Trump is having a meltdown over whether The Supremes are going to throw out all the mail-in ballots. Press Girl Barbie says the only true winner is the one leading on election night.
The people it turns out have a very strange and persistent view of masks as a political issue. In this case it is self-destructive. If you cannot see the virus it is not real.
Having Rodon on the playoff roster was ridiculous. He performed exactly as expected. Take away Rodon and Madrigal miscues and the Sox might have advanced.
I think it will be a delayed market due to Covid losses. We might not see normalcy until next mid-season. Some teams might target certain players with a plan but others won't be bidding. Sounds pretty legit that teams are losing money.
OMG one month to the election. Hope it's not a political football. Could have been a little more careful. He needs to lay low. Hope Biden was not exposed or Pence. Best to all. "On the debate stage Trump mocked Biden for wearing a mask." ?