What I disagree with you is it should have been, it needs to be, it must be caught this happens way too much with this team, when I watch this team, this organization of players they play way to lazy for me.
The White Sox have zero in common with the astros, there drafting has been horible, there signing of international players except for robert has been garbage, and they have shown no ability to find talent from other teams.
You sound like you are a great Sox fan, but please give your hard earned money to a human or pet charity not to this garbage organization, they do not deserve one penny of it.
You seem to be the only one on this site that actually knows what you are talking about, this organization is garbage from top to bottom, we are stuck with them, they are a perfect example that just because your rich does not mean your smart.
You might be correct, but from day one since he got here it appears he has always swung at bad pitches, but it is him and only him that can be the one to stop swinging at bad pitches.