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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. It just goes back to the ineptitude of this FO that we traded control of a solid prospect for a 1 year rental without even remotely optomizing the team for the use of said 1 year rental. If the current trajectory continues and then Lynn walks we are going to go through the same motion next year with needing Kopech back in the rotation and trying (and likely failing) to extend Gio. Rotating door just continues spinning.
  2. This is why the blind optimism has perplexed me. The same people who have been keeping this a ruined franchise oversaw the rebuild. When this team has success it almost seems to be accidental.
  3. If your team's chances of being WS caliber are so tenuous that 1 injury leads to a spiral then you never really were WS caliber.
  4. I fully agree. But it IS hard when you're trying to compete with 3 (if you count Collins who has had plenty of time) young hitters developing and one of our best hitters sidelined.
  5. This has been the consistent feeling of this team for over a decade now; a single run deficit going into the late innings is enough to feel insurmountable. All too familiar and so far this year hasn't changed. People have to understand why it's so hard to be positive.
  6. If much of any "should haves" were to have happened by now this team would be in a much better spot. Tip of the iceberg. All they had to do was spend a little extra money.
  7. Sox need to stop rushing younger players.
  8. Really sucks the Sox didn't go after Cruz or Ozuna.
  9. I would only make additions that the Sox were actually linked to.
  10. My Show 21 fantasy Sox roster would love that. Tatis, Soto, Acuna? Yes plz.
  11. Bears weather! (That they never win in)
  12. Damn, the one day every week I have time to sit down and watch an entire game.
  13. To be fair, it is true that bad teams tend to start off good and vice versa. If you go by the first few weeks Baltimore has been fantastic so far this century.
  14. I totally get what you're saying. But the Sox have more to prove. Many other teams have history of heating up as time goes on. The Sox... don't. And unfortunately simply having talent is not enough.
  15. Lol why did I laugh so hard at that.
  16. Other teams are bad, therefore we shouldn't be bothered about being bad. Um, no. Doesn't work, sorry. And again, the Yankees have a history of great scouting, development, investing, and winning. Who cares about their roster this year? There's not a fan alive that wouldn't switch ownership with the Yankees. If we were the Yankees we would all be quite happy.
  17. For the record, I agree with most of your points and I'm not "panicking." That would indicate I had high hopes from the beginning, for one. Second, it's not in my nature. But there are definitely a plethora of things to be concerned about.
  18. My God, do we really need this thread every other day?
  19. Actually, most (if not virtually all) of them simply do not.
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