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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. I agree about the floor/ceiling. But that is not the point. You're being extremely hyperbolic and holding a guy who has only played about a quarter of a season to ridiculously unrealistic standards that apparently you didn't apply to anyone else you are using as an example, as if Tim Anderson came right out of the gate playing great baseball. It doesn't matter if his ceiling is lower, he is still a human being and is allowed to make mistakes and be nervous/jittery and take time to grow like EVERYONE ELSE you yourself used as an example, and you have given him virtually no time at all. How many seasons did we "waste" on Moncada? "High floor" doesn't mean he's not allowed growing pains for a year or 2 like virtually every other rookie has. FFS.
  2. This is so ridiculous. Why May of next year? Who the hell comes up with these arbitrary numbers? How long did Soxtalk give Moncada? I believe it was longer. And after enough time I would definitely call it like it is. But why would anyone call for someone's head? And who said he needed 4 years? He's had less than half a year! Stop being so dramatic. So much damn hyperbole and double standards.
  3. In his rookie year. Lol. Again, the car comparison is just staggeringly ridiculous.
  4. Wow, really? Comparing people to cars is so laughable. Nick is a human being, not a fucking car (and even products, like cars, can be flawed or faulty out of the gate anyway). He was a rookie, who had a lot of hype on him, who probably still has jitters, who made some mistakes while hitting .340 in his first year. Yet what part is everyone focusing on? Why is Soxtalk so ignorant on this subject? This is just a basic concept of life, not even actually related to baseball. As if Nick can't improve? Christ almighty.
  5. Funny how the "priority" is never what we end up with.
  6. Aside from Moncada, I dunno if there is a subject on this forum I have seen more bad takes on. He made dumb mistakes in his rookie year. Therefore, apparently he will never learn from those mistakes? Because... he's short? Damn short people! Yeesh. To say there are a lot of things people aren't taking into consideration is an understatement. I do believe this is a very intelligent message board but sometimes it's almost as if no one has even experienced things in life before.
  7. I keep hearing that but missed anything substantial to explain in. Why in God's name would anyone, let alone Coop, take pitchers in this direction? What supposedly was the logic?
  8. Pffft, don't you know that good players never make errors, even in their rookie seasons?
  9. Yeah, it is just so utterly ridiculous how quickly players get written off. It was hilarious how many people had to eat crow when Moncada finally grew into an MLB player.
  10. I always love laughing at all the knee-jerk bad takes overreacting about Madrigal. Certainly there's no chance he will ever improve upon his rookie season. You guys slay me.
  11. What's the problem? I'd say it's totally warranted.
  12. I've tried that. The poker analogies are apparently too complicated for some here. Which is sad because it's one of the easiest and best to use.
  13. I don't necessarily disagree but that depends on various factors. Pretending it wouldn't affect any players' mindset is just as silly.
  14. I don't recall. What exactly happened? It's ultimately not bad luck if you suck. And I absolutely believe the way we have handled things, namely with the Machado and TLR situations, will have an affect on how suitors will look at coming here. People are kidding themselves if they think money is literally the only factor when players decide where to go.
  15. I personally feel that the Sox should spend the money for more pressing needs over Hendriks. But either way, being unsuccessful time and time again wears you down.
  16. Are you insinuating that there aren't plenty of reasons to be negative right now?
  17. It's extremely small minded to make presumptions of someone based on their user name or their avatar. I use the avatar because I think it is funny and the name has a story behind it. These are not things I should have to explain to anyone. Anyone who is actually ignoring the words someone actually typed and instead grasps at something entirely irrelevant to make a judgment about that person is not a logical, rational human being. If you care more about aesthetic than substance you are petty and presumptuous. What Orlando *actually* said is stupid. I don't really jump into that many topics unless I notice someone saying something that is provably incorrect, no reason not to correct misinformation. I never run from an argument and I will always respond kindly to someone being kind. When someone has nothing to do but insult you instead of argue your point it's clear they have nothing to contribute. Thanks for being an adult with your reply!
  18. I think it's at least a debatable point. I sometimes actually do wonder if they are actually even trying with some of these big names. They just never seem to want to play in the big end of the pool. And the one time they actually did, the person they were offering to went somewhere else for less money. (Although Wheeler really wasn't even in the deep end, really) The White Sox are such a bush league franchise.
  19. While I'm definitely not going to jump to any conclusions, I'm literally never going to be hanging my hat on any big free agent signing with the Sox. Anyone who does is foolish.
  20. I am not sure what the actual fuck my username or avatar has to do with any actual post I make on this forum. That's one of the most obtuse things I have ever heard. Thanks for being a shining example of the type of person I'm talking about. The people who seem to complain most about me simply complain, they won't even make an actual point or support said complaint with examples. Unlike you and a few others, I actually explain my positions and points to the full extent. Notice I am not the one who ever walks away from an argument. Like I said, if truth and actual effort bother you that much, you can feel free to add me to your ignore list. You'd be doing me a favour. Unless you are the type that simply likes to seek attention and would rather make childish posts like the one I'm quoting here?
  21. Apparently quite a few of you have a need to not come to a logical closing point. It's as if you think logic is pedantic. Sorry, no one is going to twist my arguments into something they aren't. The incessant use of "everyone" to attempt to push a personal bias into the realm of reality doesn't work, sorry. We all have arguments and we all take heat from numerous people. If you have to claim "everyone" does anything... you're wrong and you never had a let to stand on. and I never do that because I am not hypocrite and actually believe the words I am saying. If you can't and aren't, then just let it go. If you have a problem with that and just wanna stick your head in the sand, then putting me on ignore is a great service to me, too. I would encourage it.
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