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Everything posted by pcq

  1. I think the owners were penny-wise by not allowing minimum $100K for any available amateur prospect. Baseball's lifeline is keeping that pipeline of young fresh talent open. Big mistake imho. Stop with the cheap antics and get the MLB show on the road. You have to step up during a recovery and make plans for a return to normalcy.
  2. Just announce 80-90 games and firm up the schedule.
  3. Crochet appears to have a fairly smooth delivery compared to Sale. I suppose this class will work in AZ once they get signed and assembled along with the undrafted who emerge.
  4. It was 'Washington Slept Here" and it was quite hilarious. After Steve Dahl Disco Ducks and maybe a concert or two, RF at old Comiskey in 1979 was like sewer soup and Claudell was not keen to make sudden moves out there, which earned him a few extra boos if it mattered. Whatever hit tools he started with the league caught up and he made a lot of swishing noises. Might have been Oil Can Boyd's understudy in the mental health field. Sleep well my friend.
  5. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    I doubt Donald would know but the Buffalo legal dept has likely encountered the egg$hell plaintiff.
  6. When govt leaders give unqualified money to unqualified cronies they should summarily be dispensed to one of their private prisons. With no dessert.
  7. Chris Archer should be available next year after having TOS surgery and sitting out this year. The Pirates have an $11M option for next year but their payroll is $60M. The recovery history with TOS is not strong. The Pirates are a sad mess.
  8. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    Just block him and move on. I can't believe it's not butter.
  9. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    Like it or not there are many whites on your side and majority support among millennials. I cannot address your suspicions drawn from your own experience. There was also an oil rich tribe in OK that was exterminated. In Texas schools they describe slaves as migrant workers. It goes on.
  10. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    You've been hurt haven't you?
  11. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    They are still on the force.
  12. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    Each cop is responsible for their own behavior yes. I am not pre-judging.
  13. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    Worth remembering that each cop and protester should not be judged by the ones they are standing next to. Smart people do not use stereotypes.
  14. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    In this era the good cops are people with cell phones. That's all we have. The Buffalo story is ridiculous.
  15. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    We are def. running low on good cops who may be in hiding. We literally share a country with people who deeply resent having to be distracted for one moment by the death of a black man. They won't have it.
  16. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    "Take your knee off my neck".
  17. Don't tell the Tigers that. As long as the players don't kneel I will agree to nuclear fireworks after home runs.
  18. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    I predict nothing will change except for a few more law and order talking points and bizarro behavior at the White House.
  19. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    The big box stores have been busy with shoppers getting a 100% discount. My own focus would be west side neighborhoods which have not changed much since MLK-1968. I resent white people who don't want to be bothered with having to hear about disadvantaged people.
  20. pcq

    George Floyd Thread

    I condemn all violence and vandalism however looting is a proud and standing tradition in US government. UAL received $85B and laid off all of their employees.
  21. The Halliday E60 doc was just on and he had about five different meds going on. Under strict clinical supervision of course.
  22. I heard Gates is putting microchips in every body. Bill said we are already being tracked by our smart phones.
  23. My late preacher said masks are for wusses and atheists.
  24. Cook Courts will stay closed thru July 6. More prep time for my couch game.
  25. When people respond to Greg then the rest of us get his germs.
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