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Everything posted by pcq

  1. This should sell a lotto season tix.
  2. Our sleepy-headed slacker Sox are built for exhibition not competition. Jose got tired of them.
  3. As of February 14 next season becomes this season when pitchers/catchers report to camp.
  4. He's going for that $10M pillow deal next season.
  5. I assume Sox signed all of the best talent from Terra Del Carib.
  6. White Sox diagnosed with Non-Hendriks Bullpen Myopia.
  7. The Manning Brothers will be manning the Sox booth pretending it's a football game.
  8. I would be far more concerned about the Guards and Twinks. If anything the Cub should motivate mgt to not take us for granted.
  9. He was injured and so was Mike Sirotka with the Jays. Wash.
  10. The Sox scooped up all of the best Latin talent I see. Scott Merlin is drooling but then he always does that.
  11. May I suggest the cybermasters open up the Soxtalk Facebook page? This situation is dragging me down. Thanks in advance.
  12. Insurance of this kind would be really pricey and not 100% with all sorts of terms and exclusions. Once you actually used it your premiums would take a hit. You don't just push a button and get $20M in the mail. People here are way too casual about the topic.
  13. I foresee using the challenge system which would be a less disruptive change for you conservatives. I met a robot the other day at Elmhurst Hospital. Keep your eyes open.
  14. This would be a rational move in my view. If Grandad can still walk and swing he can play some first base.
  15. If you have several positions or SP spots open in Feb you are right on the cusp of suckage. Maybe Tito can throw a team together in the spring but not our Sox.
  16. Grandal will be grand gone by May. Pup. Book it Danno.
  17. Not a Reinsdorf basher but I think he hates the fans. The attendance issues pre-dated JR. I think he might retire soon for a welcome change. New blood is sorely needed.
  18. When is the Hanser Alberto presser? Ben Nintendo took forever to sign like maybe he would rather not. Word gets around the locker rooms.
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