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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. Selling high? How about using him in a trade for one of the excellent starters we have been hearing rumors about rather than unloading him for a one year of someone who has numerous reasons to potentially be to risky? Who was under control for more than 1 year? We sold low. Yeah, thinking a guy who looked pretty damn good in his debut and showed solid stuff and still had a lot of room to grow and was under control for more than 5 years could be a quality starter... yeah, that's just crazy. Not any less crazy as assuming a 34 year old will still be a #2 or that we will be able to extend him, or that it was worth the risk of assuming so, or that he might regress during the proposed extension period if we manage to.
  2. How do you disagree? It's desperate, pathetic and bush league. Not to mention foolish and a waste of good money. Hell, they weren't even good players.
  3. That "attempt" was pathetic and bush league and is in no way defensible on any conceivable level. It was absolutely not worth the "effort;" it made them look pitiful and that money could have just gone toward his offer. It was one of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen any sports franchise do.
  4. Couldn't possibly disagree with this more. That type of thinking is how people lose everything. We have been operating overall on a long term operation with these good extensions and signings. Only to trade a controlled quality potential starter under long control (keeping him would be fitting with the strategy) for a 1 year rental and then apparently be too taxed to add more than 1 significant FA? That is simply not following through.
  5. Some of that is potentially delusional. If the idea is to do stuff LATER then trading Dunning for a 1 year rental was stupid. Faith you can extend the gut unless you know for a fact you will only supports that.
  6. So what does 1 year of Lynn change if we aren't going all in for that 1 year? It makes no sense at all.
  7. Well thanks for rendering literally any complaint ever completely pointless?
  8. All we can do is hope. But that has done us little good with this FO in the past. "Hope" of extending Lynn is sure as hell not worth losing Dunning if they really aren't going to bolster this team for an all-in strategy (and I hate that strategy to begin with, anyway).
  9. Dumpster diving is absolutely inexcusable with the direction they have been teasing us going in.
  10. I would hope so but I would expect if that's the case that likely would have happened by now. Hopefully I'm wrong. I think it's just hard to give this FO the benefit of the doubt.
  11. By trading for someone with more than 1 year of control who was younger than 34 with a higher profile? The Lynn trade was conducive with an all-in strategy and that's it. If they aren't following through on that strategy and simply waiting then why not see if Dunning continued to develop? He was coming along nicely. I don't see how this is hard to understand.
  12. "After this season" presumably does not have Lance Lynn in it.
  13. If 8 mil really is the limit after what we've done so far, then management once again planned things poorly. The Lynn trade was effectively an absolute waste.
  14. If that was always the case, then trading Dunning for Lynn was dumb.
  15. Um... no, that is definitely not the lesson. You realize we are talking about Jay and Alonso, right? I think any one of us could have been smart enough not to sign them at all. That is an EASY 13 million we all would have been smart enough to save. At least I sure as hell hope so. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and hope you somehow missed what he was quoting. I can't imagine you post that response if you did.
  16. Didn't see anyone mention Tommy Pham signs 1 year deal with Padres and my noob ass dunno how to embed a tweet here yet, so...
  17. If only our organization had the balls that teams like the Padres do. I realize that you can't sign everybody, but this is the time to take advantage. If you are gonna trade controlled assets for 1 year of a 34 year old you should definitely be going all in. Restraint just kinda makes that trade look even worse than it already was and undermines the entire rebuild.
  18. I sure hope so. I think a lot of people will roll their eyes at me for saying this, but if this is all we are left with for any remaining moves, I think I have to rate this off season as a disappointment and say that we will have some major concerns going into the season unless the Sox can make multiple more thrifty trades, and hopefully some better than giving up 6 years of control of a pretty good prospect for a 34-year-old for one year.
  19. I think we may have to call this offseason a disappointment if we're starting a Garrett fucking Richards thread.
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