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Everything posted by Bazox

  1. I only saw the highlights , so Astudillo isn't a pitcher or he had a poorly arm , surely they had somebody that could throw a quicker ball ?
  2. Ok I thought I more or less understood the game in my 3 and a bit seasons watching , couldn't understand the fuss about Tim tossing bat against the Royals year a two back and I sure as hell don't understand the fuss about that weird slow ball , you gonna throw it slow I'm gonna knock it to Mars , what's the problem ?
  3. Just seen the highlights without knowing the score , phew that could have gone either way but we dug in and pulled it out .
  4. Just seen the hi-lights , poor old Lynch's face when the coach came on to pull him , he looked shell shocked .
  5. Finally managed to sort a stream out and watch the game , never saw any last season . Team has changed a bit , happy Madrigal has made it , he's from my first draft as I haven't been following the game long , Kopech looked the real deal but best of all is watching Tim , fabulous competitor.
  6. Only watching the highlights this season as I can't seem to get a stream over here , really exciting stuff , keep it going . Q : The parrot ?
  7. Some serious ball bashing going on there last night
  8. Tuned in to see G R Field getting a lashing , good job we are in Kansas City ?
  9. A belated season 2020 greetings from the UK , I'll finally be able to catch a game this evening (GMT)
  10. The mantra from the government the last 6 weeks has been "Protect the NHS" by staying home and social distancing , which people have been doing but the government haven't been protecting them enough by dithering over PPE shipments. The fiasco of the plane stuck in Turkey which is carrying supplies beggars belief , should have arrived last week then definitely Sunday , now a government minister is delighted to announce this morning three RAF planes were sent last night to fetch the goods and will arrive in the next few days ! English manufacturers having to ship PPE abroad because when offered at home were met with an impenetrable wall of government bureaucracy. Ask a government minister a yes or no question and you get a "well this/that blah blah "
  11. Me too ? , loved him Jackie Brown .
  12. What's it on ? Will I be able to view it in the UK ?
  13. Bazox

    2018 Travel Thread

    Sorry for the late reply , Paris I’ve no idea , English food is very unimaginative and we rely heavily on foreign cuisine, London being very cosmopolitan is the best place and Google your friend.
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