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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. There were plenty of established disaster categories established before the season even began.
  2. The bullpen is one I was optimistic about. God help us if that ultimately ends up in the disaster category, too.
  3. But is that the exception or the rule? I mean that is quaint and all. But it's 1 example.
  4. I dunno about the Jays but the Yankees and to an extent the Rays have a history of good scouting, management, development and winning. There is a clear difference. Whereas we fall flat on our faces year after year and yet people keep forgetting that the same shit happens year after year... largely in part due to the fact that this organization has almost no track record with any of those things. Talent doesn't matter if you can't develop and harness it.
  5. Reading comprehension is a general struggle around here. I'm not special. For instance, the constant failure for people here to understand the difference between "pessimism" and realism. A lot of you really do live by the definition of insanity. "It's only the beginning of the season! Stop being so pessimistic! Just wait until *insert time period here*!" Yeah, been hearing the same shit for years. And no. I don't really care to "bet." If I'm wrong I will be happy. But I see little reason to think I will be.
  6. Such a meathead take it's already been going on for several years, if not decades. Using deductive reasoning is the opposite of being a "meathead."
  7. Ban bet for what? And don't you have a bad reputation with that sort of thing?
  8. But it has been one almost the whole way so far. And the Ump hasn't nothing to do with how bad Hendriks was today. Not that Liam is a core source of the problem, don't get me wrong.
  9. I'd say virtually every aspect of the way our team is playing being this bad from the beginning is a bad sign and likely more than just "getting off to a bad start." And we've seen it happen time and time again.
  10. That isn't going to fix our shit defense or pitching so I'd say you're off.
  11. This team is not going to be a playoff team. I know it's way too early to say that for sure, but so far there's no real difference between this team and what we have been trotting out for the last 10+ years. I don't want to hear about "talent;" yes, this team has it. But if you can't develop it then it doesn't matter. Same stupid approach we have seen for years still on full display. People who can't understand the "negativity" would appear to not have been absorbing what they have been seeing for years. What realistic expectation is there for it to change?
  12. Tell yourself whatever you want. Comically bad takes far worse than that are posted literally all the time. Thinking any sarcasm in that vein, in a text format, is obvious is ignorant as fuck. But whatever floats your boat, dude.
  13. Um... no. Posts of that nature are plastered in every page of every bad gamethread. People who think sarcasm in a text format is always obvious are so laughable.
  14. No, it wasn't. Again, takes that bad and worse are commonplace. Just stop.
  15. Which would be absolutely inexcusable. And is easily possible.
  16. Hot takes everywhere but you're gonna be condescending for someone not detecting sarcasm, lol.
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