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Everything posted by Flash

  1. I like the Mateo comp. Mateo had some personal issues if I recall and its taken him a while to get focused but it looks as though he has it figured out this year.
  2. Should we be paying attention to Ian Dawkins?
  3. Best BA of yesterdays Birmingham lineup...235. In Kanny, Ian Dawkins is worth keeping an eye on. Top of the order CF who gets on base.
  4. I've been all over the map on this but keep coming back to Vaughn. In addition to his loud offensive tools he is said to play a very good 1B and despite the discount to positional value, I think having a good glove at first is more important than a corner OF who on avg. will touch the ball twice game. A good defensive 1B can save tons of throwing errors and with the left side of our IF, thats very important. Also, for some odd reason I think Rutschman might fall to us and for whatever reason, I'm growing less enchanted. As we sit here today...I'm Vaughn at 1 and Witt at 2.
  5. Kubat, Pilk, Flores, Varnell all showing strong potential as LH'rs.
  6. You might be right. It just seems every time I see his pitching line he gives up nothing. I noticed he's 26 so would be good to see what he can do at upper levels
  7. Time to move Kubat up. Been damn near unhittable.
  8. Kubat, Varnell and Pinkleton are three LH bright spots. Throw in Lampert, Heintzmen (sp) and McClure and next tier of pitching prospects look damn tough.
  9. Thanks. Guess I was wondering if they are putting up crazy numbers or if either has disappointed. I would happily take last year's Vaughn in a heartbeat over anyone not named Adley but I'm less enthusiastic about him based upon this years performance, at least thus far. Meanwhile if Witt (or Abrams) are killing it, despite the competition, they have to be in the conversation.
  10. Does anyone know how Witt and Abrams are performing thus far? Is there a website that features HS box scores? From what I read, Vaughn, while still putting up impressive numbers, has not distinguished himself as he did last year as the Golden Spikes winner. If this year's version is the 'real' Vaughn, I could see going HS IF.
  11. Mercedes, Troutwine and Hickman have been filling up the boxscore seemingly every game. Anyone have a read on any of them? Mercedes in particular is smashing over 400 and caught both ends of a double header yesterday.
  12. Whoa....Davis Martin!!!
  13. Colome and either Herrara or Jones for Montgomery and Hoerner.
  14. Wow! Thanks a bunch for posting this. I love tracking the draft prospects. Good stuff.
  15. Maybe FG will realize what a stud Cease is and move him way up. He's got to be one of if not the the top righty in minors...inc. Whitley.
  16. I agree. I've been a huge supporter of Vaughn's based on his other-worldly numbers in the past but as he has fallen back to earth, his appeal at #3 just isn't there. Sure he can turn it around but this stretch shows how human he is. Unless Rutschman falls in our lap, I'm pulling for Witt (unless Abrahms gives reason to get excited).
  17. Hope you're right but in the video of him smashing the light, I don't recall his stance being so coiled up.
  18. Nuclear hot take or not, Eloy doesn't look like a guy who is ready for major league pitching. I admit to not having seen him at the plate over last year or so but that batting stance just looks unnatural. He seems all coiled up and tense. He's gonna struggle.
  19. If current trends continue, Bishop and/or Bleday might leapfrog Vaughn.
  20. Too soon to flip Colome/Herrara for prospects? Cubs and others (Brewers) can use help.
  21. Whats with Eloys stance? Is that new? Doesn't look natural.
  22. I know its Spring training but the way Leury, Yoan and Abreu looked, as well as improvements by Timmy and big plus having Eloy start the season in LF...there might be reason to be optimistic. Pitching is clearly suspect but I can see this team getting out of the gate rather nicely.
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