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Posts posted by SoxBlanco

  1. 15 minutes ago, CentralChamps21 said:

    If the Sox don't at least advance to the ALCS, then I really don't care whether they make the playoffs or not.

    When the Sox got knocked out by Houston two years ago, I still enjoyed the s%*# out of that series. The Sunday night game was awesome, and I wasn’t even there. Had some friends over to watch in my basement, and it was so fun. Then I went to the game on Tuesday when we got slaughtered and eliminated, and even that was a great memory. Waking up all jacked, taking the train down there with a buddy, going crazy when Rodon got out of the bases loaded jam and then when Sheets went deep for a 1-0 lead. Sure, the outcome sucked, but I would love another experience like that. 

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  2. On 2/22/2023 at 9:52 AM, southsider2k5 said:

    So one thing I have always wanted in this... is it possible to flip the article upside down so you enter it at #15, and then count down to #1?  I always have enjoyed lists with a building intrigue format.  But great work as always on the content!  You guys are the best!

    Agreed. I feel like we have asked @Y2Jimmy0 about this in the past, but I can’t remember what he said. 

    As always, great work James. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Tnetennba said:

    Feels weird to cut him and eat the cash now after crying poor all winter. 

    At this point, the cash is spent regardless of whether you cut him. The only thing that matters is whether they think they can create a better 26 man roster without him. 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, fathom said:

    When I saw them say Romy will play all over, it really made me think Leury is gone

    I got the same feeling, which would be very interesting. Maybe Colas makes the team, Romy takes over the Leury role, and Sheets gives you a left handed stick off the bench who could also DH or play some 1B. That would still allow you to keep someone like Marisnick as a glove-first outfield reserve. 

    I originally didn’t think there was any scenario where Leury wasn’t on the opening day roster, but now I’m not so sure. 

  5. 1 minute ago, T R U said:

    The numbers tell you this information. As has been laid out in numerous posts not only in this thread but on this board, Andrus hasn't been good for quite a while. I am not taking his fluky 43 game sample size with us last season that its what were getting moving forward.

    He is also about to be throw into a position hes literally never played before in the MLB.

    There's plenty of reason to be skeptical of this signing and what were going to get from him, its not just made up thoughts.

    I’ve never heard of a solid defensive SS not being good at 2B. Most solid shortstops can play pretty much anywhere. 

    And if Andrus struggles at the plate, Romy will get a shot, which is right where we would have been without this signing. 

    Also, we have a backup plan for SS now in case TA gets hurt. 

    I really don’t see any reason to not like this move, unless you think he will struggle and continue to be in the lineup all year.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, CWSpalehoseCWS said:

    This is not a good use of $3M for a team up against its budget. He's not the player we saw those final two month - not even close. Classic case of the Sox chasing catching lightning in a bottle.

    I can't help but throw out what he did with the Sox and his 181 AB's and instead look at his huge sample size from 2018-2021 (and include 2022 OAK if you want). He is going to be a below average hitter out of the 9 hole.

    His value is in his clubhouse leadership and fielding, and now he's going to be asked to move over to 2B. Everyone can say he'll be just fine, but the truth is we don't know what he can do as a 34 year old at 2B. He may end up nothing more than league average there.

    Are you taking into account his baseball smarts/high IQ, or do you not think he has that?

    • Like 1
  7. 49 minutes ago, Baron said:

    I'm curious. Why bring any of those other situations up at all if your not making some sort of comparison? 

    When was the last time that the Patriots signed someone accused of beating his spouse? 

    I brought them up simply as a response to the post that was implying we shouldn’t have signed Clevinger even if we didn’t know about the domestic abuse. He was saying that Clevinger seemed like a bad guy even before this incident, and we should have avoided him because of that. 

    I’m saying that if you always operated this way and avoided players who seemed like they might have character issues, then you miss out on players like AJ. 

    As for your second question, I’m guessing you missed my point, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked that. I’m not saying any teams should sign players who are accused of beating their spouse. I’m saying the Sox shouldn’t avoid a player just because he seems like a bad guy. I have no issue with the decision to sign Clevinger before this abuse issue came to light. 

  8. 2 hours ago, flavum said:

    Sometimes judging a book by the cover works. Clevinger would have qualified before they signed him. Fire Hahn. 

    Yes, but using that strategy means we probably don’t ever sign AJ, and might not have that World Series. 

    And no, I’m not comparing AJ to Clevinger at all. I’m simply saying that if you avoid all players who look like they might be a problem, then you could miss out on some solid players. 

    Look at the Patriots. They are one of the most successful franchises in any sport over the past couple of decades, and they love acquiring players like that. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, ChiSoxTrojan said:

    I don't get all the Sheets hate. He slumped badly to start last year, but other than that he's been a solid LH bat on a team that couldn't hit RHP. Obviously he should stay far away from LHP, and ideally shouldn't set foot in the OF, but from a strictly offensive perspective the Sox could do a lot worse.

    Compare him to Vaughn, who gets a lot of leeway from people saying that his offense has suffered because the Sox have asked him to do too much defensively in the OF. Why does that same logic not apply to Sheets, who was in the exact same situation? The two have comparable overall numbers (Sheets has been better against RHP, Vaughn better against LHP) so I don't understand why Sheets is apparently worthless while Vaughn is the 1B of the future.

    Keep in mind that Vaughn skipped AA and AAA.  So the last two seasons were like his AA and AAA seasons, except he had to face major league pitching. His ceiling is much higher.

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