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Everything posted by Bazox

  1. Excuse my ignorance what's with all the pink ?
  2. , I really hope this ends well . My son went to Goodison Park (Everton) aged 5 before any school friends could influence him.
  3. This is my first season watching , albeit on TV , I didn't have to choose the Sox to support but I'm loving it and them , I'm also feeling the pain from you lot on here , its if I was born a Sox fan . My soccer team has also been through the wringer and we have a big bully city neighbour , owned incidentally by John Henry .
  4. I'm racking my brains trying to think how you can work this if the Cubs win , maybe you could start crying uncontrollably and he will feel so sorry for his Dad that he can only do one thing to rectify the situation .
  5. Ricky just interviewed , not exactly shooting from the hip more of a "yeah baby what's happening" .
  6. ESPN showing in HD on my TV contract , c'mon Sox club them Cubs
  7. I didn't know much at all about the use of pitchers , I've learned quite a lot on that game and this thread , thanks. I can now understand why Fry was not kept on although I don't agree with the decision , of course if Jones had done his stuff then ......... I'm just getting to grips with minor league and have been reading the couple of excellent threads on the forum .
  8. I'm off to bed have a good day guys if possible . Y'know that last innings was like my soccer team manager putting a rookie striker on with 10 mins left and taking the goalkeeper off , just for some game experience .
  9. And yet that Mariners pitcher yesterday threw for the whole game . I'm only 30 odd games into this sport proper and there are some fundamentals I'm not happy with , it's gonna take time , I was buzzin' there for 8 innings
  10. Ok but why couldn't Fry finish it off ?
  11. Ok I'm new at this , but i can't believe what I have just seen , Sox where cruising to victory and then they throw on a dodgy pitcher in the 9th . Tell me this would not have happened if it had been an important game .
  12. Holy shit talk about throwing a game away 🙁
  13. This pitcher change at crucial times needs explaining to me .
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