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  1. No s***. Well, I may be pulling a Spiff.
  2. For what its worth, I like the invbb one better.
  3. Jjav829

    Eddie Jones

    So rumor has it that the Bulls may be looking at Eddie Jones with the Heat looking for guys who are close to the end of the contract. I guess the two teams have talked but I don't know how close they are to a deal or if they are serious about making a deal. Hoiberg, Fizer, Crawford, Erob are a few of the names that could be involved. Anyone heard anything more serious about a possible deal?
  4. The Titans sent none, and they're good as well. BTW, Steve McNair got screwed.
  5. Yeah they have talent of defense, and thats about all. Duce Staley, Todd Pinkston, James Thrash, Antonio Freeman, all decent players but nothing great there. Lewis may be their best option and hes a TE! McNabb is the best QB out there. I wish you were the Eagles GM. You probably wouldn't have signed McNabb to that contract and could have traded him to the Bears for Chris Chandler. I mean Chris Chandler has throwing ability. Sure he is old, not mobile, and sucks, but he can throw the ball.
  6. That was the intention of my post. I have no feelings. It's a minor signing that isn't going to make me happy or mad, either way.
  7. There's a major difference. Alomar can throw runners out. Plus, he can bring a little more to the table than Paul can...he hits better, he plays better behind the plate, he calls better games, he knows our staff and he will be a good factor in Olivo's growth. Not only that, but what if Paul and Olivo flop? Wouldn't it be nice to have one catcher we can count on what we are getting(which may be good hitting and good catching or may be a guy on the DL who just teaches neat s*** to Olivo)? I think it would be. Yes, I would like to have Alomar as well, but given the choice of Alomar or Paul, gimme the younger, healthier one. Plus if Olivo is a bust, I don't see Alomar as being the savior. I guess in Cerb's world this is a major signing that I should be rejoicing rather than calling him a stiff. But he lives in another world, a world where Kenny Williams is a great GM, I guess. BTW, Cerb, he wouldn't even need to walk down the street WRONG for me to flip out on him. He would just have to walk down the street in my view.
  8. Would you rather have Mr. Versatility manning the plate? Sheesh, KW could walk down the street wrong, and you'd flip out. Yes I would rather have Josh Paul. He doesn't creek when he walks. I fully expect Alomar to just fall apart one day, literally. Hes going to get hit with a pitch and pieces will start falling off. What, have you confused Sandy Alomar with Mike Piazza?
  9. i can't quite call them favorite in the East. not with the pitching staffs that the braves and mets are rounding up. i still call the braves the favorite in the East. i also think the phillies can't compete since losing the difference maker in Rolen. my 2 cents. I disagree. I thnik the Phils are now the frontrunner. Sure they lost Rolen, but Abreu, Thome, and Burrell is quite a heart of the order, especially if Abreu bounces back. Throw in David Bell, Lieberthal, Rollins, Polanco(or Anderson), and either Byrd, or Michaels and thats a nice looking lineup. And now add in Millwood, to Padilla, Wolf, Myers, Duckworth, Smith (one of them won't make the starting rotation) and their rotation has the potential to be good.
  10. I think I figured out why Millwood isn't a White Sox right now. His agent is none other than...
  11. Does anyone know if they actually read the feedback that you can send from the White Sox homepage? Just wondering because I just tore into Reinsdorf and Williams in a letter I sent through that. I may have wasted my time, but I need to vent.
  12. Absolutely f***ing ridiculous! Ridiculous! We could have given them more than that! This is absolute bulls***! I am more pissed about this than Ortiz. Atleast with Ortiz, the other team gave up a lot. They gave up Johnny Estrada! We could have given them Josh Paul! Holy Hell!
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