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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. To anyone who pays attention. As another poster mentioned, trolling the media and fans is why he had a juvenile outburst on the mound? These types of guys tend to have their careers end in infamy.
  2. You're not wrong but this is what sports guys do and what they are paid to do. Nothing going on in that tweet other than business as usual. Seems pointless to be that much of a dick about it.
  3. Trevor really does seem like an ignorant person on top of being a dick.
  4. Pointing out a flaw in someone's argument =/= being a dick. I was making a serious analogy.
  5. Exactly my point. Yet year after year we get the constant "Wait and see first before you flip out!" naive responses. Putting your head in the sand only makes things worse. And lord knows the organization needs incentive.
  6. Deductive reasoning. The Sox aren't signing Springer or Bauer. We both know it. How many times can you fool Sox fans the same way over and over? Sorry, I'm not naive. And no matter what happens, win-win for me. If we do get one or both, I'm happy to be wrong. If I'm wrong, doesn't matter; probability was in my favor. Being wrong is ok if you had the correct mindset. It happens. Too many people here do not use logic in their thinking process. And again, compared to the Cubs last 5+ years? That's been worse than our same time period? So much deflection. People are just so resistant to grant the point.
  7. Why is any fan of any bad team still there? How many seasons did the Royals go without making the playoffs? Wanna question their frustrations, too? Sorry but it's a pointless question. Me "being here" means I have to have my head in the sand and deny when things suck? That's stupid. Deflect, deflect, deflect. Reminds me of another classic: "If you don't love America then why don't you just LEAVE?!" Useless.
  8. I grasp that. All I am doing is stating things that are true. Why so many people always have to hear happy things even when they aren't true is beyond my comprehension.
  9. If reality is why you don't post anymore, that is your problem. Life is not all sunshine and rainbows, man. You have to accept the bad. Yes, irrelevant. And a joke. After what they pulled with Machado, Jay and Alonso, TLR and various other situations they made it clear this is a bush league organization that doesn't take winning seriously enough. That is simply reality. If you find reality insufferable and need everyone to have happy blinders on then don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  10. God forbid anyone stays consistent and doesn't undermine their own principle by engaging in the same behavior or act they are shaming.
  11. What if a unicorn flies by? "Would you STFU?" When you have to say things like that it's because you don't have a real argument. Childish nonsense. Is Jack a constant pessimist? Sure. He's also absolutely right. I would take what the Cubs had the last 5 years or so over ours and this coming year as well (provided they don't sign any big fish), easy. Extensive run and a WS title? Yes, please. Old man Jerry is likely about to punt this entire rebuild. Sucks to be a Cubs fan right now? Nah, being a Sox fan has been vastly worse, don't kid your fucking self. Before last season, the Padres might have been the most irrelevant team on baseball. Just over a year later, it's clearly us while they are making great strides towards putting their core around proven winners to make a run and optimize their contention. How nice that must be.
  12. Right. Because we're all supposed to be perfect and no one eeeeeever overreacts period, let alone on this board. You're kinda being a nagging wife here. Being presented an argument and just being like, "Well... REMEMBER THAT TIME YOU DID THAT THING???"
  13. Screwed? The Sox still have bullpen depth and Bummer is likely the closer of the future if we don't get Hendriks. There are other bullpen guys out there as well. Personally, I would rather save the money for Bauer and go the Colome/Bummer route rather than sign Hendriks myself.
  14. JR'S cheapness has at least given me unlimited, giddy replay value in MLB video games to construct "fantasy" rosters comprised of players we were "supposed" to get.
  15. I think enough of us have been paying attention enough to know any claims of crying poor from JR using Covid as an excuse are at least partially bullshit.
  16. Where on earth do statements like this come from, as if the Sox don't have any money to spend?
  17. I will see your hyperbole and raise you another hyperbole.
  18. Even though he was being funny, if you think that defines who the dumbest person who has ever lived is, you need to get out more.
  19. Because it is easily possible that López is not beyond repair and there is reason to believe more than before that it might be possible, and that that situation is preferable to giving up anything, let alone some of our notable prospects, to acquire somebody that isn't going to move the needle at all. It's just a waste.
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