We pretty much know throwing your top velocity on every pitch causes casualties. There has to be a better approach and making fun of Coop like some have is not the answer.
Strange way to introduce yourself in a public professional setting along with being a Cub fan. I am not opposed to his beliefs. Wish him well but won't expect a lot. Still looking for a mental gymnastics coach.
And it all comes down to one thing. When the rubber meets the road who blinks first. This is all part of a complex ritual. If the Sox know they have a chunk of dough to play with they can act coy.
If the Sox are offering 175 then they could likely reel MM in for 250. Of course it is all crazy money. I hope they will take it further if this offer is accurate.
This thread will be released as Gone With the Wind II.
Looks like the Reddit Harpo signing Saturday rumors were based upon hot air. No doubt there could be a meeting. I bet Scotties sees forums like this and gets all tingly. Certainly they are monitoring social media if not inventing it .
I could see Avi's revenge having a breakout year before landing on Avenida Skid Row. The Tigs knew he was a casual cruiser who trips over his own toes.
Nice to see so many fans engaged even for tweets and gossip. Give this a week or two and hope we get it resolved. The main delay for both Big Tunas has to be waiting for their market to develop.