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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. And this is exactly why I feel this way and why I was skeptical of the rebuild from the get-go.
  2. I'm confident ownership will totally botch this competitive window. It has already started.
  3. IIRC Vaughn hasn't seen Triple A ball yet. Nothing says they would have had to play him this year. He could always shift duties and Vaughn could give Abreu some rest at 1st. Point is moot now, but acting like this is out of the realm of possibility is incorrect.
  4. This gives Cubs fans some ammo against one of our biggest stereotypes of them.
  5. Because Vaughn doesn't necessarily need to even be in the MLB this year and might not be ready this year, which has been talked about ad nauseum.
  6. If they had gone this route there were numerous great DH candidates, as you are surely aware.
  7. 100% However, ownership hadn't treated this offseason as if they are actually going for it so it matters less.
  8. Do you define fair weather as fans who don't watch during tough times? Honestly never understand having an attitude towards people like that. You're less inclined to watch every game when your team sucks.
  9. I don't see it as a huge deal but not exactly sure what your issue with that comment is.
  10. I fear this may be the case as well. If JR is really being cheap right now to try to lock but Gio later I suppose I could get behind that but do any of us think this is actually the case? And if so, what are the odds it would have happened already?
  11. Agree. I think he should stick around and get another chance with proper usage.
  12. Unless the Sox acquire someone who better fits the bill I think Robert would be a great leadoff hitter if and when he blossoms.
  13. Most ironic post of the entire thread. (Not applying this to you, BTW)
  14. Exhibit A, ladies and gentlemen. The trend is currently jumping on me, though, so no one will call you out for this. Please tell me what word I should use in lieu of ignorant? (Spoiler: you won't answer this question) Funny how attempting to merely be reasonable can be labeled as a "complex." Again, ignoring the poster's points and merely attacking him. I believe that might be called ad hominem. Keep distracting from the point and everyone will just forget about it. Bullshit deception tactics. I've already owned up to some things I said being unfair. Would be nice to see the same from some of you.
  15. I wasn't bullying anyone, lol. And if I was then by that rationale bullying goes on rampantly in several threads on a regular basis. There have been plenty of actual blowups on greg. I'm not going to do that.
  16. These International signings have been hands down my favorite part of this offseason.
  17. Potential, sure. But we've never actually seen Vaughn even in Triple A so IMO he is likely not a factor. Pretty much everyone else you listed has basically proven themselves. Robert came up and immediately made an impact but fell into a slump at the end of the season, if he stays in that slump then there is some nervousness there but if he gets back into gear very quickly I say that's about as big an indicator you need that this lineup will be elite.
  18. Calling someone ignorant or blind is not name calling. Thery are actually terms that have real meaning. I have never engaged in name calling here. Occasionally I have said something that was a bit overboard and have apologized for it. I did once tell greg to shut up. That was merely for humor. I actually don't feel I've seen him much if at all since then, lol.
  19. He has a point. Obviously optimism is an easier read than skepticism/pessimism but that's life. Blindness on either side is bad, and contrary to what you think I am not all negative. But most of my optimistic thoughts have been shared my many others and have been generally accepted and I don't feel the need to echo them. I can tell there is even a irritation that goes along with reading my posts because some have preconceived notions but if you actually absorb what I am typing and not be resistant or spiteful you might find I am reasonable.
  20. You only think that because my words are not sinking in. Like the very words if the post you just quoted and are arguing around to make yourself right rather than address. It's the same thing over and over again. Even after I explain myself it seems like my clarifications get ignored because it is easier to focus on what you want me to be saying.
  21. You thinking I am a troll because I merely point out obvious concerns is incredibly ignorant. And arguably, negativity breeds more discussion and argument than positivity. Just the way it is. I have been mostly civil, taken serious arguments and been serious about them, have apologized when I was rude and it was not provoked, and told people flat out to ignore me if they don't like my posts. If that is what you think trolling is, you have no grasp of the concept.
  22. Funny how you quote me directly in the same post as you stated the bolded, which is nothing I have ever said. No one is dumb to be positive. It is definitely blind to not understand the legitimacy of several valid concerns, not all of which are even player related, and dismiss them or downplay them, or not see the high probability. For instance, I figured when this rebuild started that the same people who oversaw the running of the franchise into the ground are the same people who were overseeing the rebuild and that was an obvious cause for skepticism. Maybe people here were the same way; not accepting this reality. Maybe we can focus on substance rather than absolutes, hyperbole, misquotes and strawmen?
  23. I prefer to civilly engage than this crap. I encourage you to. Like I said, I all but retracted my comments about the Yankees comparison. Wish it had been noticed. What have I misrepresented? Most of your responses to me have been insults, so... All your "100%" assertions of me are hyperbole and are false.
  24. If someone prefers only sunshine and rainbows that is fine. They can ignore my posts and just not respond to them? Ya know, like saying I'm too stupid to argue with yet continue to argue with me. I took accountability for something I said earlier and basically retracted it. Funny how it went ENTIRELY ignored. How about some credit? I don't see anyone else here softening their positions or taking accountability for poor arguments. Which I guess is kinda why people refrain from admitting any mistakes. Narratives and obvious attention seekers are funny.
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