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  1. What do you mean? Manfred literally said, “I have confidence that things are going to work out in Chicago and we’re going to continue to have two teams in Chicago.” Manfred just questioned the location of the current stadium, which is a bunch of BS anyways. The problem is the owner and how every decision he makes turns to cow dung.
    6 points
  2. For someone to not remember such enormous aspects of the 2005 playoffs, it makes me think they weren’t actually that into it.
    5 points
  3. Absolutely disgusting. I bet they don't even have BASEBALL MEN like master negotiator Chris Getz running their front offices.
    3 points
  4. Correct it was the national show where he asked him about the White Sox situation.
    2 points
  5. The intentionally leaked Dave Stewart news to The Athletic was just more of the same. Jerry is so obvious.
    2 points
  6. Not if they hire Thome or Harold. They know the players. The team won't be wasting a year.
    2 points
  7. Because even with this terrible team nearly 2 million people attended ballgames this year and that is a market that can be used to help develop a neighborhood in Chicago that has sat barren for 60+ years.
    2 points
  8. And whether that's because we're hiring those that are bad at their jobs or it's just the institutional stench attached to them, no one has gone on to have a coaching career post-managing the Sox since Jerry Manual in 2003. 2024 - Grifol. Should not have been hired and may never be hired again 2022 - Cairo. Interim to end the year, never coached again 2022 - LaRussa. Should not have been hired and frankly should've stayed retired in the first place; will never manage again 2020 - Renteria. Hired as a bridge guy, never coached again 2016 - Ventura. Had to be persuaded to take it, never coached again 2011 - Don Cooper (only a few games). Never coached again after being fired in 2020 2011 - Guillen. One terrible season in Miami, then never coached again If we're looking at guys that want to start their careers, well, we don't have a great history of anyone even getting employed after we touch them.
    2 points
  9. ALCS is where Neal Cotts was the only guy to throw a BP inning. How in the world are you forgetting Game 3 going 13 innings? You can't be worshipping Ozzie and forgetting what is possibly the best managed game of his career.
    2 points
  10. Mark Buehrle is 1/1 in World Series save attempts.
    2 points
  11. All right everyone, go to your list of ex-Royals, find someone who would seem comically old-school about their baseball opinions. Expect the worst and there's a good chance of accuracy.
    2 points
  12. Vaughn sucks. Time to move on.
    2 points
  13. Based upon Montgomery's performance this past season at AAA Charlotte, he may be more suited for another sport other than baseball.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Nah you aren’t expressing your opinion on this topic as much as yelling at anyone who supports it or merely talks about it. WE KNOW YOU DONT LIKE IT, TRAY. ITS PLAINLY OBVIOUS. just so it’s clear
    2 points
  16. We don’t know who’s going to be any good, no one knows what makes a good manager exactly. And at the same time, highly lauded managers are rarely available, and just because someone hasn’t done it before, doesn’t mean they’re going to be bad at the job.
    2 points
  17. There’s a fire station in Englewood currently without a ladder truck and ambulance because the city can’t afford to fix them. They just cancelled two consecutive police academy classes because they literally can’t afford to run them. The state of Illinois is a single notch above junk status on its debt rating. But yeah…let’s totally give the worst team in MLB history with a billionaire owner a bunch of public funds to build a new stadium and get richer even though he completely ripped us off on the last one. How exactly do you think both the City and State got into this situation?
    2 points
  18. Ah, I pay so little attention to sports radio that I assumed Parkins was still with the Score.
    1 point
  19. That's an easy prediction because more than likely in six years JR probably won't be around anyway. But the new owner or owners won't be moving them anywhere in my opinion because of solid financial reasons. His family isn't keeping the team that's for sure.
    1 point
  20. idk, I married someone from my home town. We moved back when we were planning on having kids but never lived very far away. We live 10 minutes from either set of grandparents and my kids see their grandparents weekly (and even more when they were preschool aged). I've spent the last 20 years traveling all over with my wife. I live next to several hundred acres of restored prairie while being a relatively quick train ride from the best city in the world and two major international airports. Lots of different paths in life can lead to good outcomes.
    1 point
  21. They can look at whatever they want, but this manager is going to lose 400 games if they make it 4 years.
    1 point
  22. In the past 30 seasons, only two White Sox managers ever got another MLB manager job after their tenure with the Sox — Jerry Manuel with the Mets and Ozzie’s ill-fated single season with the Marlins. The Sox sure know how to pick em.
    1 point
  23. I remember watching that play live and having multiple thoughts go through my head in like 2.5 seconds. OhmygodthatisgoingtobeahitandtheyaregoingtotiethegamenoJenksdon'ttouchitohmygoduribehasitmakeagoodthrowYEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!
    1 point
  24. To this day I remember that call word for word.
    1 point
  25. And don't really generate jobs (and almost all the jobs they do generate are low wage and seasonal)?
    1 point
  26. This franchise has lost 222 games in the last two years. Why should it be given any public funds with this record?
    1 point
  27. The latest TLR interview is even more embarrassing. TLR basically absolved Jerry of any blame and said he is a great owner. He instead blamed all the people JERRY FREAKING HIRED. You can’t make this stuff up. I’ll have to find the interview video/transcript and create a thread on it. I heard about it on Mully and Haugh this morning on The Score. EDIT: Here it is…
    1 point
  28. Rooney's final call of the WS was literally "A ground ball, past Jenks, up the middle of the infield."
    1 point
  29. It'll have to be more than half. The Rays are committing $700M in private funding toward their new stadium. The Royals have proposed $1B in private funding toward a new downtown ballpark they want. Jerry's $200M offer, by comparison, is laughably low-ball. It's obvious that there's no way in hell that he gets $1B in public funding toward a new stadium that'll be used to enrich his estate (by significantly boosting the value of the franchise). If he or a future Sox owner (after he passes) commits to funding the entire cost of the ballpark itself, then yeah the state/city will likely cover the infrastructure costs at the site. Is there anything in between where a Sox owner commits to, say, $1B in private funding and the state agrees to cover the rest of the stadium cost plus infrastructure? I have no idea what would be acceptable.
    1 point
  30. RIP Fernando. He was a big deal in 1981 and had some other good years. Sad this is happening right before the Dodgers/Yankees Series.
    1 point
  31. Guess what teams are #1 and #2 in MLB in terms of not swinging at balls out of the zone.
    1 point
  32. The Dodgers hired Andrew Friedman because he had the analytical know-how from his time with Tampa Bay. The Dodgers are essentially what would happen if Tampa Bay had a budget.
    1 point
  33. Tons. Lineup constructions, pitching decisions, pitch selection, . . . There’s a little more to modern baseball than “throw hard and swing hard.”
    1 point
  34. How much do the NYY and Dodgers use analytics? Seems to me both teams rely on the lift and pull theory of modern baseball as well as the five-inning starter and parade of relievers method. Pretty easy to do that without analytical genuises on staff.
    1 point
  35. I do. The last thing we need is Tony LaRussa back. The second to last thing we need is someone angrily out of touch with modern baseball. That is clearly Renteria. While he isn’t the worst candidate I can name (Tony LaRussa is), his obsession with analytics being wrong and the game needing to be played the way it was 20 years ago would be a major hindrance for this teams recovery. Renteria’s way of thinking about the game reminds me a ton of Grifol’s.
    1 point
  36. Aside from parking, I don't think I or my family ever spent a dollar in that area outside of the ballpark. I went to that on-site bar they opened once. I knew of nothing to do there, you get off the highway, follow the signs, park, give Reinsdorf the parking fee, then leave. You eat somewhere else and you don't spend time there afterwards, or beforehand unless you bring stuff with to tailgate. Our normal setup growing up was to stop at the McDonalds at the Skyway oasis for dinner and met dad there coming out of the city. When I lived in Pittsburgh, I took the bus in, had dinner before every game, took photos on the bridge, usually stopped at the bar across the street, might have stopped at a bar or shop on the way home. Spent probably $100 more every time and was happy to do so.
    1 point
  37. Look at all of that delicious parking right across the river that could easily be contracted for games.
    1 point
  38. Sad but real...the ONLY emotional/business connection that many White Sox fans have to the Bridgeport neighorborhood is the ballpark. That is it. I wonder what the percentage is of people attending a ballgame at the Rate who spend a dollar outside of the parking lot/ballpark? I love walking down to Grandstand and supporting that business. But even for me that is the extent of me "bringing business" to the neighborhood. I personally hope the 78 gets built...outside of going to White Sox games my favorite ballpark to visit is in San Diego! My first reaction to the renderings of the proposed ballpark made me think it could be like that! Padres games (as well as before and after the games) are fun (although they also have a fun team to watch). Just my opinion...once Comiskey was torn down my deeply emotional connection to the area was changed...Comiskey still pops up in my dreams occasionally! Not trying to dump on the neighborhood...I would love to live in a community like that and would feel safe there and proud of it. Just thinking that the 78 represents an opportunity for the White Sox to own baseball in Chicago as the thing to do...if they do it right!
    1 point
  39. If you can’t understand Hahn’s major role in this disaster at this point I don’t think anyone can help you.
    1 point
  40. WOW, so the white sox would have won 42? Boy, that’s totally a difference making kind of change.
    1 point
  41. Yes TLR, Jerry is a great owner. It isn’t his fault the Sox suck. It’s all the fault of the guys (GMs and managers) he hired, but none of it is his fault at all. Amazing. This guy needs to get the hell away from White Sox business.
    0 points
  42. Cairo is the bench coach for the Nationals. I’m not going to read the rest of this, someone didn’t do their research
    0 points
  43. I don't know about an old school approach, but Bruce Chen always handed the Sox their own ass.
    0 points
  44. What smallest ounce of hope I had has now completely vanished. They’re doomed.
    0 points
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