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Posts posted by JuliusO1274

  1. 2 hours ago, tray said:

    What do you make of the reported Hahn quote that Machado's agent has "not responded in kind." ?

    I think the White Sox are at least entitled to a counter-proposal from Lozano given all of the effort that the organization has gone to in order to attract Manny and his family to Chicago.  If Lozano is just using the White Sox to leverage a higher offer, we will all be pissed off along with the White Sox ownership and management.

    I understand the competitive bidding process, but at some point it can get abusive.

    Lozano can just ask the teams still interested in Manny and that Manny would like to play for to submit their highest and best offer in x amount of time, then let him decide.  This isn't rocket science as they say.

    Come on Manny for Chrissakes make a decision.  We will all but kiss your ass to play here.


    That was not a Hahn quote, that was the reporters own comment and it is based off nothing other than the fact that Machado has not accepted the White Sox offer.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

    The longer this goes on, the more it seems that giving a record-breaking deal to Harper would have been the better play.

    If the White Sox were willing to spend "record breaking" money on Bryce then the better play would just be offering more to Manny than they currently have. Record breaking money would also be able to get us Manny.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Whitesox27 said:

    If the Gio Gonzalez rumor is true, here is what we're looking at:


    Not great but not terrible either. It will look a lot better in 2020 with Kopech and Cease. 

    Look at Cease's numbers last year in AA, he dominated. Unless he takes a step back he will be up this year.

  4. 5 minutes ago, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

    I do believe he was the first and only one to mention Castillo to the Sox, at least in exact terms. And like JA said, it was a full week before Castillo signed. I'm sure you're right that this kid just throws shit at the wall, and he could very easily be jumping on the Machado to Sox bandwagon here, but at least he did seem to get one thing right when it came to the Sox before.

    I did an advanced search on twitter that allowed me to search for terms in a specific date. I could find no reference to Wellington to the White Sox in November 2017 prior to his tweet. https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=castillo white sox since%3A2017-11-01 until%3A2017-11-24&src=typd 

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  5. 33 minutes ago, Jose Abreu said:

    @ChiliIrishHammock24 remember when you were asking where you remembered that guy from, the one who tweeted Manny to the Sox?

    This was over a week before the signing, and before anyone even knew we were in on catchers/Castillo. He even nailed the terms. 

    This is what he tweeted tonight. He has probably gotten stuff wrong before, but he nailed Castillo a week early so he at least has some semblance of a track record. ?

    The question is did he steal this info from someone else and pretend it was his own. Does anyone know if there were any other reports of the Castillo signing before Brett posted it? Because looking at some of his recent tweets it seems he often takes "sources" from other twitter accounts and presents them as his own scoops. We need to find out if he was the first to post the Wellington signing.

  6. 6 minutes ago, JuliusO1274 said:

    I notice on Manny's most recent Instagram post it is filled with Yankee fans telling him to sign with New York. We need some White Sox fans on there so he knows we exist otherwise it is highlighting how much smaller our fanbase is compared the giant that is the Yankees.

    Went back to his Instagram and see chisoxfanmike already took my advice ?

    • Haha 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    No one has any idea what the Nats current offer to Harper is except Harper and his people and the Nats, and if there is some collusion going on, other MLB owners. No one knows where the Sox stand in their bid except Machado and his agent, and whoever he gives the information. 

    I've seen a few comments saying that teams offers are kept secret even from other teams bidding, but why? Why would Machado and his agent want the teams bidding not to know what the offers are. If the teams know the highest offer then that will encourage the ones below that offer to top it with a higher number.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Tony said:

    If everything went to plan, I think this may be my April 15 lineup. 

    1. Moncada, 2B (S)
    2. Jay, CF (LH)
    3. Abreu, DH (RH)
    4. Machado, 3B (RH)
    5. Palka, RF (LH)
    6. Eloy, LF (RH)
    7. Alonso, 1B (LH)
    8. Wellington, C (RH) 
    9. Anderson, SS (RH)

    It’s not great, but could have some fun spots and has decent balance. 

    Eloy should be batting 2, 3 or 4 unless he struggles.

  9. 34 minutes ago, bmags said:

    Id rather have LEURY THE GOAT in CF

    Not even joking Leury is the better option. Leury has had a much better WAR with less games played the past 2 seasons yet somehow the consensus is that Engel is the best option because he makes a couple flashy catchers per year. 

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  10. 7 minutes ago, JuliusO1274 said:

    This post has been edited by the Soxtalk staff to remove objectionable material. Soxtalk encourages a free discussion between its members, but does not allow personal attacks, threats, graphic sexual material, nudity, or any other materials judged offensive by the Administrators and Moderators. Thank you.

    Well that seems excessive. I've seen much worse "attacks" stay up. It was a joke about his comment being hard to understand not a mean spirited attack for those who are wondering.

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  11. 7 minutes ago, NotHahn said:

    So I was talking to a source in the front office and had a good chat about both Muchado and Harper. The conversation was more focused on the relationship with the White Sox and players/free agents wives/family. I really don’t want to say much but the conversation but it ended with this week referring to Muchado. Obviously it doesn’t get much vaguer than this.


    This post has been edited by the Soxtalk staff to remove objectionable material. Soxtalk encourages a free discussion between its members, but does not allow personal attacks, threats, graphic sexual material, nudity, or any other materials judged offensive by the Administrators and Moderators. Thank you.

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  12. 1 hour ago, soxfan49 said:

    Black = African American. Eloy is from the Dominican Republic. He isn't "black."

    Does that mean there is no such thing as black people who are not America, not even in Africa?

    1 hour ago, southsider2k5 said:

    You mean he is part African or just dark skinned?  I am genuinely curious because I have no idea.

    I am always surprised how many are confused by this. Even many black Americans think blacks in Latin America are some distinctly different racial group. Blacks in Latin America are just black people raised in a hispanic culture, their ancestors are from Africa just like American blacks.

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