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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. Yeah, because God forbid you ever need to be literal to make an actual argument rather than use unsubstantiated nonsense. How unreasonable of me to expect something logical, right?
  2. "Everyone." Hyperbole certainly won't make you correct. Everyone gets called out by multiple members for things they say. I'm no different. Doesn’t make me wrong. Who is "everyone else?" So no one ever agrees with me, is that it? See? You just made a bunch or generalized or faulty statements. I guess calling you out for that means I'm at fault for something here? Give me a break. People just get annoyed when their ridiculous fallacies are called out for being just that. No one wants to be wrong.
  3. Then I'm in good company here, I guess. *Shrugs* Again, singling out one person on a forum for arguing is bizarre.
  4. Why would I not point out things that are incorrect? This is a message forum. People constantly argue. This is nothing new. Complaining about someone arguing on a message forum is oblivious and futile.
  5. There's no relevance between those statements. The term overkill is not the correct word to be using here. And no one said anything about getting all "3," either.
  6. Really weird, not sure how you attached my name to someone else's quote; I never said that.
  7. What? "Sox aren't getting all 3" =/= "Getting all 3 would be overkill."
  8. Why would it be overkill to have 2 excellent pen arms?
  9. I've been saying since the beginning that it was hard for a lot of us to be excited about the rebuild knowing that the same people who drove the franchise into the ground in the first place are the ones overseeing it.
  10. The projection that Teahen played so good against us that he must be really good? Although TBH, I was excited when we got McDougal and that turned out similarly.
  11. Aw, man. I almost forgot about Teahen. That was so brutal.
  12. I don't think there's a "lesson" to be learned because I don't think they were even that serious about getting him.
  13. If Q is the best we have to look forward to at this point, that is sickening.
  14. I like how someone praised you as being a voice of reason. You're lying to yourself and you know it. Let's go over your tiring shtick. 1. Present me an argument full of logical fallacies and/or black and white statements and ignore actual details. 2. I respond with a reasoned argument that points out clear details you ignore. 3. You say I'm "too stupid to argue with" and disappear. 4. Reappear to argue with me again on another thread. 5. Repeat. This is now the second time you have literally called me "too stupid to argue with" (have you earned a warning yet?). I so look forward to the 3rd time you argue with me anyway. The empty insult is the giveaway that you have nothing of further value to say and have conceded but can't do it with dignity. If you really think bad attitudes can't have a bad effect on a team, you're literally lacking common sense on this issue and obviously haven't been a Sox fan very long as we went through a clubhouse ordeal only a few years ago ourselves. You responded likely too quickly to have even processed what I said anyway. Another ragequit; I look forward to your next.
  15. The worst? The worst what? We're gonna add pointless hyperbole for theatrical effect to compensate for poor arguments now? You listed Ty Cobb and other HOFs who had personality quirks to defend Bauer. If you can't understand the difference between them and Bauer I can't help you. Winning tends to have a slightly different effect than not winning and even then, it's a team sport. You keep presenting black and white arguments and ignoring key differences in your comparisons while constantly insulting my intelligence. You really need to tone it down. Bauer and his Cy Young =/= Ty freaking Cobb. You are listing HOFs to defend Bauer yet in the same breath seemingly can't understand why I'm analyzing your very own comparison as if you never made it.. Not sure where the disconnect and density comes from. Saying bad behavior and bad attitudes can hurt chemistry and affect a team negatively isn't idiotic, it's common fucking sense.
  16. Thank you. I love when people totally fail to answer a simple questions and then become aggressive and/or vitriolic.
  17. And yet that is still not answering the question that you just bolded. I think you need to read it again. And again, people just want to ignore the fact that I'm trying to explain that denying these things can and do have effects on teams is ludicrous. Simply stating one contrary example or two doesn't negate that point.
  18. That opening paragraph is a blanket statement. You generalize rather than actually analyze what I said. I made the point that Bauer is not on the category of guys like Ty fucking Cobb to be seen as worth putting up with these antics. You're putting Trevor Bauer in that category? You don't think there might be a difference of perception there? So I could compare Milton Bradley to Babe Ruth? Bauer did win a Cy Young but overall his career has not been remotely comparable. As far as AJ goes, you can please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember seeing any major instances with him when he was with us. We also now have TLR and Eaton back on the team. Throw Bauer in the mix and you really don't think there is a chance we might have clubhouse issues again? You are really going to deny the possibility at least? You seem to want to make absolute statements and blanket statements and leave no wiggle room for differing circumstances and chastise me for actually weighing differences in individual scenarios (and not compare Bauer to Cobb, LOL). There's a problem with YOUR arguments, not mine. You calling me raising relevant differences "fluff" shows a serious lack of basic comprehension. Trevor Bauer does not have the same baseball impact Ty Cobb did. Good lord.
  19. Except the names you mentioned are among the all time greats, many of whom played with dynasties. Bauer is not in either category. Also, the suggestion that bad clubhouse environment cannot impede performance is simply not true.
  20. What would constitute not blowing it out of proportion? And in truth you really don't know if his talent outweighs his problems, especially the way he's not exactly been coveted by the teams he has been on. You underestimate the effects an attitude like his can have on his performance and his feam. All you're really saying is that you won't admit your original statement was incorrect.
  21. We offered 120 or so to Wheeler didn't we? Wonder why we apparently won't approach that number again, lol.
  22. Not sure why you're first ignoring childish behavior and then trying to downplay it. Dude does not have a good attitude, no matter how much you'd like to try to argue around it. What relevance does winning a Cy Young have with his attitude? I'm not denying he's a quality pitcher, dude. I'm just stating the guy has a problematic personality that clearly goes past your claim of just "trolling media and fans."
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