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Posts posted by JuliusO1274

  1. 8 hours ago, BrianAnderson said:

    3-4 MAJOR PROSPECT HITS: we're confident or hopeful in Eloy. I'd say the same with Kopech. Outside of that? I'd say Madrigal or Moncada have the best shot, but think we're on the outside looking in on actual MAJOR SUPERSTAR hits. Robert?


    Cease has looked better than Kopech ever did in the minors. He and Eloy are our best prospects.

  2. 17 minutes ago, JUSTgottaBELIEVE said:

    And this is why a big FA splash this winter felt premature. I know a 26 yo HOF talent never hits free agency blah blah but we don’t even know yet if the Sox have assembled a young core that is capable of carrying this rebuild to sustained success. They are still very much in the stage of accumulating young, cheap talent to determine who comprises the core moving forward. Having said that, I’d say the rebuild is straddling Phase 1/2 at the moment. At this point, I only want to see them start Phase 3 next winter if the core of Moncada, Lopez, Gio, Jimenez, Anderson shows up in a big way this season. If not, continue with Phase 1/2. Eventually, the cream rises to the top in spite of coaching and player development shortcomings.

    Why would it be premature when the big FA splash would be signing on for 8-10 years with the team? 

  3. 6 minutes ago, MysterySource5000 said:

    Here is the injury prone Frank Thomas.


    You are looking specifically at age 34 and 35 and ignoring that both Ortiz and Frank had seasons in their 30's which they missed 550 plate appearances. The Sox could also find excuses to play him less in such a situation as he would likely be regressing at that stage of his career.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    By mid-January the White Sox have a 7/$175 offer on the table to Machado and they've added 3 vesting options that could bring the value to $250, but they don't understand how those vesting options are viewed or how low that dollar amount is. They think that is a huge dollar amount,  so they leak their offer to Bruce Levine thinking that it's so big it will scare away the competition, and Bruce doesn't get all the details but he also hears that the amount could go up to $250, so he's on the radio giving that classic interview about how the contract could be worth more.


    Some of this may be accurate but the White Sox surely did not think 175 million would scare any team away. 

  5. 4 hours ago, South Sider said:

    He explained that traditional opt outs are very player beneficial but have gravitated towards more balance for both parties lately. 

    To me, it sounded like they aren't against them at all.

    The key issue is the player opt out. Hahns comments suggest they are not fond of them because they are exclusively player beneficial hence the reason the Sox offer to Manny did not include any. This was likely one of the main nails in the coffin at our chances of signing him. The opt out he got from San Diego was after the 5th year, I still don't understand why the White Sox would care if Manny came and raked for 5 years and then opted out. We would of had him in his prime during the years we are hoping to contend.

  6. 5 minutes ago, GenericUserName said:

    Said the 8/250 was basically accurate.

    Kind of called out Bruce about the out clause thing when asked about it. Said its not true.

     Edit: My posts are very much going to be paraphrase and cutting through the talk. Definitely not direct quotes.

    His comments also suggested they are very critical of player opt outs. Manny's opt out from San Diego was after the 5th year, why would the White Sox be against that? Who cares if Manny rakes and then opts out after the 5th year. We would have had him in his prime during our "window".

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  7. 15 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    We were $50 million below the Padres offer, with 2 option years at the end that stood a good chance of not vesting, per the most recent report. We were no where close and they should be embarrassed for all the times they said this was their priority and they would not be beaten. 

    I believe an opt out after 5 years with the White Sox would nullify that because he would make more through those 5 years with the Sox and then could opt out for another contract at age 30-31 and likely end up making more than the 300m guarantee by the Padres. No star player wants to be trapped with a team for 8-10 years without a player opt out. If the White Sox were never offering an opt out for Manny they never had a chance. 

  8. There has been so much discussion about the specifics of the numbers but little about the lack of opt out offered by the White Sox when that was likely the nail in the coffin for the White Sox hopes at landing Manny. Just like a team is worried about being locked into a lengthy contract with a player, a player is also worried about being trapped with a franchise that is going nowhere and they want out of. 

    Add an opt out after year 5 to our offer and Manny probably chooses us. I don't understand why that would be against the White Sox philosophy. Who cares if he opts out after 5 years when we would have had him in his prime during the years we are hoping to be our "window".

  9. 1 hour ago, bighurt574 said:

    That's actually a pretty solid offer, 550 PA's is easy enough if he's reasonably healthy.

    But I still hate to lose a guy over that.  Wish we would have just guaranteed 10 years.  

    This would give the White Sox the ability to fuck him over though by limiting his playing time. He will likely be declining by then which would give them an excuse to bench him more. Declining talent and increase injury probability due to aging make the 550 PA not as much of an easy guarantee as some think.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Greek-konerko said:

    Οκ that moose signing tells a lot to me at least. If we supposedly out on manny hahn would imo sign moose. This means machado made his choice and hahn is confident enough to let moose sign elsewhere

    Hahn would never sign Moose as a back up plan while we are still in the running to get Manny because if Manny did sign with the Sox we would also be stuck with Moose's contract. It means nothing in regards to Manny's choice other than the fact that the White Sox still have a chance at getting him.

  11. 7 minutes ago, drgiggles15 said:

    All this hype of Eloy coming up (I'm on board too), but what makes him not being another Moncada and really struggling. Do you guys see something better of Eloy compared to when Yoan was the #1 overall prospect? Just curious on your thoughts.

    Yoan never had the amazing offensive numbers Eloy has had in the minors. 

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  12. 29 minutes ago, fathom said:

    FYI, this guy was one of the first to mention the Padres being in on Machado.  Here are the contract figures he's heard:


    If the Padres are offering opt outs after year 2&3 then they will be tough to beat even with a higher bid. I don't think the White Sox will want to offer an opt out prior to year 4 and I don't blame them.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

    I don't disagree that Machado fits team needs better, but the more I dig into the numbers, the more I'm convinced Harper is a far superior player. I don't trust defensive metrics all that much as they swing wildly from season to season. If Machado has a negative year or two on the defensive side, he goes from a 5 win plyer to a 3, and is that worth 30M per season? Harper just put up a 5 win season while being negative defensively. I really don't think that it is close at all. 

    Harper has put up a WAR less than 2 every other season, is that worth 30M+ a season?

  14. 1 hour ago, South Sider said:

    Additionally, if the Phillies really have decided to tap into the nefarious power of 'stupid money', what stops them from pivoting towards Machado once Harper is locked up? If Harper got something like 10/350, and the Phillies are willing to go 10/300-325 for Harper, are the Sox still gonna be in this thing? 


    I'm not sure I follow your logic. Just because a team is willing to spend 300m+ on one player doesn't mean they are willing to do it twice, and in the same offseason at that. 10 years 300m+ is in itself "stupid money". If they sign Harper for money like that they are not going to be going after Machado for a similar amount.

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