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Everything posted by CBJ03

  1. Thats his first run in his last 12 apperances. Hes been fine.
  2. Surgery last fall on an injury that occured a couple of days before opening day?
  3. I think it is the first time all season where the lineup reflects who should be in it.
  4. You know he played a lot of games at SS/2B right?
  5. I can tell you with 100% certainty the last statement is as wrong as can be.
  6. Ed had been struggling with his health since the Texas series of last year. And for those asking about him and DJ, they were very good friends. I’m sure it’s a tough day for both families. Ed was a very generous man. He did a lot of small things for people. He once even offered my wife half his sandwich in the middle of the game.
  7. Didn't see it anywhere. Was told they were working on it.
  8. In actual Sox news, Sox are working on extending Bummer.
  9. I've responded to a few people privately. You can go view my public posts to see where I work.
  10. Im at work today. Not hard to put together who I was told by.
  11. I was told that it is pretty much done and that they are waiting until after the funeral to annouce it. Not exactly anything new but it seems to be done.
  12. I would as well which makes me think there’s no way the Red Sox would consider it.
  13. Would you trade Mazara for Benentendi and Price but you’d have to absorb all of Price's contract?
  14. Can honestly say, at this moment, if my job didn't require me to tune in, Id have a very hard time doing it.
  15. Edited my post above. I met you at the station one night with Sam P. Wanted to check in, see how things were going.
  16. Trying to send you a PM. Have no idea if it’s working. Met you at the station with Sam P. Wanted to catch up.
  17. Asked around. Looks like they are still trying to finalize times. Just heard opening ceremonies could be pushed to 4. I do know there will be a panel with Daryl Boston, Zach Collins, and Kopech. There will also be one with Cease, Madrigal, and the last name is escaping me at the moment.
  18. I don’t. I’ll ask around tomorrow and see if there’s an answer I can get for you. My guess is I won’t be able to but I’ll ask. I do know logistically on our end things are a little different this year so that could be part of it. But I don’t know.
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