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  1. Why would they have any info on this. NBB is such a try hard anyway
    5 points
  2. You know Greg, Although I don't want to see taxes go up, I might support a taxpayer funded stadium only if Reinsdorf wasn't involved and he had to sell the Sox for that to happen. I'd do the higher taxes if it would rid us of Reinsdorf, but I know it would never happen. Just dreaming.
    5 points
  3. You also have to figure some of that $2B valuation *comes from being in Chicago* and in this media market. That valuation immediately takes a hit once you move it to a small market like Nashville. We're supposed to believe that someone will pay the market rate for a Chicago team and immediately crater their value by moving it? That doesn't seem plausible to me.
    5 points
  4. 4 points
  5. Reinsdorf is a Bum. He’s not a real Chicagoan. He’s a Freaking born and raised New York Brooklyn jag. Reinsdorf is no different than his fellow New York scum of the earth Al Capone. Reinsdorf came to Chicago to get rich by feeding off the taxpayers and blue collar working stiffs that Reinsdorf calls “suckers”. Nero had more class than this creep. What he has done and what he’s about to do to this multi century franchise is and has been the acts of a man with no appreciation or respect for the hard working people of the City Chicago. He has never cared about anything other than fleecing us of our tax dollars and our hard earned cash. Go back to New York, Jerry, where you belong.
    4 points
  6. An expansion team would have a better and deeper roster than what the White Sox have now! Bring it on!
    3 points
  7. I'm guessing a very large % of fans will buy the antenna (it's honestly not that big of a deal in my opinion). I just did myself, $20 best buy essentials antenna and the quality of the picture/sound is BETTER than I expected. I'm in Northwest Indiana for reference.
    3 points
  8. Good for you. I'm in the North Shore and while I don't see me ever going to the Cubs, I would have no problem giving my fandom to the Brewers. I miss caring about baseball.
    3 points
  9. And a team in Nashville would rank near the bottom in team values. This isn't a complex equation. Take into account that expansion teams are cheaper to start/buy than buying a current franchise and moving it, AND the fact that MLB expansion is to grow the game not trade one larger market for a micro one. People that compare Oakland are either struggling with scale or don't know the math. Oakland had 450k people and the entire bay area has HALF the population of the Chicago area. The White Sox almost have the same market share as the Giants do WITHOUT the A's in the Bay Area. Las Vegas is larger than Oakland, and the Las Vegas metro is 65% the size of the Bay Area so Oakland is acquiring a higher market share with their move.
    3 points
  10. I love the we don't comment on rumors and speculation when they are the ones who leaked the info. They take us all for fools. The fact that he is "negotiating" strickly with Stewart's group shows you he isn't serious. It's a political play.Call the bluff.
    3 points
  11. Considering JR doesn't like dealing with the press, isn't this a suspicious leak? And to Dave Stewart, the guy JR was supposedly putting on a pedestal to the mayor of Nashville less than a year ago. JR said he would never move the team, but if he died, his son would owe his invertors. IMO, just another PR stunt that will blow up in JR's face. He just looks like a bigger ass now.
    3 points
  12. It is only Jerry Reinsdorf’s arrogance and desire to soak and hurt the taxpayers of Illinois that requires a billion dollars in public funds to go to Jerry. If he was willing to finance a billion dollars using the fact that his teams financial status is amazing due to the last deal, and asked the state to put up like $500 million to prepare and assist with the site and to support it through tax breaks, I bet this deal is done and ground is breaking already. Furthermore, having the deal done would have instantly boosted his franchises value, and it would have gone up more as the ballpark approached completion. This would also be true for a team in Nashville, if they have the money to buy the team, they have the money for a stadium, and financing the stadium would be a sound decision for them. But Jerry can’t tolerate this, even if it makes him money, because it doesn’t soak the taxpayers like he did last time. It’s either all or he walks, because that’s the kind of businessman he is. He is willing to sell the ball club for less than it would otherwise be worth because he has to punish politicians and taxpayers if they don’t bow before him.
    3 points
  13. The whole Cleveland bullpen was more or less unhittable in the regular season. Regression to the mean sucks. Clase especially. He had a 0.6 ERA in the regular season, but has blown 2 games in the playoffs.
    2 points
  14. At this point I hope they move to Nashville. Screw billionaires and their publicly funded stadiums. GTFOH. There will be an expansion team replacing them.
    2 points
  15. I heard that guy missed his interview because he was too busy test driving some Jeeps, so he’s out of consideration now.
    2 points
  16. Isn’t it the green area right here? There’s a park area just to the south of the 78 also so it all does bleed together.
    2 points
  17. Related development's pressure to sell the WSox on a move to the 78 did nothing but cause a lot of uncertainty about the future of the franchise. GRF is not in poor condition needing replacement like old Comiskey was. I vigorously opposed Related and their full court press to obtain public financing for a project that largely made no sense for the WSox or for tax payers. Well, goodbye old friend.
    2 points
  18. This is NOT what any other owner would do. A responsible owner in the 3rd biggest media market in MLB would take advantage of the fact that they have a strong credit rating and are associated with a major real estate company and would privately finance this stadium. They would ask for some public support for this deal, but wouldn't threaten to walk to a worse media market. While this would put the franchise into some debt, the combination of the new ballpark, revenues from it, and the huge revenue potential associated with developing a plot of real estate in urban Chicago would be a game changer. Even privately financed, successfully completing this project would be a massive boost to franchise value. This project, with Related as a partner, is a huge overall win for the White Sox if they get it done. On top of that, if the Nashville group can come up with the money, that owner then gets to take advantage of an extra $50 or $75 million in income from the new franchise expansion fee. A responsible other owner would look to get this deal done in Chicago. They would recognize that its going to be a partnership, that the state will put in some money to make the site workable and as a tax break to get it developed, but the government will not fund the whole project as that would be stupid for them to do. It is only Jerry Reinsdorf who believes that he shouldn't have to put up any money for this, who is willing to walk to a smaller media market if he can't hurt the taxpayers of Illinois enough. Jerry Reinsdorf is willing to move to a smaller market and take less money if he doesn't get his way from the taxpayers of Illinois.
    2 points
  19. Since the question seems to be getting ignored, I will post this again, this time with numbers to make the example of new shares being issued. If the White Sox are a 2 billion dollar operation today, that means Jerry owning 20% makes his share of the Sox worth $400 million. Obviously you can adjust that figure to whatever he actually owns today, but I am going to use the historic 20% figure to put numbers so all of this. So a 20% share = $400 million in value 30% = $600 million 40% = $800 million and so on. Call each "share" 1% of the team for simplicity's sake. Jerry currently owns 20 shares out of 100. The other 80 are out there somewhere in the ether If you issue more shares, the valuation of the company does not change. It is still the same company, with the same value and revenue, but now someone else owns a new piece, but everyone else's share gets deluded by a respective amount. So for example, say the Sox want to raise $500 million, or approximately the worth of 25% of the team towards a stadium. There are now 125 shares, but Jerry still owns 20 shares. Those 20 shares are now only 16% of the company, instead of his former 20%. The team still is worth $2 billion, so now Jerry's shares which were worth $400 million, are now worth $320 million. The question becomes, is building a stadium going to generate enough new revenue and value that his shares go up in value more than the $80 million in equity he just gave away to get the stadium built? Say the stadium adds $500 million in valuation to the franchise, to make it worth $2.5 billion, Jerry's 16% deluded holdings are again worth $400 million. So for this to be profitable, the Sox have to add 25% in their valuation on their final selling price before Jerry dies. Again adjust the numbers to your liking, but I don't see this making a lot of sense for a guy who is 88 years old and planning his estate. Maybe if he had a decade plus to see a stadium get funded, built, and the crowds start to create revenue, but right now, that is probably a 5 year plan just getting the stadium funded and built, even if you put it on the timetable of when the lease expires in 2029.
    2 points
  20. That's what I keep saying. Despite it all, the Sox are a mid market MLB franchise. MLB isn't going to leave that all to one owner, especially if they could sell a two billion dollar franchise to someone for the opportunity at that market place.
    2 points
  21. It's the 3rd largest media market in the country. And they don't want to leave it all to the Cubs. There is not much of a chance they will abandon it. It's not lost on other owners how bad JR has messed up his team.
    2 points
  22. The other owners are not going to agree to the Sox being moved. Chicago is the 3rd largest market in the Country and will never be without an AL team.
    2 points
  23. It is hard being a White Sox fan. I don't see the team improving that much. Contention is a long time away. JR only cares about his new stadium and television network. Forget the team.
    2 points
  24. Hopefully a legit buyer shows up based upon this league and the mlb owners force JR to sell to that person and drive it home - a legit deep pocket buyer with real money. Or if this is a ploy as it seems to be (although I know some of the minority owners have pushed/suggested it’s time to sell) it’s so pathetic that I hope at some point MLB just steps in and auctions this thing out - stay in Chicago - highest bid wins.
    2 points
  25. This is a good question. And how would a new Sox ownership operate in Chicago with the fans thinking or knowing the team is going to be moved to Tennessee as soon as a stadium is built? The situation would be worse than Oakland giving MLB a huge black eye. If this is nothing but a ploy, JR is hitting a new low. `Instead of speculating about some new players coming in to rebuild a sick team, we're talking about this nonsense. This is getting more than tiresome. This franchise is barely existing.
    2 points
  26. So a new owner is going to pay the Chicago market price to buy the team and then move it to a market significantly smaller hurting the value of the purchase. Brilliant logic all around.
    2 points
  27. There is ZERO chance an expansion team is coming here. Either the Sox stay, or you're looking at the team moving with expansion going elsewhere. The belief MLB is simply going to be ok moving the Sox and then miraculously approving a new team in Chicago is straight up laughable.
    2 points
  28. Whatever way this goes, Jerry Reinsdorf is a rat.
    2 points
  29. I was thinking they lose the team but keep the name and history for an expansion team. I would actually be ok with a fresh start. White Sox 2.0 haha
    2 points
  30. He’s not open to selling. It’s a media plant to further threaten to move the Nashville so he can further his attempt to extort the taxpayers for public funding on a new stadium.
    2 points
  31. There’s never been a doubt in my mind Jerry would force a sell of the Sox to someone who will own a team like he thinks they should be.
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Dave Stewart is the guy leading the charge on an expansion team in Nashville. To me, this is a plant to try to force public opinion and politicians. Call his bluff.
    2 points
  34. Eh, it sounds good, but in reality there is always this period of time where teams are homeless. It happened to the Yankees with YES, it happened to the Dodgers, and it happened in Houston where they had so few carriage agreements they managed a 0.0 rating at one point. This is how nine figure corporations negotiate with other billionaires. They go as they think they can go to win a negotiation for a few more points of profit margin. None of this should be surprising, and it sure isn't unusual.
    2 points
  35. You’re the schmo who accused me of not having visited the neighborhood in a long time and not knowing what I’m talking about. All I have done is refute your spurious claims. I could give two shits about winning an argument with a willfully ignorant message board troll. I actually don’t want the Sox to leave Armour Square, I want them to be a winning franchise that draws fans to the park. And for the park to have entertainment options beyond standing around it the fucking parking lot getting loaded before heading to the gates. I am simply a realist about the state of the franchise, and its future in a residential neighborhood with dwindling options for pre and post game. The manner in which fans engage and experience baseball has drastically changed since Comiskey II opened, and the park’s fan experience is antiquated today. I’m tired of my favorite team being light years behind the rest of baseball in nearly every facet, especially from a fan experience standpoint. Change is needed and it’s not going to happen at 35th & Shields while Jerry is in power.
    2 points
  36. Sorry, I didn't mean come to an app like YouTube TV, Hulu, or Fubo. I just meant its own app like how you can now DL the Marquee Sports Network app on certain devices.
    2 points
  37. Whose shares? If it is anyone other than his shares, those profits go out the door with the guy whose shares got bought, And if it was his shares, why would he keep that money in the company and not in his estate? If I own something and sell it, I am not longer in that business. If I own 10% of Google, and I sell it, I no longer own google, and those profits exit the building, with a new 10% owner entering. Are you expecting an additional capital infusion after the purchase? Or do you think that Jerry and everyone else will be voting new shares to sell and water down their own ownership share thus diluting their own profits?
    1 point
  38. People that get rich enough to buy baseball teams don't make financial decisions that are being implied here. The sox are an original franchise, they're not the a's. Happy to place something with you if you think this is a possibility.
    1 point
  39. The As have gone coast to coast with the name. Cardinals, Raiders, even the Utah Jazz have all kept their names.
    1 point
  40. Haven’t read the thread yet, just saw the headline and...
    1 point
  41. Dave Stewart is an asshole. I hated him as a player. Why can't Jerry sell to someone who is committed to make the Sox a first rate operation in Chicago? As a Brooklyn Dodger fan, does he want his legacy to be compared with Walter O'Malley.
    1 point
  42. Also back to my original theory, I wonder if Hodson is still the money in this deal if they were already the ones who bought a large minority share recently.
    1 point
  43. To really dump my raw thoughts: It'd be so fucking Reinsdorfian to f*** over fans in a city that has given him everything: He paid a pittance for the Sox and Bulls and got 7 rings, a stadium, and 2 billion dollar franchises. In return he broke up a the 90s Bulls and has strung along two fanbases cause he doesn't want to invest and cause computers are hard. And all because Hawk had to have the worst single fucking season by a GM in the history of baseball when you consider the ramifications, fans have to deal with Reinsdorf blowing up the latest rebuild by hiring TLR, then hiring Getz on TLR's recommendation and now, if they sell to Stewart, it'll surely be with TLR's blessing. f*** Jerry and f*** TLR.
    1 point
  44. Just get an antenna and shut the hell up! 🧌 🤣
    1 point
  45. I'm trying to figure out what's so hard to understand that people have different preferences as consumers. Some people prefer to go exclusively with cable or satellite. Some people prefer to go exclusively web-based. Some people don't have a problem watching things with an over-the-air antenna. Some people don't have a problem VPNing and watching pirated broadcasts. I'm not sure why people get angry at other people's preferences for how to watch baseball. Can someone please explain this anger to me, logically?
    1 point
  46. Honestly that makes a lot of sense. Most people don't have the memory to wait 2 to 4 years to punish a pol who shoves money at Jerry.
    1 point
  47. It was reported this weekend that direct to consumer is coming. They just have to finish their media rights deals first. I'm waiting for that because I want to keep youtube tv.
    1 point
  48. Sign him. If we are going to waste time on "leadership", it might as well be Abreu.
    1 point
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