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Everything posted by SoCalChiSox

  1. If NYY and BOS are in the game, an Ortiz, Beavers, Povich and some lotto ticket offer is a TRASH offer. Jimmy has implied Roman Anthony from BOS is now in play and Harold confirmed NYY is heavily involved. In that case, you'd need to make a real legit offer to compete not table scraps bullshit. Elias is free to f*** around and find out tho if he is going to keep playing games, sitting at the fisherman's wharf nibbling on crab cakes and holding his dick in his hand trying to wait us out. f*** around and find out. If you want to trade for Bieber instead that's fine that's on you.
  2. Such as? Even the lower end of the FA market is starting to thin out and it seems Burnes isn't gonna be moved. Valdez will also require a sizeable haul.
  3. Jones and some pitchers? Between this report and Jimmy late last night randomly name dropping Roman Anthony and the fact that Breslow didn't draft him....seems like damn near the whole AL East is involved now. Elias can either get serious...or f*** around and find out. We FUCKIN
  4. Anthony is even more of a savage than either BAL player for sure. That would be so awesome
  5. If Anthony isn't part of it and they won't move Bello either, it may be tough to do a deal. It will take more than Rafaela + Teel.
  6. We'd be in alot better shape with Cherington than this s%*# show.
  7. And yet even as the Maryland State Comptroller was announcing the stadium lease, she openly pined about the need for starting pitching which you usually don't see public officials do. But I'm sure your whole fanbase (and state officials too apparently) will be comforted by the strategy of hoping multiple minimum salary guys will all be Cy Young candidates on the same team at the same time for the second year in a row.
  8. And it's very likely none of them will be playing in BAL.
  9. Yep. Even the lower end of the market is going to start thinning out pretty soon and at prices BAL won't pay.
  10. I'm glad he got guaranteed money and an opt out. Good for him I am pulling for him to regain his form. He's a great dude. Dude just got ALL his value destroyed after he got traded but is still gonna get about 20m a year. However, I have been told by @Frobby and @Sports Guy that we should just accept Ortiz plus table scraps for Cease.
  11. I really really really don't like right handed hitters unless it's someone with a very rare skillset that we need. This is going to sound crazy but I'm alot more willing to possibly overlook the swing and miss in his game than I am the RH aspect of his game.
  12. LOL. Well played. While I'm glad that @Quin added the paper bag emoji, I've been asking for awhile for a savage emoji with a picture of Macho Man Randy Savage, because the above is a savage post and Kjerstad is a savage bat.
  13. These traits, while nice, do not overcome his significant disability.
  14. I would be very happy with getting Kjerstad and Beavers in the same package. That way even if Kjerstad ends up at 1B, we'd still have a real OF in the package and ofcourse we could take advantage of Kjerstad's left handed savagery at GRF. Unfortunately, Getz apparently considers it a deadly sin to get any likely bat only player regardless of the other dynamics at play in the transaction and Elias is a stingy, stubborn POS.
  15. According to Jimmy, we asked for Beavers in the package at the deadline. I know @CaliSoxFanViaSWside is also super high on him. Since you said there's no way Elias will trade 2 of Hjerstad/Cowser/Beavers, if Chicago is still very high on Beavers, I wonder if Getz will opt for a quantity package and basically take Beavers instead of those other guys so long as BAL really sweetens the pot elsewhere. You said Hall isn't going anywhere, but IMO if BAL really wants to hold onto their Top 5 it should come at a painful cost. I would take Ortiz as the headliner and put him at SS, Montgomery to 3B and plan on Ramos at 2B. Since Getz likes Norby you can try that bat in the OF for now and ofcourse take Beavers, Povich and Bradfield too (as insurance for a Robert trade in the future) plus maybe another arm somewhere in their system. It would need to be at least a 6 man package.
  16. I read a scouting report that said he corrected that issue.
  17. Lulz at the Sox drafting someone with 55 hit and it turning out to be 20. This is the second time this has happened recently in Round 1.
  18. If they end up with ATL due to JR forcing pitching to be a priority return, they should insist on Kelenic as the third piece. If AA truly is a deal maker and aggressively wants to close this, he will agree to AJSS, Waldrep and Kelenic. I know...I know ATL does not "intend" on trading Kelenic but the issue is whether they want to get a deal done. I read that in 2022 he graded out OK in RF (https://www.si.com/mlb/braves/analysis/what-the-atlanta-braves-are-getting-in-jarred-kelenic#gid=ci02d00a72b000240c&pid=kelenics-not-a-finished-product-at-the-plate) Harold would worship Getz even more than he already does if this happened.
  19. I would be fine with that but they aren't going to go with a 1B as the main piece unless Beavers is also coming so that OF is legitimately addressed and Oriole fans don't believe they will give up 2 of Cowser/Hjerstad/Beavers in the same package. IMO, if they want Cowser as the OF I wish we could do a seperate deal with LAD for Busch. His value is obviously falling and they want to get something for him but once Cease is moved somewhere else I don't see anything we have that they would want besides obviously the untouchable asset. Or maybe 3 team trade...send Vaughn somewhere, send the return to LAD and Busch to CWS. We need as many LHS as possible.
  20. I think they are scared to death Kjerstad ends up as a bat only 1B and that would be a crime against God according to Getz. Basically he is totally overcorrecting in order to look totally different than the prior regime. I would be fine with either player but Cowser fits Getz "vision" better if you can call it that.
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