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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. You definitely have a point. However, a lot of time the people responding with the reactions are trolls (see this very thread). Trolls deserve to be exposed.
  2. You are correct. But you don't think that the amount of games the sox lost in those last 2 weeks speaks volumes? Granted, Ricky was one of the main problems at the very end but the sox still lost a lot of games. People forget how close the Sox were to missing the playoffs in 2005 with the massive choke job they pulled, Indians or no Indians.
  3. I like how you keep insinuating that because they did well that means that none of the concerns for this year are valid. Again, it's lazy. It certainly wouldn't be the 1st time the sox were projected to do well and fell hard in a division they were supposedly much better than the rest of. Legitimate concerns are not narratives.
  4. Curt is a fucking dope who makes a bigger idiot of himself as time goes on. That said, he's not in the HOF because of his politics. Let people keep their damn accolades.
  5. I guess the correct way of saying it would be we dropped from 1st seed down to like 7 IIRC.
  6. 1. Let them continue making asses of themselves. That's fine. I will not stop pointing out how much it makes them look like one. 2. Simply stating that someone is entirely ignoring an argument they choose to respond to is not condescending. The vitriol coming back is worse. *ironic thing said in asterisks after criticizing one for being "condescending"*
  7. Where? Where did I ignore the premise of a post and throw out a general statement indicating I didnt even know what that argument was that I was railing against?
  8. Oh, do they all actually apply Who? And the Yankees, who have still been making the playoffs and winning divisions virtually every year? False equivalence to hilariously say the least. If that was the case for the Sox, I wouldn't be complaining at all. None of us would. Because we know what to expect from the owner.
  9. One of the best teams that still choked down the stretch and barely made it into an expanded postseason format in a truncated season. Please do not ignore this. And some of the reasons we did so well are things that are considerably likely to change, which are covered in the bullet points. Whatever the results, concerns over the bullet points I listed cannot be denied. They are all real concerns.
  10. I resolved a couple days ago. Am I missing something?
  11. It's an addiction for many of us, apparently.
  12. All you keep doing is lazily mischaracterizing or dismissing my arguments without actually analyzing them. It's so easy to say "You're just negative" instead of actually listening to the reasons being given and counter them. There is no "bias." You're just lazily deflecting everything I'm saying. I gave several bullet points on why skepticism is justified this year and those bullet points are all 100% legitimate. If you can't actually individually address my points then why are you even responding? You completely ignored what I said about Dallas and Lynn. You don't even know what my argument IS and yet are trying to say it is unfounded. That's so ridiculous. *EDIT* Notice another laugh emoji without a response. Shit is rich.
  13. Here I was saying that I made specific points and again, you aren't even going to try, or inquire. Wish I understood why this is so hard for people. Stay focused and stop avoiding the relevant points. I had reasons for making this claim. You didn't, you just wanted to invalidate my argument without even knowing what it was, LOL.
  14. I made a few specific points regarding why they are regression candidates. Your response had zero premise behind it. "What if anyone regresses?" It was almost bordering on childish. You know better.
  15. To be fair I don't see it. I believe ANY team is gonna balk at giving a 40 year old DH a 2 year deal.
  16. Hoping for Dallas and Lynn to continue what they are doing. Hoping for one or both of Cease and Kopech to be good this year. Hoping for potentially Vaughn or Yermin to come up as DH and make an impact? Hoping Madrigal makes strides forward with his miscues and injury this year. Hoping for the hot bats in our lineup to continue to be hot. Hoping for injury prone players (Eaton) to be healthy. Hoping that some solid young BP guys weren't a fluke last year. You have to realize how many things will have to go right barring no more moves made.
  17. If the Sox make no additions from this point then this offseason ultimately wasn't that significant and it once again becomes a game of hoping that throwing a bunch of shit at the wall will result in a lot of it sticking. Typical.
  18. I do thank you for at least being reasonable with your responses, even when opposing my viewpoint. Not getting enough of that.
  19. You saying I gave no reason proves my point. You aren't paying attention. What I have said that is positive has 0 to do with the point. Simply saying I am negative is lazy. It is possible there is good reason for it. You're looking for an attitude that suits yours rather than substance. (I was happy about the acquisition of Hendriks, but anyway)
  20. I never said this. This is why some of you are so tiresome. You aren't listening to what I'm actually saying, resort to strawman, don't even try to actually understand the actual points or outright ignore them. Find where I said being over 30 automatically equals regression. You extrapolating bullshit arguments and not actually imploring me for my point of view just proves my point further. Lynn being 34 doesn't help but there's a lot more to it, and I even underlined one such reason for Dallas. If you don't know what someone's actual argument is, try asking them. Or just paying attention. Instead of wanting to just be right and get points, try actually understanding what you're actually responding to.
  21. There is SO much that can easily go wrong and people just don't want to accept how likely they are to. Sox fans of all people should have enough wisdom to curb their expectations. A lot will have to go right this year to meet these (possibly fantastical) expectations.
  22. It's just that some people refuse to acknowledge what goes on and go overboard with with expectations despite so many obvious reasons they shouldn't. Expecting this to automatically be a division winner, 95+ wins and deep playoff run team is a little overconfident and I explained the reasons why. As expected, the guilty parties don't even want to actually explore or even read those reasons. Being confident is fine. But based on what we saw last year, there are a lot of things that are gonna have to go right this year. The idea Lance Lynn will make this a 95 win team, ignoring all the other questionable factors, is pretty laughable.
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