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Everything posted by whitesoxbrad

  1. Does anyone know why madrigal has not played since Monday
  2. Thank you HLL the insight and info you bring to this site is always interesting and helpful.
  3. Orlando Thank you for all you bring to this site, keep it coming.
  4. Great analysis, his hitting skills our outstanding and once he gets baseball strong he will be someone that will be a huge plus for this team.
  5. He played in 29 regular season games and 3 playoff games in his first season, if you and the rest on this site can't see that he is an all around complete BASEBALL player there is nothing more i can say besides remember moncada when he first came up.
  6. You mean for our whitesox, they would be crazy to trade him, so he won't hit many home runs, who cares, he hits, he fields and he can run and he knows how to play the game.
  7. Thank you for everything you bring to this great site, you are a true professional.
  8. Thank you for the time you put in for this info, I really appreciate it if you find more please post it.
  9. My pick for right field if they go the trade route is Mike yastrzemski, just love everything about him, what do you think?
  10. Yes thank you for all your hard work
  11. I agree with you about Miller but that was a horrible pass and 0/10 catch that
  12. I personally enjoy your info please keep it coming.
  13. Again Thank you so very much for everything you add to this site, when you talk i listen, you are to the point which I appreciate.
  14. I want to see what another pitching coach can do for Cease and someone i respect Rick Sutcliffe loves cease and has talked about cease for years and that is good enough for me, the difference between German and other free agents is not enough for what the Sox would have to give up it is not worth giving up Kopech or Cease.
  15. Not a chance i would trade kopech or cease
  16. do not want him, going to be 37 very soon and injury prone
  17. Thank you Orlando for always giving us this type of interesting info, it is much appreciated.
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