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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. Or the posts from people who make it sound like they hate seeing my posts yet continue to respond to me and actually go a step further and troll. Everything is a two way street. Other people need to take accountability. I really don't even post much in most threads. I'm not looking for attention as it is clear some who respond to me do. A lot of absurd assumptions have been made here. Someone literally saying I'm hoping for Hendriks to blow saves so I can strike is probably the most ridiculous.
  2. I would love to know what exactly I have ever posted, especially compared to some of the content I reference, in any way whatsoever justifies a "report." Perhaps outside of a couple things I apologized for which still where not comparable.
  3. You're the one that started a problem with me by constantly saying "too stupid to argue with" because I broke down a couple of your fallacious posts. If anyone is an asshole of the two of us, it's you. I have never called anyone on this forum stupid. Ever. Yet some people push the narrative that I have so they can make themselves right. You can attempt to justify it all you want but on doing so you'd just prove me more right. Again, you have mods/admins who regularly sling shit/troll people yet I am being made out to be the problem and it is ridiculous. Maybe that's the problem. You can't ban people for breaking set rules and standards if the very people who set them couldn't follow them themselves. Like I said, why does it have to be WSI or this? How about a happy medium? Crazy? There's nothing crazy about taking a discussion seriously and expecting other people to take accountability for what they say. For some reason I seem to be the only one who needs to. If you think I am "crazy" then you haven't been on this earth long enough to truly see crazy. Like the White House the last 4 years. Hyperbole only defeats your argument more. Truth is you are speaking for a handful of people and not the whole board. And if you are, there is a major problem if admins being bullies is accepted but someone standing up to people is considered a disruption. That has become a really weird part of our culture today and it is perplexing.
  4. Fair post. But that's a thing, dude. If the means someone is using to make the argument are fallacious then it takes credibility away from the argument. If we ignore this then no discussion can ever come to a conclusion and we're basically all just jerking off. I like rational and logical discussion. Not going to apologize for that.
  5. Whether you mean me or him, that doesn't matter at all. Bias is a thing. If you look at the history of my posts compared to his and say I'm a bigger asshole then you would be 100% wrong. Plain and simple.
  6. Well that's good but yet you fail to know better constantly. It's like giving Trump credit for being able to stick to a script once on a while. I'm sorry but it's not commendable. You used a "defense" yet wouldn't apologize for the action. It's so weird. Are least I acknowledged when I was an asshole and apologized for it. Yet I'm the bad guy. So weird.
  7. Yet admins constantly do it themselves. There's no way around this, dude. For instance. Comparing me to Kyyle? No contest, sorry. And again, I'm not really that much of an asshole, lol.
  8. Hasn't everyone had multiple people take issue with something they have said? No one has support from everyone and no one has everyone agree with them. Multiple people have taken issue with you, too. But I'm not viscious like you are and I'm not a mod/admin. So what's the real problem?
  9. Not banning people doesn't mean you're not aggressively viscious. You are. So who sets the standard for conduct? So me being singled out for being an "asshole" when I'm really not makes no sense.
  10. Then I stand correct and the "defense" really isn't valiant. You even acknowledged I had admitted that I was wrong about something yet didn't want to give me credit because of something you said I stated elsewhere that you didn't like. Which is absurd; by that logic no one really deserves credit for anything now, do they? I guess by that token I should discredit this very defense you made because of other viscious attacks you have made elsewhere (and you have a big habit of that). I've seen you say just as bad things to other people. I find you to be extremely vulgar and viciously offensive in general so I really don't understand the mentality towards me. Ok for you but not for others, I suppose. I'm nowhere near equal footing with you here. When someone is making you mad, it's usually because they own you. People claim I'm an asshole yet those very people are the ones posting the most vicious shit. It sure doesn't make much sense. "In my defense I acknowledge I never said that exact insult before now but aren't going to apologize for it." How bizarre.
  11. Right. Because me losing myself for a second and you purposely being a douche while supposedly clear headed is the same thing. People are assholes all the time. In all walks of life. On every forum known to man. It happens. I believe I'm much less an asshole than a LOT of people here. People make Why "asshole posts" on a regular basis here.. Why you think I specifically need to be singled out for this and act like it's actually rare here is a mystery to me. People make mistakes. Some people here are eternally unapologetic about being an asshole all the time. I apologize for occasionally doing it, usually when I was provoked. Which would you prefer?
  12. Lol OK. If that's your way of apologizing, I accept. ?
  13. How I am being an asshole to someone I am not addressing? And again, at least I can apologize. You have freaking admins here who literally tell people "shut the fuck up" and openly troll people, not exactly much leadership by example around here. Also, perhaps the people that jump into the ring shouldn't misquote me and mischatacterize my arguments.
  14. It's hard to narrow down that criteria with so few good teams in history. I'm not sure what you would use to quantify that but I guess 2005 IMO because the pitching was pure ddominance. The hitting wasn't prolific but you have to remember that that team's hitting was clutch on an otherworldly level and that is the kicker for me. Now if Frank would have been healthy all season? That aspect might have been highlighted significantly more.
  15. Once again, post starts with numerous things I have never said and ignored what I am actually saying. You constantly say you will never engage with me again... and then respond to me again soon after (still ignoring the core of my posts, of course). Round and round. Maybe if certain people didn't cherry pick many posts, misquote me and throw around strawmen I might be a little less coarse. Something to think about. When people are civil with me, I'm civil with them. If you think I'm being an asshole to you then perhaps reassess your own responses to me. I don't respond well to having words constantly put in my mouth, as most anyone doesn't. Maybe don't start a post out with "OMIGOD," engage in a redundant and repetitive rant and then wonder why I call you childish. I say it all the time: you can put me on ignore. You don't. You constantly claim I'm not worth arguing with yet always return. Only thing I can assume is you like the attention.
  16. Logical fallacies are objective, not subjective. And your comment about Hendriks is ridiculous and shows you are engaging in them yourself as I have been outspoken about how much I like Hendriks and that the bullpen is the one thing I not concerned about this year. If you really think I'm rooting for the Sox to lose then frankly you don't know shit about me and have learned nothing. Because you obviously aren't paying enough attention and to solidify my example you are going to just disappear instead of own it because you have to make some bullshit up just to make yourself right. If the Sox prove my assertions wrong I will be happy to admit I was wrong. THAT is what I am rooting for. You don't even actually have a grasp on my opinions because you are jumping to conclusions on them and not actually knowing them because you just lazily want to claim ALL my arguments are negative rather than actually absorb them individually. So you sound like another person whose feathers I have ruffled enough to the point of (as per the usual for people who bash me) mischaracterizing my posts or grasping straws and then disappearing. Of course arguing with someone isn't going to be "worth it" if you don't even know what the person's actual stance is because you assume it. I also never said I was smart. It doesn't take that much intelligence to simply point out something that is incorrect. But no one ever wants to admit they could be incorrect about anything. Heaven forbid. You're "ending the conversation" because you are wrong and you know it. Otherwise you wouldn't make up bullshit about me "rooting for blown saves."
  17. I'm really looking forward to see what a healthy Bummer can do.
  18. You can agree with someone saying 2 + 2 is 5 but you'd be just as wrong as he is. Calling someone ignorant and explaining why apparently makes me an asshole but simply calling someone stupid over and over and not even offering a counterpoint at all is rational? If that's your take then sorry, you're wrong whether you know it or not, and people really hate being told they are wrong. But I'm not going to apologize for being correct. It tends to just come down to ego for some people. Not for me. That's why I can actually acknowledge now and then that I was wrong about something or retract it and offer a softer take after I have had time to think about it more. So many are unable to do this and take everything personally rather than try to look at themselves as well. Do I come off harsh sometimes? Sure. That's because truth often is harsh. But malice is not a thing with me. The amount of venom that comes my way vs the amount I throw put is hilariously lopsided towards the former. You will never hear me get into petty namecalling contests with people. Your perspective of me is skewed and likely biased. I don't believe I've ever called someone stupid here. Don't need to. I'm not weak.
  19. Sure. But what should happen is people should address it and adjust their arguments accordingly. You can't use a literal zombie analogy as a comparison and then tell other people they are too stupid to argue with. At least some admission of this from others would be nice rather than just the usual "don't feed the trolls" rhetoric that, while true, doesn't solve anything. If something is ignorant than it should be acknowledged.
  20. I've addressed those issues. But simply making a snide remark is not productive and it's not my problem if people are irritated because I take people to task. If you don't then there's really no point in arguing in the first place.
  21. Parties aren't set up for people to discuss baseball. See what I'm talking about with the sideways comments? At least I stay on point. There's a time and a place for everything. But I'm not going to take shots at everyone because my gears are being grinded because someone actually is going to take people to task for what they say.
  22. Apparently it's too hard for you. It's not even the argument that I seriously took issue with but the way that you almost insinuated he was stupid (this is a thing with you, apparently) for presenting a common sense argument. Then I provided more context to it. And you just ignored it. What a shock. The fact you need to take shots like this so often shows how weak your arguments are.
  23. It's really hilarious watching you use simple logic and see people bashing you childishly who clearly are having the logic go over their head. This is spot on. But context just doesn't matter to some people and they only see things in black and white. For someone to call you stupid or drunk for simply pointing out that a 76 year old alcoholic probably isn't as sharp as he was 10 years ago (maybe you could... listen to him and surmise that) and grasp that the game has also changed much since then is utterly hysterical and ignorant as fuck. Christ, the blinders that some people wear around here... tends to lead to tunnel vision. There are so many elements (some merely being common sense) pertaining to your argument that are just not occurring to these posters. Not to mention the fallacies. Mr. "Too stupid to argue with" (monkey) is showing some major irony. 108 year old risen from the dead Lombardi. Lol OK. Flawless argument there, dude.
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