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  1. Wait, I was told that players didn’t sign because of money …
  2. SUCK IT, JERRY!!!! (sorry, that’s all I’ve got it …)
  3. Somewhere in the very near future: "something something Mets something opposite of Dolphins something happy to give up a record it's all yours something something woohoo!"
  4. If this has been discussed I apologize, but have to ask, what’s with the “…” after every thread title???
  5. In typical Sox fashion, they get the math backwards. People would likely pay an additional 10% to go to the park and not listen to Schiffren!! Pay less to NOT listen to the broadcast is like a double win!
  6. This organization is so clueless …. ?‍♂️
  7. LONG LIVE SPORTSVISON! (oh, and also, UHF, WPWR, and channel 60 …)
  8. To avoid 120 losses they have to do better than 40-107 the rest of the way. The way they look, that doesn’t seem achievable. 30-117 honestly doesn’t sound ludicrous for this group, and that would leave them with 130 losses.
  9. WS2023 raises an interesting question. What is the list of WS managers or FO personnel that were actually in demand after they left the org? I’m not sure I know. Ozzie, sort of, for about 6 months before he pissed off half the population of Miami? Much younger, I’m-okay-with-roids TLR? Beyond that …..?
  10. No need. For the first time JR finally had a training staff that was doing things the way he thought they should be done, and it would’ve taken someone from outside the org a year to learn the organization! He did think about bringing Branch Rickey in to lead the training staff, but interviewing a dead guy was too much work.
  11. And we think Eloy gets hurts too often on solid ground! I’m picturing him trying to play the field in 5 foot swells!
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