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  1. 41-121 is a tell tale sign the GM is bad.
    5 points
  2. And then pretending that the fans don't deserve to know what they are doing better or differently is the most Jerry thing ever. Shut up and buy tickets, otherwise you don't matter.
    3 points
  3. Couldn’t disagree more. To me, there’s a huge difference between simply being a bad, rebuilding team and being the worst team of all time with a horrendous use of your best trade chips.
    3 points
  4. We finally have a fucking QB.... FINALLY!
    3 points
  5. Some people just continue to make excuses and ignoring bad is bad, Getz is the Grifol of GMs.
    3 points
  6. This was the worst season in the history of baseball in terms of losses. I would call that a pretty clear sign of the quality of the GM, manager, or anyone else connected to this organization. Your hyperventilating over people not being positive after a 121 loss season continues to be almost fake in it's persistence plus indignation.
    3 points
  7. The fact they they let the team get historically bad when they should have been in a middle of a promised contention window, isn’t going to help. It will delay any full on comeback IMO. They have even turned off many who live for White Sox baseball. I still watch, but not fully engaged like I have been for most of my life, and they probably have lost some forever, and won’t get some who would have been fans if things were better, but moved on to something else. It will be interesting to see how people react if this current group actually builds a team that contends. There is more mistrust than ever, so I don’t think the seats would be filled regularly until the playoffs.
    2 points
  8. Eh I think it’s fine to hear the thoughts of anyone on the major league roster who’s solidly in the team’s future plans, regardless of the team’s W-L record. The obvious problem, of course, being who the hell are those players for the Sox?
    2 points
  9. We haven't forgotten how bad he was in player development, but he's just made so many bad moves as a GM that it's overshadowing his bad past job.
    2 points
  10. That inning by MK gave my goosebumps What could have been. Good luck to Michael Kopech and his journey, It did not work out here......it doesn't for most
    1 point
  11. You mean you weren’t happy with a “sorry” letter from the owner shared like a press release?
    1 point
  12. I believe I saw a headline last week something to the effect that baseball has seen attendance rise for the past few years in a row now coming off the pandemic. How that compares to all-time records I don't know.
    1 point
  13. Mistrust AND no effort to bridge it.
    1 point
  14. I am of the opinion that being the worst in history does matter. A lot of teams rebuild. None of them have ever lost 121 times.
    1 point
  15. Fans have an incredibly short memory. Place will be electric again if they ever put it together.
    1 point
  16. Not what this thread is about so you wanted the Sox to go all in on 2024 because they couldn’t pick higher than 10 in 2025? The team needed to undergo a rebuild in the worst way after the TLR failure and 2024. I’m glad they didn’t delay the process and are actually doing it. I do wish they went into 2024 with a new manager but here we are. The brand is fine, all will be well as they get better.
    1 point
  17. If they build in any of the suburbs, their sponsorship money from the Village of Bedford Park would dry up. Also, what do you think the urban fans would do? How would they get to the games? By having the stadium in the city, you open doors for people without access to cars to get to the games. The 78 would be developed as a destination in and of itself. There'd be more than just a ballgame / ballpark there. A suburban stadium would just be an island. You go to the game, then you head home. That's not how the game is marketed anymore.
    1 point
  18. It's the only blip these past 2 weeks. It's the complete opposite of last year, where we'd look really good on scripted plays, but fall apart afterwards. It's weird because I remember seeing that Waldron scripted some good plays last year to open games. You saw Caleb start going up-tempo that 3rd drive and that's when things changed. Maybe they need to start games that way.
    1 point
  19. They couldn’t turn one asset into an average starting position player.
    1 point
  20. I think the “silence” surrounding the Sox is a good thing. Shows that they’re actually undergoing a process for this hire. I imagine we’ll hear more news after the LCS’s
    1 point
  21. I’m of the opinion that records don’t matter for rebuilding teams. And this was a team that was always going to be worse than 2023’s. I think too many people are caught up on something that ultimately doesn’t matter.
    1 point
  22. Disagree. What have the built? Not much. It’s homes. It’s a residential area. JR has also tried to get some commercial development setup over there but has been denied by the neighborhood. It’s one of the reasons why moved ahead with the UC development area. beautiful new homes in Bridgeport though
    1 point
  23. Cue the gif… It’s not Getz’s fault! Leave Getz alone!
    1 point
  24. The Bears are a draw. Fans care about them even when they are bad. Jerry has ruined his own team to the point that Sox fans are just casual and indifferent and just won’t attend games if the product is bad. What incentive would the Bears have to tie their anchor to the Sox? The Sox would only be a detriment to whatever the Bears want to do. And the Bears are actually willing to spend money on their own stadium. Jerry is a cheap piece of sh1t and wants everyone but him to pay for his own new stadium. I absolutely can’t stand Pritzker considering he is a billionaire and has still committed some shady things to avoid paying taxes (look up removing his toilets from his mansion), but I hope he keeps telling Jerry to shove his funding requests up his ass.
    1 point
  25. If you've watched him lately you see the old Kopech surfacing. Getting rid of him isn't the bad part as packaging MLB players and the highlight was Vargas. No other GM could accomplish such a bad trade. I guess this is Jerry's way of getting better quicker and Getz wanting patience so he can make even more costly mistakes. How everyone forgets he was incompetent in his previous role.
    1 point
  26. No it doesn't. It spells clueless and also no one said anything against in the organization. Were the Marlin trades worse? They have a rookie GM. The grade for Getz so far is WTF. A real organization would fire someone for that trade or move them away from doing anymore harm. This is the White Sox and do we ever have low expectations.
    1 point
  27. Sox coaches to,d him that and he finally listened in his last 5 appearances. The guy is stubborn. Certainly not Bannister’s fault.
    1 point
  28. This is patently false. There was an entire article after the immaculate inning where Kopech said the Sox had been telling him this forever but he hadn't listened. The staff was fine here. Kopech refused to listen.
    1 point
  29. This entire conversation arc has gone from "players like playing for him" to Miguel Vargus and Nicky Lopez are conducting the interviews, basically. If someone would note that Chris Getz survives by breathing oxygen, a good dozen people would jump in and pretend that is a sign of a horrible GM. Breathing oxygen.
    1 point
  30. no it isn't. stop sniffing your own farts and pretending it was everyone else's
    1 point
  31. All states need a F'off bill. When an owner wants state money to build a stadium - the bill says f-off. I can't believe the worst owner in baseball is that deluded. Shiny and new stadium and s%*# baseball doesn't draw fans.
    1 point
  32. Notre Dame overmatched by this BR team. DB Conner Stack is the player of the game. 35-7 Crusaders with 7:19 left in the game. 4-3 now. They should beat both St. Laurence and St. Ignatious on the road to finish 6-3. I truly think they are undefeated without the injuries to their two starting guards.
    1 point
  33. Already excited for the people who say the team is terrible and the manager doesn’t matter to get mad about whoever they hire.
    1 point
  34. this is one of those things about the suburbs. There's extreme winners and losers. For anyone on north and west or farther south sides, 35th and shields is a little painful but not bad. Move them to Tinley /Orland Park and it's painful east and south, and there's no "take a train after work and uber home" left. For football, I never minded the idea of them going to arlington heights. But for baseball, inconvenience is death for me attending a weeknight game.
    1 point
  35. Dodgers paid a steep price for Kopech and Edman, but sometimes you have to give up a talent of Miguel Vargas' level.
    0 points
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