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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. If what happened last year is how umpiring is gonna look from here on out, then maybe it's time for baseball to change.
  2. I really hope Abreu's model in The Show actually looks remotely like him this year.
  3. No. It comes down to more than that. Personally I just find all of Jason's constant deference a little annoying.
  4. Nah, no rules there. Go crazy. I do really miss the NUKE_CLEVELAND style, though...
  5. I really do think how Robert fares may be the detirming factor of how good the Sox will be this season.
  6. I value stats more than anyone and the stats without Eloy don't necessarily look damning but without his presence the lineup looks much less scary.
  7. Despite the whole debacle, does it feel just surreal to anyone else now that baseball is officially here to see LaRussa walking around in that dugout again? Fucking weird.
  8. TLR wearing his mask correctly on opening day so that's nice.
  9. Eaton batting second and Collins DHing makes me a bit nervous.
  10. Um... yes. Of course. When someone admits they are wrong that is progress. Do you actually not understand that everyone is wrong sometimes, no matter how smart or sensible? Do you realize... you are wrong sometimes? Arguing is always an exercise. So it's only worth it if... the person doesn't admit they are wrong? So therefore using your own rationale, no one should be "waste time" arguing with you either, no matter what. Especially if you admit you are wrong. You aren't making any semblance of sense whatsoever. On any level. And no, you did not attack the argument I actually used as an example. You merely attacked me. Claiming I'm not logical is not enough. You have to prove your argument. Your Yankee example was a half truth as you misrepresented the argument. But I did retract what I said. If that is not good enough for you then what in theeeeeee fuck are you even going back and forth with me for? Do you really not understand how damn obtuse that is? If that is going to be the case and you will always trash me whether I am wrong or right, let me know right now so I can conclude you a are an attention seeking troll so I can put you on ignore right now. If I can admit I'm wrong about something and you are STILL going to trash me and say it's not good enough, then what can I help you with??? And why would you bother responding? And don't you realize by that rationale you really can't converse with ANYONE???
  11. No, I do not mean that and I retracted that. And technically that is not even what I had said. Can you acknowledge that in your next reply? I doubt you will. Because you probably are concerned more with being right than reaching a logical conclusion. And now you yourself are doing what you just said never happens here, and you are just complaining about what I said rather than making a counterpoint about the actual context I put into perspective. I'm definitely not full of shit. And at the very least you obviously can't explain how and why. I'm sorry if I sounded like a dick but there's no easy way to tell someone that they are wrong. I'm not beating any drum, I'm simply telling the truth. And you proved it by failing to provide a counterpoint, failing to refute how what I said is based on logic, complaining about what I said without actually dissecting it, and then lashing out at me and ignoring the actual point I made. Know why you have to do all that? Because you're wrong. Sorry. Basically you're just attacking me while ignoring what I actually said.
  12. Based on what I see around here I'd say it is, lol.
  13. The Sox will not win the division. There ya go. Bold.
  14. This is a flat out lie and clearly you are oblivious. It has happened and happened very often, including in this very thread. If someone is being analytical and dissecting something and another is merely complaining that the other person is being negative because the analysis isn't being done to promote positivity, then the latter person is not being logical. They are just complaining. People like yourself mock the people that cite logic because people really hate it when you use logic against them and burn their egos. Period. I'm not talking about anything according to me. I'm talking about the way things objectively are in this case. I could care less what someone *thinks* 2 plus 2 is. It's 4 and always will be. If you disagree because you don't know math then that is not my problem. Complain all you want, but in reality it's futile. You are claiming that something that happens on a clockwork basis doesn't happen at all. It's hysterical. And it's a two way street. People constantly making new topics to promote blind loyalty and "positivity" is also a dead horse being beaten. Because if you constantly have to do that then it tells me you're not as confident as you lead on, otherwise it wouldn't have to be restated (reposted) over and over again.
  15. Yes. And what is stranger is some people seem to know it but purposely act positive just for the sake of it even in the face of obvious problems; many people tend to not be able to face and admit problems because it is too much for them or being them down too much. And in this case... it's just baseball. I love baseball a lot but not enough that it puts my sanity in jeopardy.
  16. QFT. I really don't understand the widespread lack of logic and basic analysis around here. None of these things are hard to put together. The idea that you can't be critical of something being done poorly and love the team is such absurdity.
  17. That has nothing at all to do with the actual point and you know it.
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