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Everything posted by CBJ03

  1. The line about not having a cup big enough is apparently very true. I once had it described as being long enough to wear as a belt.
  2. The one thing that has become increasinly frustrating is the inability to have the same guys in the lineup every day. Its a constant handicap. Honestly theres no reason that Robert, Harrison, and Savala shouldnt be in the lineup today. The constant substituion and lineup movement seems to constantly taking any chance of anyone getting in a sustained rhythm at the plate. Until the same guys are playing every day in the same spot, this lineup will never have any consistent at bats.
  3. I know nothing about pitching mechanics, but the ball also seems to be coming out of his hand different. A lot of those fastballs have a cut to it.
  4. Its got to be zone hitting or something because there have been a number of balls that have ended up middle middle and no one is taking a pass at them. Its like they are expecting him to be wild and then when he isnt they quickly end up down 0-2 and then just chase everything.
  5. Didnt you know the Blue Jays offense sucks. Its the 2nd inning and they havent scored off Bundy yet.
  6. Amazing how a guy who was pretty highly thought of around here all of a sudden becomes some bum who shouldnt make it out of the first.
  7. Whats even more frustrating is they do hit the ball hard but its always on the ground.
  8. Otto spin rates up across the board and Dylans all down. Going to be another one of those nights.
  9. At this point would it really make any difference? I mean other then the optics?
  10. Someone will need to look inside since this ump is giving that pitch and jus turn on it.
  11. They just showed the graphic that the Sox are 11-3 vs guys making their debut since 2018.
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