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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. So I guess this shrivels some trade possibilities. The idea of going into this season with Ceaze and Lopez/Rodon as 4 and 5 starters is nauseating.
  2. Depends on who owns the team, I suppose. But I think this is evident with the Bears and Bulls.
  3. The way you worded it made it sound like it virtually never happens.
  4. I can think of a few in the last decade so that doesn't speak too well to your theory. But you are correct about momentum.
  5. I would assume Mendick might return to help fill in this role of necessary.
  6. That's exactly what the type of people I'm talking about tend to say. In any case, it makes someone look bad when they have to respond to someone who is calm with anger, aggression and attacks. Regardless or whether I'm right or not. There is an ignore option for a reason, isn't there? Why not just use it instead of make yourself look hostile? Attempt to justify it any way you want. It doesn't matter. And it pretty much means the "rules" are nonexistent. Administrators savagely trolling people and telling others to "shut the fuck up" is not defensible.
  7. Therein lies the fucking problem.
  8. This is not true and you know it. Presenting an argument or supporting one is not a claim of higher intelligence. If someone feels threatened, as your behavior would dictate, that is not my problem. Projection of insecurity or lack of effort shows through in angry and aggressive posts. But at this point I'd say I'll happily avoid you. Just a shame in the last week alone I've seen 2 administrators who regularly engage in mischaracterizing posts, aggressive trolling and vicious attacks.
  9. Not sure why it would happen. Our bullpen is probably part of this team I am least worried about.
  10. Thanks for proving my point. The only reason to respond like this is due to a lack of argument. This is how an admin behaves. Wow. I guess this is all just optional? I mean if there really are no actual rules, why not just take this down?
  11. But that does appear to be the case; it isn't all just based on Bob, lol. And as aggressively as you are taking this position, you're just making the crow you will likely have to eat that much bigger. I've tried to convince myself the same thing you are but I've just been fooled too many times to be that naive.
  12. Believe it or not, I'm not. I did say I found it depressing, but if we actually do go after Hamels or someone similar, that does give us some of the depth we need. However, we will need some more improvement or consistency from some of these wild cards.
  13. They should be circling the Rockies like hawks right now. But we know better.
  14. Well we are already did that once this off-season so at least consistency would make some sense if they were actually trying to win a title this year, lol.
  15. Why on earth would you trust a process which is clearly disingenuous and poor?
  16. This team has almost no depth and Cease and ReyLo appear to be our 4th and 5th opening day starters. Literally any injury to any major position will be a huge problem and several guys we may be counting on have to prove they will even be good this coming year. Being positive and being disillusioned are two different things. Easily conceivable we don't even win the division. Almost everything will have to go right and that is never a rational assumption. Positivity shouldn't be based on a bunch of "ifs." A lot of people seem to be counting on basically nothing to go wrong when there are so many volatile elements to this team right now. It's as if some people have never watched a full season of baseball before. Seems like people are holding out hope we get lucky like we did to win our last title because our owner won't greenlight optimization for our window.
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