It’s been this way for years and years. The dirt is just finally starting to come out. The rot starts at the core, which is JR. Decades of JR employing kiss ass sycophants has all led to this disaster. Nothing gets better until he’s gone, one way or another.
    3 points
  46. i want to see A LOT more like this. being the worst team in baseball history deserves a full and complete autopsy. lay it all bare.
    3 points
  47. That Athletic take down article is must reading. And thoroughly embarrassing. About their A320 that's arguably the worst in the big leagues...shades of Major League again. All the damning quotes. Outsourcing analytics. Analytics reports conflicting because of multiple sources without a common agreement on which one to use. Total lack of information going to pitchers hitters and fielders...and little insights on how to utilize it. What makes me most angry is Kenny Williams coming back just when they got good again to gum everything up with his pride and ego...now the Burger/Eder trades rankles even more understanding the civil war going on behind the scenes. Also all that stuff about Williams' kid being a complete disaster in the front office. Finally Hahn and Haber to this day have still not gone on record...both totally out of the sport. Almost feel sorry for Griffin. Almost. As Pham expressed his frustration with various aspects of operations.
    3 points
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