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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. Dude, it's literally his first night pitching in 2 years. Sorry, it's not a simple as this.
  2. Yeah, I agree. Just being humorous. Of course he would have a subpar at bat immediately after potentially costing us the game. Don't worry. I'm not taking it that seriously. Jury is still out on some of these guys. I'm not writing anyone off after 2 games.
  3. If he has made it and can DH and Vaughn plays well right out of the gate, just run things like this until Eloy comes back, this could still be a great offense. I really want both of these guys to succeed.
  4. Eaton making sure he stays consistent with the lack of usefulness tonight.
  5. So far bad defense has been a total team effort.
  6. Very eager to see how Lynn looks out of the gate.
  7. Probably not in his rookie year. What a low expectation, eh?
  8. Happy for Yermin. I hope he makes serious noise.
  9. I love seeing trolls have to insult me because they cannot actually respond to the points I'm making. I just mainly came in here for a minute to give some people a taste of their own medicine and illustrate how ridiculous their position on Madrigal is. But you don't really care about a discussion or a point. That's why you took a shot at me and nothing else.
  10. Sure it is. Everyone is gonna make errors, ML caliber and not. Why a guy in his first year is being held to a higher standard than that is baffling.
  11. Hmm, look at all these guys not named Madrigal committing errors. No excuse for that from major league players. Right?
  12. Of all people, if you think that I'm disappointed. It's not that at all. I'm trying to get people to understand where they are cherry picking who and what they are applying their logic to. But yes, I am annoyed that some (not a giant many, honestly, IMO) people see fit to vilify me when they engage in a certain behavior far more than they accuse me of doing and fail to see the differences. And I have every right to be. I won't apologize for having the need to try to make sense rather than just be self absorbed and oblivious. More to the point: I get that bad play will illicit frustration and I'm not new to gamethreads but last night was ridiculous; like a room full of scorned grade school kids.
  13. Multiple people might have the same perspective. What a shocker.
  14. Frankly, that was the very first gamethread of the regular season and I'm already contemplating just not participating in them. The knee jerk reaction garbage, double standards and absurd presumptions I saw about multiple things was so ridiculous. And I'm the one who gets attacked for being too negative around here. Jesus, after seeing that thread last night it just highlights the common human tendency of lack of self-awareness.
  15. College usually goes different than what happens at the ML level at first. Asking what they saw seems like a dishonest question. The answer is obvious. They saw a guy who DID play good defense, DID run well, DID hit well, DID grind and force more pitches and DID NOT strike out much. Obviously not all that has translated to the majors (yet). I don't believe having exponentially less patience because of a supposed lower ceiling is fair.
  16. Yes. One damn game and everyone is losing their mind. I'm actually not one of them. But thanks for (not) trying. Thanks for being so concerned about my sleep. Troll.
  17. Still waiting for you to address the point and stop being a troll. If not, then go elsewhere.
  18. As usual, attack the poster, ignore the point. Par for the course here. Now people talking about how bad this lineup looks. The flip-flops are just incredible. If the loss of Eloy alone makes this lineup BAD then it wasn't that great to begin with. But consistency be dammed. Being criticized for being too negative all the time and then seeing how these gamethreads play out is so fucking bizarre.
  19. Ask anyone. Our lineup is stacked and Eloy missing doesn't make this team any less of a WS contender. Ask them. They'll tell you.
  20. You think Nick is single handedly going to cost us a shot at the playoffs? You do realize Eloy got injured and his absence is likely going to cost us as much, if not more, right? Question then. Since you all hate him so much. Send him down after an absurd sample size. Who plays 2nd? Fuck's sake.
  21. There is a thing called pressure. Some people take longer than others. Common sense.
  22. My point stands. Why does a lower ceiling then Yoan remove his right to take time to grow? Yoan took a fucking year and a half. This kid has played about a third if a season and this site is ready to lynch his house. It's fucking stupid and a double standard.
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