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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. Regression? What??? Lopez was absolutely awful last year. Us being stuck with him in the rotation would be awful as-is. If he regresses further? LOL God help us all.
  2. So do I get any credit now for my insistence that the Lynn trade was a waste?
  3. If I said that, I was likely wrong and I apologize. And that should be good enough. Obviously my tune has changed. As far as you being a dick, I'd have to see those posts again. If you were as heinous as I had indicated then that's a separate issue.
  4. If this offseason ends as is I think this post should be framed.
  5. I am torn on that. I figure someone else has to take some responsibility but if it's all JR's call then there is really nothing anyone can do.
  6. Yep. Relevance? Cruz wouldn't be a high contract. Wheeler would have been. Either way, if what he is saying is true, then it *didn't happen* and then it's OK to be upset. In that case... you waited. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what I said. Also, based on that quote of me, the assertion I am indeed would be pretty much invalidated. Lose-lose for you here, buddy. ?
  7. It's really weird. Seems like just yesterday I got lambasted for being "too negative."
  8. Just to think, this team was gonna offer Wheeler more than 120 mil last year, lol.
  9. You mean the cliff a drunken TLR is gonna drive off of?
  10. "Tapped out" after a LOWER payroll than last year after apparently making record profits and basically only making 1 relatively large monetary addition (which frankly wasn't actually a need) and spending money on Eaton and Lopez. This franchise is a joke.
  11. I have to say, the way the last few seasons have gone I am absolutely shocked the Sox are not going to go get him. It seemed like destiny.
  12. You're definitely right. But we have to have our fun, lol. If we were really gonna throw money like that for Ozuna then Bauer should be the get.
  13. You have a point but we don't know what the differential is, assuming we are actually serious and there is one.
  14. We'll have to ask Zack Wheeler about that. Or his wife. Whichever.
  15. I'd be happy with him, but if we're still in on whatever he may cost, just go sign Paxton.
  16. We have Leury and Engel. Why would we want Mazara on anything other than a minor league deal?
  17. Is it really a positive for us to "force" our division rival in to resigning someone who's probably going to kick our asses?
  18. If we were to sign Cruz for a 2 year (preferably 1 with an option, I doubt anyone wants to give him 2 guaranteed) deal I would think the likeliness of using Vaughn as trade bait for a quality SP might dramatically increase.
  19. I honestly prefer option 2 but I'm warming up to the possibility of option 1, but either way we still need to add an SP.
  20. Yeah, I defend him for reasons that should be obvious, but at this point he's such a drag.
  21. The lack of depth is... yet another of many concerns this year.
  22. Point being in that case he wouldn't be a backup. Obviously most of this talk is just us being hypothetical. If everything winds its way back around to "Jerry isn't spending the money" then it kind of makes discussion pointless.
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