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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. Is is so cringeworthy seeing people who view any non-favorable analysis or criticism as being "negative." Just the term "negative nancy" itself is just cringeworthy.
  2. Yeah, I'm aware. I didn't see anything about Bauer in recent activity so I was wondering what the supposed info was.
  3. We have a good team, no doubt. But the entire point of the rebuild and window is to optimize it and make some impact signings and depth pieces to make that push and they aren't doing it, which gives the idea that either they are too stupid to know what they need or that they are PLAYING stupid and I know which one my money is on. Either way... due to this, the prospect of even 1 let alone numerous titles begins to look bleak. Accepting this is hard but it needs to be understood. Again, there is a difference between pessimism and realism.
  4. I think part of it is people are annoyed that we presumably aren't going to be making ANY more acquisitions so every signing made by someone else is one not made by us, lol.
  5. I like Joc more than Adam but is there really a significant enough amount of difference between them to warrant people being upset? If so, what is it? I'd rather spend my negative energy being upset we aren't likely going to significantly upgrade our rotation.
  6. Cardinals are my other favorite team so this post makes me happy, lol.
  7. Joc is also 3 years younger, isn't he? ?
  8. But resting isn't fun and gas will never be 10 per gallon. And even if it did, it has nothing to do with who the Potus is. Funniest thing is, there's really nothing "political" about Trump anyway. Anywho, hoping to sign Bauer is futile.
  9. I think this has been the real source of anger. It's not even anger about the lack of spending, it's all the obvious bullshit they keep trying to feed us.
  10. That's about about as big a glimmer of hope as Trump has humility.
  11. This is a problem I have with a lot of Cubs fans. They tell me that we don't pay to see our team play but that they are loyal and go see their team no matter what. Well then you might be a sucker and you give them no incentive to get better. See the Bears and the McCaskeys.
  12. As far as anyone knows, is there any issue with the file upload system? Suddenly notice virtually any pic of any file type or size I attempt to post simply gets me a message reading, "There was a problem processing the upload file. Please contact us for assistance." Noticed later on the option to upload disappeared for me completely and is now back again but the same problem is persisting. Unless it's just real stingy and there is a workaround. I am attempting this on a high end android (haven't tried desktop yet, I'll do that later at home). I have used 3 different browsers and the same issue persists. Really old pictures seem to upload fine but virtually anything I have downloaded on... my last 3 phones(?) recently gives me this message. Any ideas? Thanks. *UPDATE* Just tried uploading on my laptop. Still the same problem. Surely this must be an issue with the site?
  13. Do people really not believe these things (not to mention further lack of depth) can easily crush the hopes of this being a playoff team? Sorry, but no, I don't see this as being a sure fire playoff team. Not even close.
  14. I don't see how that train of thought works. If we are ignoring a team's FUNDAMENTAL needs to even get through a season and you can admit it, then how can you fault someone for being pessimistic about that team's chances for a playoff run, let alone winning the World Series? Mind-boggling. And isn't trashing JR "negative?" Negativity being something some of us are constantly being criticized for?
  15. Yes. You can't have it both ways; you can't say, "JR is cheap and won't round us put with depth and a desperately needed SP" but also say, "You guys need to stop being so negative because this is a playoff caliber team." It's bizarre. Anyone who watches baseball regularly knows that at some point things are going to happen and you have to be prepared. If we have Cease and Lopez as our 4th and 5th starter on opening day, I don't know that anything else can make someone understand this.
  16. When you can't even get depth to help with backup then there is far beyond just cause to be angry and pessimistic.
  17. Maybe you can relate to what I was saying yesterday then?
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