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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. I didn't say guaranteed, I said likely. And I am correct. You can't honestly say you don't see that. It absolutely makes sense because it is true. High chance it's not enough to move the needle in the playoffs. We need another quastarter.
  2. I think a lot of us are just impatient with all these talks going on. I've been glued to my phone the last few days... waiting.
  3. To shadow the fact they aren't going to work to make it well-rounded. As of now we still basically have 3 starters and 2 of them are likely for regression. They have to know we likely aren't going to be significantly better without at least 1 other quality starter. Which again, would makes the Lynn trade terrible if they aren't actually "going for it."
  4. I think it's just the frustration in reinforcing we probably aren't spending any money on anything of significance.
  5. Ugh. This shows just how bad of shape our rotation is in. Even the addition of Lynn doesn't even seem like much. I've said it before and I'll say it again: if we don't add anything of significance to the rotation then the Lynn trade was a complete waste. Perhaps even a smokescreen?
  6. Meaningless quip and no actual relevant response. Ok, thanks for playing. Enjoy your pointless reaction emoticon ego boost.
  7. There is 0 substance to this response and there was not even a counterpoint to what I said.
  8. Being a good baserunner and a good base stealer are two entirely different things.
  9. Madrigal has shown without a shadow of a doubt in his minor league career he can do all of those exceptionally well. You're being intellectually dishonest here.
  10. Uh, you are describing Soxtalk, I think.
  11. I am not a big fan so I am somewhat relieved that he signed elsewhere, but I guess that's predicated on the assumption we're going to do something better. But I suppose that could be foolish of me.
  12. I mean... really, not that much was actually spent.
  13. Would be fitting seeing as I believe a lot of us were concerned this would happen if TLR came here.
  14. I hate potential choices where neither is exciting.
  15. Ah, ok. Didn’t really catch that.
  16. My God, why can't we keep this team on one channel?
  17. Not that I feel differently, but confidence isn't substance.
  18. It's irritating enough that people insist on this narrative but even if he was ready, why would it hurt him to mash AAA for a little while? One year (when the guy hasn't even met AA ball yet) isn't a "block" at all. And even if he kills it in AA, people apparently forget that MLB players are better than minor league players. If be struggles in AA or AAA then he won't be here. And that is highly possible. A sure thing is needed for DH, especially if the Sox don’t add a major starter. Panic over one (yet to be proven) year is utterly ridiculous.
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