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  1. You literally accused a poster about lying about where they lived.
    8 points
  2. I would love: 1. For the Sox to be good 2. To be able to pay a fee to stream all Sox games, regardless of where they are, regardless of what network they're on, regardless of where I am.
    5 points
  3. If anyone would have their finger on the pulse of how Chicagoans feel about public transportation it would definitely be the guy living in Lawrence, Kansas.
    4 points
  4. With the break in the schedule, I'm expecting the White Sox to hire a manager this week. I'd be fine with any of Will Venable, Donnie Ecker, George Lombard or Clayton McCullough.
    4 points
  5. Dis U? Just stop the poor me act. You dug this hole, live in it.
    4 points
  6. I want to hear someone give a correct message. No more talk about the importance of bunting or playing fast and aggressive or fiery or whatever. No more lectures about how baseball was correct 20 years ago and everything is wrong today. Talk about being smart, being well prepared, putting guys in position to succeed. A person who at least sounds like they understand that there is a modern aspect to baseball. Add in some actual professionalism. That's one I've been asking about for 10 years or so, actually look prepared and treat things and other people like you're the public representative of a billion dollar business.
    3 points
  7. I will be honest, I don't know that I can bring myself to really care enough to be upset/excited about who we hire here. I think the one thing I am looking for is maybe a sign that Getz is free of his octogenarian overlords. If he bring in Skip Shumaker, it tells me that Tony is probably the guy running the show to some extent.
    3 points
  8. Sox fans absolutely will. Many take the Rock Island line that goes straight to the game. And honestly, that Metra line goes right by where the proposed stadium would be so there would likely be a stop added.
    2 points
  9. I thought I would put this out there, JR sells the White Sox and buys the Twins. That's a two for one, The Sox instantly improve, and the Twins start to decline.
    2 points
  10. Yeah, Ricky definitely had his flaws, but I'm of the opinion that the team in 2022 (and 2023) would have been in much better shape had Ricky been in charge in 2021 rather than TLR.
    2 points
  11. The 2000s were great. The team had a lot of talent, and they actually won something. But everything fell apart after that. Ozzie did his disappearing act in 2011 when they should have fired his ass. Then there was the strange hiring of Robin Ventura who looked clueless. Things only worsened since then. Hard to believe how far this franchise has fallen. And it can't get up.
    2 points
  12. Good to see no wild card making it to the Series.
    2 points
  13. It belongs in the dumbass sports fan hall of fame. Dynasties are difficult to create in baseball compared to die nasty. How does one now define a dynasty in baseball ?
    1 point
  14. Except, this is exactly how Grifol sounded when he was hired. Said all the right things, sounded professional before he stepped into the dugout. Continually talked about being smart and well-prepared. He proved to be the exact opposite of that. Turned out to be one of the worst managers in the history of the team in just 2 years time.
    1 point
  15. As an Iowan, blackouts are particularly painful. I wouldn't hold my breath though. They've been talking about removing them for years and nothing happens
    1 point
  16. If you pay to stream your favorite team it shouldn't matter where you live or where the game is being played. I remember as a kid driving to Indiana to watch a Bears game because it didn't sell out. Times have changed and sports has to keep up.
    1 point
  17. At least he understands that a sizable number of fans have cut the cable and stream. It seems more like he wants to have the MLB national contract supercede any local deals. Which makes sense in a modern world.
    1 point
  18. I haven't been to a game in a few years but the last one I went to had an attendance of over 30,000. All those people I saw walking to the green line stop after the game must've been figments of my imagination...
    1 point
  19. And you think Sox fans are too stupid to do it. I know. Sounds like something a Cub fan would think, right?
    1 point
  20. Elko and Montgomery both make BA's hot sheet: https://www.baseballamerica.com/stories/arizona-fall-league-hot-sheet-tigers-josue-briceno-continues-power-surge-in-week-2/
    1 point
  21. I don't see a path this hire being around for our next playoff team. There is going to be so much losing in the near future, I just hope for someone who can develop and keep people healthy.
    1 point
  22. Yeah, no manager is going to magically make this a good team and a good chunk of the players won't be around in 3+ years anyway.
    1 point
  23. While Ricky would have been better, he had some of the flaws that doomed TLR. In Rickys case, he was obsessed with the way things used to be and angered by the notion that the game had changed. Famously, in like 2019, he was asked a standard, boilerplate, article preparing question of "how do you use analytics in your managing" and he responded with the detailed, dignified answer "F*** you". That tells a lot about the professionalism of his whole staff, too. Just like TLR was obsessed with having guys bunt, steal bases, defensive positioning is a sin, guys should play through injuries, be aggressive at the plate as walks clog up bases, starting pitchers should go 8 innings in the playoffs, hit the ball on the ground all the time, Ricky had the same problems with that. I think you're right that the personality implosion wouldn't have happened, at least not in the same way. But Ricky, like Grifol and Ventura both, as well as Chris Getz and Jerry Reinsdorf, were obsessed with David Ecksteins, white guys who play the game the right way way" and that left them completely outmatched against managers who understood that the game isn't even the same as it was 5 years ago.
    1 point
  24. because what your wrote about the skyline at the old park is pure BS and easily proven.
    1 point
  25. I will say this about them but you would know better being in the program for a few years. They are very young. The seniors they count on are mostly area couple transfers except for the MLB. Without the transfers they are not as good this year but they will be better moving forward. The three losses were against good teams and they know they should have played better. They caught some breaks on schedule and other teams injuries.
    1 point
  26. You call people on this site cubs fans when they disagree with you
    1 point
  27. If anyone has been to a Dodger game they understand why fans leave early.
    1 point
  28. After hearing other possible candidates, my choices are: #1 - Skip #2 - Grady I am optimistic for 2025 to see the pitching staff improvements and what position players take the next step.
    1 point
  29. Now you get it. Were you actually so naive before this or just pretending to be righteously indignant ? If JR actually fired Getz it'll be for one reason, he's not doing what JR wants. Getz might actually think he can get the Sox out of the Stoneage and make massive firings and hirings in domestic and international scouting and development and analytics and be blocked by JR every step of the way and we would never know. Getz could be trying to juggle what little budget he's allowed and not put it into the team which might lead to terrible records while putting the money into infrastructure in a a way no other Sox GM has before. While Getz may not be qualified or may have been hired to be a stooge , rest assured if he's fired by JR it's because he's doing fundamental things that JR has never believed in doing. But you'll be happy because the GM who gave you the record breaking bad season is gone and the next guy may just say hey JRs got other things to do more important than the Sox so we're going to suck for a while . Please buy season tickets. Thank you for your patience. I'll do my best to turn the garbage I'm allowed to spend on into gold . Hey JR can't live forever right ? Shh don't tell anyone I said that !
    1 point
  30. “Criminal enterprises” hahahahahahahha. Like Jerry totally didn’t extort taxpayers to fund GRF. You’re gonna need a bigger bucket bro. No one tell this clown that Comcast paid $3.4 billion in shareholder dividends and stock buybacks last quarter. Their “reign is coming to an end” though. They are doing better than ever. Almost like they understand business better than the owner of the most futile team in MLB history.
    1 point
  31. I'd rather have a great team and shitty views of Chicago myself.
    1 point
  32. I think some of the posts here are missing the bigger problem. It’s not just about player selection. With the players listed having success elsewhere..it’s not about player identification, but how those talents are used and developed. We’ve seen it far too many times for it to be a random coincidence. The coaching and player development, at all levels, just isn’t close to where it needs to be in order to be competitive.
    1 point
  33. Reducing the value of two pro teams you are in partnership with /also own to help another pro team move to another area is next level dumb. I know you hate the guy like we all do but remove this layer of foil because you are smart enough to know how little sense it makes.
    1 point
  34. Seems pretty destructive to the Hawks and Bulls for one team.
    1 point
  35. The White Sox had a record of 857-764 in the decade of the 2000s, good for 5th best in the AL and 9th best in MLB. They had 3 playoff appearances and one title. This is pretty good, it’s not the Yankees but for the money they spent it’s damned effective. The next two teams behind them in records are the Giants and Phillies. The Phillies won a title that no one considers a fluke, despite performing worse for the decade than the White Sox. The Giants soon after broke through with 3 titles. That performance level should be a regularly competitive team. They coulda had more playoff appearances but the team with the 4th most AL wins that decade, the Twins, blocked them several times. They imploded themselves more than they should have, with years like 2007 and coaching problems, but for a mid-tier revenue franchise it’s darn respectable and a breakthrough title fits with their level of play.
    1 point
  36. Woke up and thought I made up that people in here were posting that "2005 actually sucked." I did not. Incredible.
    1 point
  37. Lots of teams have done that and not won a damn thing. Knocking 2005 is bullshit stuff.
    1 point
  38. I would not want to hire anyone dumb enough to take on this job.
    1 point
  39. Happens way too often by Sox fans. It's so fucking stupid. We got to watch one of the best post season runs by a team in MLB history and people who claim to fans act like Cubs fans when it comes to the '05 team. So dumb.
    1 point
  40. Of course. He will run this desire for a new stadium like he runs his teams. Like it’s still the 80s. But things are a lot different. They don’t “need” a new stadium. Now people know this isn’t a big money maker for the city or state, no matter how they spin it. If it was, they would build it themselves and pocket all the cash. And his sweetheart lease he isn’t getting again. I would do his lease the opposite way. The more they draw, the more they win, the less they pay.
    1 point
  41. The glass arm era. Maybe they should ditch the trend of throwing thru a wall for 5 innings and pitch to contact, or better mechanics. Why not shorten games to 7 innings to prevent all injuries. Ugh! BTW there are no shortage of bonehead doctors. You'd think by now someone would figure out injuries are not predictable.
    1 point
  42. Not sure what the argument is here exactly, but it’s harder for the batter to hit the ball than for the pitcher to throw it past him. So if anything, a batter that stays alive that long should earn a walk rather than the pitcher earn an out.
    1 point
  43. Under the agreement, the county would commit $312.5 million in tourist money to the project. The Rays would pay for more than half of the stadium’s estimated cost as well as any additions or overrun. https://www.mlb.com/news/rays-stadium-city-council-approval The Rays can put up a lot of money to get their stadium deal off the ground but Jerry Reinsdorf apparently can't. ?
    1 point
  44. https://soxmachine.com/2024/10/andrew-vaughn-at-center-of-white-soxs-non-tender-debate/
    1 point
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