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Ross Gload Fan

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Everything posted by Ross Gload Fan

  1. You're crazy. Nobody knows when anything is gonna happen. I'm just gonna stare at the wall til spring training.
  2. Anyone know where the audio of Parkins obliterating Bruce is?
  3. Where's @Gtrams42 at? How's your info coming along?
  4. I really had time to think about this, and to me, this plant had to be from Philly. They either wanted Lozano to think the Sox did it and get pissed and cut off negotiations with the Sox so they could get both Harper AND Machado. Or they wanted to make the Sox seem like shit bidders to either force them to publically up the bid to hopefully get the Sox out of range to sign Manny and Bryce. I dunno, just my guess. Just them poking the Bear to get something moving.
  5. I agree big time with this. Lopez was extremely impressive to me at the beginning of the year when his fastball was electric. However, he did rely on it way too much and by the 2nd half of the year he was just gassed. Im very excited to see him adjust and improve. Kids a gamer.
  6. I would say peavy has a new login, but he uses punctuation, like an apostrophe and periods and shit.
  7. Well since we are going over where we are from, is anyone near DeKalb?
  8. Yea, for some reason I dont think the Sox had anything to do with this.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. I feel like we are one giant (possibly disfunctional) family here, so we got you if you need us. Take care, bud.
  10. Say hi to your mom for me. Also, if you guys want a laugh:
  11. I suppose. I totally remember that horrible 2007 season being a showcase for Luis Terrero and my thinking he could be a very good bench player moving forward. ???
  12. I trust our own man with inside knowledge that it's Manny or bust with us.
  13. I wake up for work to read what I missed last night, only to find out the last page of discussion is about Jerry Owens. God damnit, this sucks.
  14. Wow, dude. I thought I was casually being a dick when I posted the Tatis batflip video. This is like Ron Jeremy level dickage.
  15. While I TOTALLY agree with you, don't you think if we say "screw it." and give an offer of like 325 mil they wouldnt just do the same thing as they are doing to us now? May as well stay the course at this lower figure and move up as necessary. I, too, am impatient and tired but if our offer gets topped I would think we would have the opportunity to up our offer again. In Hahn I trust.
  16. Would Hector Gomez be along for the ride, as well?
  17. He who will remain nameless is still being the judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to having sources lol
  18. Woah woah woah. You truly believe this? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and blame this ridiculousness on it being early Monday morning. Holy hell, that is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard.
  19. You havent been married, have you? Lol Sometimes to get something you want, you have to give up something in return. Even if what you get is miniscule. It's a rough world.
  20. Clearly he wants us to relax and be positive. He is doing what he is supposed to by not giving out details. Be happy with the positivity.
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