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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. The amount of delusion still out there is staggering.
  2. How is frustration premature when the basis of the frustration is due to something that's been going on for years and years? You keep questioning the frustration yet you don't seem to understand what the frustration is even actually about.
  3. Simply stating the good things done does not tell the entire story. The blanket statements constantly thrown to try to discredit the reasonable skepticism here is irritating. Reminds me of another dumb argument: "America is a great country overall! Stop complaining! If you don't like things here then go to some other country!" Asserting that the good things automatically being reason to not be justified in being frustrated about the things that suck always has and always will be a poor argument.
  4. Oh, how sad for them. Maybe they shouldn't work for an owner who won't spend any fucking money on a team that never makes the playoffs, then. GMAFB.
  5. Then good luck ever acquiring major league talent in trades. Or pick another name. How about Castillo?
  6. We already have an assortment of needs we haven't gone after and seemingly won't, lol.
  7. Um, no. That's not the "end" of discussion simply because you want it to be. Does he need to get "better?" He's already a damn good pitcher. Also, assuming something based sheerly on past examples is not logical. When people think the best answer is to do nothing then it only solidifies our endless purgatory of struggles to reach our destination AND gives ownership more incentive to stay the same. Don't you guys realize by now this "contention window" is just a mirage? If you want to say no simply because you know JR won't do it, that's fine. But to actually find reasons not to even if we were willing to is more incentive for things to stay the same.
  8. Sorry you feel that way. Let's be sure to remember this in a couple of years when we lose Giolito and we've lost our "window" and these guys possibly don't make a big enough difference because they either don't pan out, have the injuries take their toll, etc. It's weird to me that so many people are unwilling to trade unproven players for proven ones. This is the time we are supposed to be taking some risks to acquire proven winners. If we are only waiting to take risks when we are iffy then expect the trend of the last 10+ years to continue.
  9. Don't know what tks is supposed to mean but I'm guessing it's not anything to add substance to the blanket statement.
  10. As if this tells the entire story of the team and the org. Come on, that's blanket statement thinking and you know it.
  11. It wouldn't bother me as much if there was smoke about us indeed trying to trade for another arm we have heard about here (Burnes/Marquez/Castillo/Grey/etc.) but it sounds like they aren't going to do shit else to grab a stranglehold on the division and take the playoffs by storm and that is what is infuriating. We don't even have a solidified DH. "Aim for 2nd place..."
  12. Absolutely, hair splitting is one of the reasons covid is even more of a headache than it needs to be.
  13. If we weren't so fucking greedy and reckless and were more educated in general that kind of money would last several generations with ease. I'd like to think if the difference between going to a team I want to play for and/or could have a great chance at winning a title and one that will pay me the most is 30 million when I'm going to make 200+ I would choose the former rather easily. Sounds like SD is both for Tatis. Besides, we can only keep going higher and higher on these contracts until the entire leage just hits a hard wall. What Bauer is going to get paid next year is just disgusting and he's not even really in that tier IMO.
  14. I can at least say that. But imagine Tatis at SS and Tim and 2nd. Yummy.
  15. This one just never stops hurting for me. One of the ultimate "What could have beens."
  16. That's kind of the point of signing extra arms and having good ones ready to come up from the minors. It's a weak argument to attack a position rather than the actual thought process behind it. Anyone can simply discredit an argument by wording it broadly and putting quotes around it like a strawman.
  17. I firmly believe the "championship window" was a deliberate illusion from the get-go. This ownership is either dumb as hell or insulting our intelligence.
  18. I think this is more indicative of most teams having a bad offseason than us having a great one.
  19. Wasn't that about what the Sox supposedly had left to spend? LOL.
  20. Well, there it is. One of the last really viable starters. This sucks.
  21. Based on what we've seen so far, I am not sure how you would draw that conclusion.
  22. And how paranoid people here were that them being willing to trade Moncada to us but not Beni was a red flag.
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