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Everything posted by pcq

  1. NY barber catches bug along with 15 customers. Go Greg.
  2. As the virus drags on some people will have to adapt rather than return to their former life. Some will learn a computer skill and others might shave their heads. Many people are not going to volunteer to be Pinnochio Cheeto's guinea pig.
  3. The idea that wearing a mask is a political statement shows what a hot mess we have become. Now we are inventing things to be offended over.
  4. TN Department Of Health reports that 53% of their CV cases have recovered. Most infected age group is 21-30. Largest number of the dear departed cases are in the plus 81 age group. I would be wondering about the status of the not recovered group still living. I also wonder about places with meat producers who are no longer reporting CV cases. Sounds rather evil. The whole animal processing industry is unsavory.
  5. If I could just imagine the success that comes with retiring to your daughter's basement. Nice job Jerry.
  6. Absolutely. Example: Immediate cause congestive heart failure consequence of arteriosclerotic disease consequence of chronic brain syndrome. That is an IL form.
  7. I don't givash*t I just wanna haircut. Suggestion: Use your daughter's Barbie Dressup Kit and give yourself a haircut. This thread could become State Exhibit A.
  8. MLB Fanatics official team masks are selling $25 for a three-pack.
  9. Poor Greg trying to salvage Trump. Let's talk about testing. Trump doesn't like testing because the numbers go up. Trump says testing is a state problem while the Feds seize supplies ordered by states and cities. Jared directs the supplies which in some cases are purchased by distributors. Testing and supplies are crucial to our survival. This is your country looking out for you. Will they kill off enough blue voters and leave enough older voters? Greg, Trump will lose but your friends with guns will keep him from leaving. This is your country where you better not kneel during the anthem.
  10. The 06 offense was awesome but everything else far apart. My heart wanted Rowand but he was no match for Thome's production. Crede was barely noticed in 06 with 32 HR and 95 RBI.
  11. Finally found a way to shut down the White House. Our Leader will be left to burrow at Camp David.
  12. The govt can't really force the economy to start up. Obama really did a number on the 'pubs.
  13. Big question is what to do if infections occur. High-risk staff need to stand down.
  14. It seemed like a lot of chit-chat with a game on in the background.
  15. I don't see this news as entirely accurate. There won't be any games if everyone plays at their home park.
  16. It's for the cause of Make America Great Again. We might get a lapel pin.
  17. There was never a quid pro quo right. No one can touch him for now. Demonstrators wave Nazi and Rebel flags cuz they love Murrakuh. We need more social distancing.
  18. I wonder why Congress cannot pass a bill without massive secret corporate payments. Must be Obama.
  19. The Reds should emulate Viet Nam. Declare victory and leave home.
  20. I am expecting violence and unrest in November. I also do not think guns are allowed in govt buildings.
  21. Only as good as our dumbest citizen. Workers in OK threatened for wearing masks.
  22. Like watching the Mort Downey show.
  23. To me Donald is all about shortcuts, not brilliance. It's easy to campaign by stoking people's fears about minorities taking over. Donald was born on 3B and made his way back to 2B. He routinely gives three different versions of events and seems to get away with it. Presently he wants to claim he was on top of CV early but that China somehow deceived us. That sigh of relief from his cult is for the black guy being gone.
  24. At this point politics is not the issue. Donald's behavior and comments show he is not up to the task. He may not even want the job.
  25. I have admired her ever since The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald.
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