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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. At this point you have to be purposely misrepresenting my argument. You simply are not listening to what I am saying at all. Depth doesn't mean George Springer or spending like the Dodgers or Padres. Where and how are you confused?
  2. The odds you gave apparently answer it. I'm not sure why you are so determined to ignore the points I am making.
  3. But yet Madrigal was the problem because he can't hit homers and was going to diminish our chances of being a playoff team, and we couldn't afford to develop someone in a playoff push season. Soxtalk is a weird place.
  4. Because when the same approach is taken over and over again and the same results occur, it should dawn on you eventually
  5. Another reason we are likely screwed. Our FO has never and likely will never operate like a team trying to win and that is one of the biggest reason why so many people's undying, blind optimism is tiresome.
  6. And does Eloy continue to play RF? IMO he needs to DH from here on. He can't afford to play OF anymore. But where does that leave Yermin/Vaughn/Abreu, etc.?
  7. Frankly anyone not lying to themselves knows all this. Nothing I've saying is anything that required much smarts to understand. But it's hard to press on with a negative mindset. I get it.
  8. We say this every year and yet the Sox never win it. And the FO approaches things the same way. At some point you have to catch on to things and take the blinders off. Even if we make the playoffs we aren't likely to make a big showing now.
  9. Wonder what data this is based on? 2/3 of our outfield is done. Our backup OF is done for a while. Our hitting, defense and bullpen have all been inconsistent at best and our manager is an old fart who doesn't know what he is doing anymore. And we are barely a month into the season. If you wanna be confident, go right ahead. I'm gonna be skeptical like any person with deductive reasoning would be right now.
  10. Again... I never said spend money like thr Dodgers or Padres. They spent hardly any money at all and are at about league average. You wouldn't have to be a top 5 spender to add some depth. Are you purposely being dense?
  11. TBH, the way things are going, is it really worth it to give up anything of value for Heyward? Exploring Puig and Cespedes is fine.
  12. Favorite based on what? I told people a lot of things that they didn't want to accept that hurt our chances. One was how susceptible we were to injuries due to lack of depth. Being cheap tends to bite you on the ass.
  13. You know the point I'm trying to make so I'm not sure why you are trying to make an argument out of this.
  14. Yeah. I could be a dick and say "I told you so" but frankly even I didn't foresee us being THIS devastated by injuries. But that doesn't excuse how terrible our GM has been with signings and lack of them. We could still make a push for the playoffs but even just getting there almost looks bleak now. Imagine if Eaton gets injured (likely) now. Lord...
  15. The Padres are absolutely loaded with talent. They spent money. The Sox were loaded with talent before even spending much and they could have solidified themselves, at least solidified depth to that talent. Sorry, didn't think that really needed to be explained.
  16. Exactly what fucking need would EE fill? There's literally no use for him.
  17. LMAO. This is almost funny. Funny thing is even if our FO had gone for depth like they should have, we'd probably still be screwed.
  18. Not sure how simply spending some money somehow means spending money "like the Dodgers" to you.
  19. Time to get used to a lot more Leury Garcia playtime, I guess. Something is going on in baseball lately. Freak injuries to major players are just a regular thing now.
  20. So what? In order to put yourself in a good position, you have to spend money. Sox have no depth because no money was spent. The correlations some of you are trying to make are nonsensical.
  21. Not necessarily but they are showing the willingness to actually spend some fucking money.
  22. I get it. No one wants to admit things look bad, bleak or even shaky. But putting on blinders and exhibiting tunnel vision and ignoring so many factors is ridiculous.
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