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Everything posted by RTC

  1. Manfred to media: Manfred to owners: Damnit boys, I miss the days when Tony Clark was their lead negotiator. Owners to Manfred: You mean we can’t walk all over them this time?!? WTF Rob!!!!
  2. That’s the first time I’ve actually witnessed someone being drawn and quartered. Outstanding.
  3. KW: we didn't want someone like Leury Garcia, we wanted THE Leury Garcia. TLG!
  4. EAR WORM!!! No no no no no ……………
  5. IMO, the biggest question this raises is, related to comments in the other thread ….. how does this affect the odds Hahn stays or goes???
  6. TL;DR RH: Something something obviously disappointed something something something nobody is more disappointed than Jerry, Kenny, and myself something something our window is just starting to open blah blah blah take the next step
  7. RTC

    The Beer Thread

    You are wise. It’s nothing special, lots of hype. It falls in the same category with Fat Tire and Blue Moon. Mediocre beers with great marketing , but I always try to show people there’s much better beers in those respective styles.
  8. Has anyone ever seen Yermin and Ron in the room at the same time?
  9. This is their penance for letting Jim Thome go
  10. No. Their beers are too meh to warrant that kind of attention.
  11. Totally agree. And I wish the Sox would behave like this and I’m not sure, based on their apparent budget, that they don’t NEED to. The problem is that it takes balls that either: - most teams don’t have or - most fan bases can’t tolerate Rays seem to be super unique and have set expectations.
  12. Yes, they could. And could JR still be cheap? Hard to criticize a team that signs Michael Brantley when you’re stuck with Spanky Mc Gimpy.
  13. Point taken for sure. Damn, pesky Sox fans ….
  14. I would add: 5. Never, under any circumstances, turn the tv on after 5pm. Any “news” channel is no longer news at that point (most BARELY are before that) 6. Delete all your social media accounts
  15. They're actually going to weave a statue of Eloy into the foul netting
  16. So what is the unwritten rule when someone worse than a position player is pitching?
  17. And got a high five from his manager
  18. RTC

    The Beer Thread

    The other one for you to try would be Three Floyd’s Dreadnaught. Few times per year only, but you might be able to find some of the most recent batch still hanging around.
  19. Now where did I misplace that tinfoil hat ….?
  20. RTC

    The Beer Thread

    Two words: Lagunita’s Waldos Totally old school, west coast DIPA (they call it a triple). I wait until April every year, and every year I think “man, nobody makes beer like this anymore”.
  21. Well that’s clearly your problem right there. I’m going to drive to KC buddy and introduce you to double IPA’s …….
  22. Thanks for doing your part, Greg. I know you wrestled with this
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