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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. At this rate, he might end up being only the third Sox player I will have ever bought a jersey of.
  2. He really did get to just be seemingly miserable and out of sorts at the end. But still, yes, absolutely miss him. His repetition was sometimes irritating but the man knew baseball and had so much confidence. As is expected.
  3. It's not that I don't enjoy them. But the constant pandering and timidity gets annoying after a while.
  4. There's a difference between teamwork and a guy clearly needing to defer to his colleague on everything and get shown up by him. And I don't recall ever saying anything about him saying anything to or about anyone's wives. It's not surprising? Um ,OK? Is anyone's posting tendency "surprising?"
  5. Hot take: Maybe what is better for Gio is not necessarily best for the rest of the team. Slightly less hot take: 2020's sample size was a mirage.
  6. 6 runs should usually be enough, at least for a WS caliber (*snicker*) team.
  7. Jesus, we can't even hold a large lead over Texas. So far this revered bullpen is half good at best.
  8. My favorite bullpen arm disappointing me this year. That said, this bullpen management is head-scratching. Actually, the managing overall is pretty baffling.
  9. Even if we win this game it's more of an indictment on this team.
  10. You don't even need to have played the game to have knowledge of it. Some former players are paid to talk about it on TV and have nothing insightful to say.
  11. I changed his quote. Couldn't find the strikethrough, maybe because I'm on my phone.
  12. PBP guys in general can't analyze baseball? Lol.
  13. So basically that is admittance that Jason is not an expert himself. My point.
  14. Not saying he has NO knowledge. But when you are an obvious pushover and have to ask your color guy for answers to everything, it looks bad.
  15. Not wasting Kopech on Texas, I suppose.
  16. He's always deferring to Stone on everything and getting shown up. He's a pushover.
  17. Appreciate the reference, but by far my least favorite Kubrick film.
  18. And that's the point. Baseball is not an area of expertise for him. And that has fuck all to do with any other commentators in the sport.
  19. Yet he still sounds oblivious and uncertain all the time. If he's so knowledgeable, that makes Stone a deity.
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