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Ross Gload Fan

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Everything posted by Ross Gload Fan

  1. What's he supposed to say/think? They have dominated the baseball world and have bought many players to fill holes in their lineup over the years. The national media bows down to them, because honestly, they've earned that. Everyone in the world thinks the same 4 teams are gonna get everyone. This one has a history of loving their franchise. Kinda hard not to be positively arrogant about ones chances.
  2. Well we are still talking about a woman here, so it's still logical lol
  3. Right, but if rumors of us saying we wont be outbid, along with getting the opportunity to spend every day with your family and best friend playing the game you love, wouldn't that make him happy? That's all we're saying. Business is happy and person is happy. Win win.
  4. Tomorrow and the "stupid money" is what I have feared all along.
  5. For the sake of his agent's future clients and to feel like a King in NY for a day by the team you grew up idolizing?
  6. Chili, where art thou? Any rumblings you're hearing?
  7. Anyone do a jersey swap pic with Machado yet? Some of those Harper Sox ones were pretty fun to see. Not lookin to get ahead of myself, but just for fun.
  8. I'd still love to get Urias, but I doubt that package comes close for him. Plus, more outfielders is probably not what they're aiming for.
  9. We need some more Chili news/good vibes goin...
  10. I still hate that we are first to meet with him. Unless he says screw it and signs today, I can see it now, "I was set to sign with Chicago, they did everything right, but Philly just took it to another level."
  11. Chili, I gotta say, peavy44 is so jealous of you right now. You are the hero we need.
  12. Do you think if he goes to NY and Philly, and one of them offers more, he will give us a chance to top it? I would think so but I don't know how these things go down. I suppose nobody really does.
  13. I almost don't even want to follow his visits the rest of the week. I just wanna stay on cloud 9 in my happy place with the latest developments until he makes his decision!
  14. Someone mentioned he is here until Wednesday. I suppose you could make a quick trip up to Milwaukee, but I doubt it.
  15. I mean, even if you wanna disrespect the Sox, my god, at least respect the Yankees.
  16. Was Manny dogging it into the building? Did Ricky make him go back to the limo?
  17. You magnificent bastard. Quit toying with my emotions and pulling me away from reality. Lol
  18. Absolutely hysterical stuff from Philly: I've Had Just About Enough Of The Chicago White Sox
  19. If that were true, they wouldn't even grant us the meeting in the first place. Money talks.
  20. Bingo. Let's shock the world, and piss in the national medias Cheerios.
  21. Then no. I don't think Rick wants a stop gap like that. I think he would just rather roll out Yolmer there if it came down to it. At least he has a future bench role player in our contention period.
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