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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. How do you not believe a legit Ace doesn't tip the scale? Bauer can be a legitimate needle mover. That is kind of the idea. But no, I was never disillusioned.
  2. How is Joc defensively? Shit, if he's any good just sign him and have him in the OF and DH Eloy. Literally no point to have Mazara.
  3. True. We had a Schwarber thread for God's sake. I've been glued to my phone for the last week hoping something would break for us. But at this point I'm doubting anything even happens. Hope I'm wrong.
  4. I totally get it. But wouldn't we want another "sure thing" in the rotation or at least someone with a lot of upside? Settling for Wainwright is just such a bummer.
  5. You could have signed an autograph for my nephew!
  6. Then let's start talking about Nelson Cruz again.
  7. Ya caught me. I ain't giving you guys nothing but my green number is going up by the second. Suckers!
  8. How the fuck am I trolling when I am making legitimate points about a baseball team and a childish mod mocks my posts and claims I am doing what he is doing? If you don't like my posts, then put me on fucking ignore, dude. I don't care. Posts like these are mere attention grabs. Stop "falling for it," then and block me. Just go and do it right now. Seriously. If it bothers you that much.
  9. You childishly mock my posts and refuse to acknowledge my arguments... because I am a troll. Ok.
  10. If this is how you behave regularly you are completely unfit to be a moderator. Have fun jerking yourself off. I'm done until you want to be serious. Glad you got thre attention you needed.
  11. Is your post count that high simply because you troll people? And you're a mod? Lol.
  12. I made my argument first. You never even acknowledged it. Sorry about your sense of entitlement. But I'll be the better man anyway. Please list exactly what you want me to refute and I will, even though you won't do so. But seeing as you repeated one of my own posts back to me verbatim, it seems to me you're just trolling. A mod should be above such behavior. You might need to grow up a bit.
  13. Seriously. This is beyond pitiful now. How old are you? A mod hetting his jollies off of hardcore trolling people?
  14. I'm perfectly chill. I love debate. Although in some of these situations I'm only adamantly posting because I'm not actually getting one.
  15. There is: someone trolling and playing to the crowd for cool points because he simply cannot refute a single point being presented to him. More people need to try being an adult sometime. Fishing for reactions and attention instead of actually focusing on the discussion is for perpetual children.
  16. So now you are even resorting to mocking my own posts to still keep yourself distanced from the responsibility of actually making counterpoint. This is just pathetic now.
  17. I feel like he is practically am imperative need for us at this point.
  18. It doesn’t bother me, it just makes me pity the person. Only a troll does something like that, simply because they have to deflect what a person is saying. Literally the only reason to do so is to seek extra attention, which is a weird thing to do when involved in a serious discussion. I dunno, I guess being a troll soothes people's bruised egos. I guess I'm wierd because I actually have a need to make sense and never resort to such a thing. People just like to jerk themselves off. Childish. Not interested.
  19. Facts aren't narratives. I shared some of those, as well as some legitimate concerns. You failing to acknowledge or address them makes your argument lazy, not mine merely "negative." And of course it is going to be said over and over again if you can't bother to actually absorb it and discuss it. Essentially, you're just complaining about what I'm posting rather than tackling it. You just call what I say negative so you can dismiss it. Negative is not necessarily bad. Negative things have to be discussed, ya know. They tend to be the things that have to be discussed most. That's life.
  20. You make some good points there. However, I don't think most of us thought Robert would have an impact straight out of the gate like he did. I guess we will never really know, and I do believe we will win the division, but acting like the things I listed are not legitimate points of skepticism and/or concern is denial.
  21. A lot more people than just Marriotti called it a choke job.
  22. If you want to make a judgement of me based on my posts, that's fine. Judging someone based on an avatar picture is just absurd.
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