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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. It still amazes me so much how many people have blinders on with him.
  2. Really? We better be getting Bauer, then.
  3. Even if he would, doesn't seem likely he would land here. If Schwarber got 10 mil, I can only imagine what Brantley will command.
  4. Not necessarily correct. Balta essentially made that argument regarding Madrigal. In this instance, the Sox have a pretty stacked lineup. A team this consistent isn't going to be broken by one guy trying to put things together. (I'm personally not interested in Beni, though)
  5. You do realize that several other people are calling you out on this, right? Instead of acknowledge this, you resort to ad hominem. I'm pointing out the error of your ways, not anyone else's. Stay focused. You responded with several long paragraphs yet added absolutely nothing to the conversation except simplification and contradiction with no actual cointerpoints. It's less about me being "smart" and more about you not appearing to be so. You have been hit with several points that disprove your absurd notion that stats don't matter (despite basically providing one yourself) and yet you cannot counter them. One closer's worth on a team vs. another doesn't come down to just saves. There are other elements, which have been brought up and you have simply ignored them. You're wrong. There is no way around this. Sorry. I never claimed I was being "smart," that was you projecting your insecurity is what I would surmise. Not sure why anyone who is arguing with someone ever needs to claim the other person is claiming to be of a certain intelligence. And I didn't. I was just applying common sense. Sorry if that is a threat to you because you are refusing to do so.
  6. I guess in the context of a normal year this doesn't seem like much.
  7. Reality and your reality are two different things. There is more to making a point about a player other than "winning" or "saves." This is a team game and there is a lot more at work than that; you don't have to be an analytics guy or professional to understand that. I am a fan of Colome, for the record. But there are a myriad of excellent points that run contrary to your frankly silly blanket statements. And it seems that you are ignoring them. There are other factors simply besides "getting the save" that easily make Hendriks an arguably better closer than Colome, which include fielding and other elements you yourself mentioned yet scoffed at. You definitely come across like a simpleton here. If you don't think statistics play a part you're silly. If you think every save merely comes down to the closer himself and nothing else then clearly not very much is actually "observable" to you. Tunnel vision isn't a compliment. You're not listening.
  8. Weird to me that Passan is calling 1 signing a "spending spree." Does he know something we don't?
  9. This is just not true. There are plenty of external factors that contribute to the discussion and simply stating "all that matters is the saves" is purely tunnel vision.
  10. Not as bad as we want it. I'd love for there to be something on it but we all know it isn't happening as JR is not going to balloon the payroll that high and honestly if we by some crazy chance in hell are gonna add one more big contract I think most of us agree it should be Bauer.
  11. La Stella seems a perfect fit and is also a realistic get.
  12. Missing the point. I'm just skeptical JR isn't going to spend enough; if we don't get Bauer than I would say this was not the best way to go. But if we were to still sign Bauer after this, I would shit bricks.
  13. I'm honestly disappointed because I feel Hendriks wasn't a big need and the money needs to be spent more wisely. And yet, can't help but have some excitement that we signed a big name.
  14. Ah, I remember the days when Soxtalk wanted Benitendi more than anything and took the Red Sox trading us Moncada instead as a sign that something wasn't kosher.
  15. This is the one mistake the Sox made that no matter how hard I try, I can't stop being bitter about it.
  16. Pretty much everything in this country is run like a business now.
  17. I'd go with Bummer but either way I definitely think Hendriks is an unnecessary signing right now.
  18. No, JR is pissed because now he has to find new ways to secure 2nd place.
  19. This. Also, people seem to think there's Trouts and Harpers ripe for the taking in every draft. That isn't generally reality.
  20. And the perception is that that would be a good trade for us?
  21. Overall I agree with this. If Nick ends up being a David Eckstein type I don't understand why people think there's an issue with that. He's a perfect 9 hole hitter. He doesn't even need to have power. @Balta1701's assertion that we basically can't afford to let him grow into a role during a contention window when our lineup is so stacked and he hit .340 in his rookie quarter-season anyway is just absurd, as are so many of the premature arguments being used against him.
  22. Moving the goalposts now, I see. And I disagree regardless. Our lineup is stacked and we have solid overall defense. And you think the guy who started off hitting .340 in his first year is the guy we can't afford to let grow? Are you serious?
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