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Everything posted by RagahRagah

  1. Perhaps I am. But I'd rather contribute pieces towards trades for something we actually need. Otherwise I see no reason not to just sign Quintana (and we don't even need to do that).
  2. Don't we value Stiever enough to try to work into a package for an actually desirable pitcher? We're really too used to having low standards to the point we have threads for Schwarber and Musgrove, my Lord.
  3. Kinda like how we whiffed on our "offer" for Machado and didn't even make an attempt for Harper? I really do believe a lot of this is smoke being blown up our ass and the "2nd place" JR theory at this point.
  4. Based on the constant bad takes on him on this site I really doubt that, honestly.
  5. Because it's status quo. I made a point about Madrigal in another thread pertaining to how ridiculous it is to make all the assumptions possible about who Madrigal will be based on a sample size of less than 60 games for a rookie season (ignoring the fact he hit .340 in that sample size, mind you) where I brought up how everyone gave up on Moncada after less than a year in the bigs, somehow failing to realize that most of the time prospects take time to develop. NATURALLY. At least people are consistent with their irrationality around here, I guess. I consider myself a stat guy but some people really take it to a level of ridiculous.
  6. Not talking necessarily about power. After not even 60 games (he was injured a decent amount of that time, too), based on what I have seen here we have apparently surmised: 1. He will never have more power. 2. He will never have more pop in his bat. 3. He will always be a bad baserunner. 4. He will always think he is faster than he is. 5. More outfielders will play shallow every time now and thus, he will never get a base hit ever again. 6. He's short, so screw him. 7. Surely none of these things can ever change (being short is one he definitely can't but in all seriousness...), because God knows these things also always applied to his minor league career and his minor league career traits surely cannot ever apply to him growing as a major leage player. He will never improve. Probably because he's short. Damn midget. Does that cover all the bad takes? Everyone was writing off Moncada after less than 1 season here and look how that turned out. It's tiresome. No one has any damn patience. Need I remind people he hit .340 in his rookie season. And if you're gonna use "small sample size" as an excuse to discredit him then maybe you should... take your own advice with the criticisms of said sample size?
  7. It's pretty common for people here to immediately assume everything (bad) about a player after 1 rookie (or even 60 games).
  8. Worst part is even if he has another great year the only way it ends up being worth it is if Dunning busts or Lynn is signed to an extension and stays hot during that period. Or Sox win the WS. ATM I don't particularly like any of those odds right now.
  9. I do not disagree there. I said that as soon as the trade was made. But acting as though Lynn is not a good pitcher having a surge of his career is dishonest.
  10. The point didn't go over my head, it was invalid. Logic only dictates what you suggested to someone who doesn't understand logic. Lynn is 34, not in his 40's and he is pitching at a high level and has always been dependable. That is the only point that really matters on the context of the conversation.
  11. Um... no, it doesn't. Nolan Ryan isn't currently 34 and pitching at a high level.
  12. Lynn is a proven starter who has been solid his entire career. We have no idea what Dunning might actually be yet. That's the point.
  13. Nah, that first quote was just that "hippie liberal crap." Amazing people even still use this terminology in 2020. Mind blowing.
  14. Yeah, I'd ask everyone with this attitude to pick 1 of their family members to die. That would sure be something. Whether it helps or you (incorrectly) think it doesn't, the fact people are so angry about wearing a fucking mask is so telling of how selfish and ignorant people are.
  15. Yet your attitude is that of a stubborn, stupid late 60's man. Still no idea where you get that I'm scared or a coward. Also fitting you didn't absorb a single thing I said. You're not worth the trouble, I prefer not to allow myself to stoop to your pitiful level. You're clearly past the possibility of learning something, anyway.
  16. You really are ignorant as all hell. You have any idea how many people have underlying conditions? And how many different ways this virus can wreck you? And how overwhelmed the hospitals have been? If you really think masks don't make any difference and refuse to wear one you are part of the problem. You had it? Yet you clearly didn't learn anything. Being aware and precautions and fear mongering are two completely different things. It's a pandemic. What you deem as an insignificant death rate (it's much higher than your ridiculous claim, BTW) is still a LOT of fucking people. The liberal states are where all the people are, somof course is spreads faster. This is just common sense. And there is so much more wrong in your wall of text nonsense tripe I haven't even touched. And with that, your ignorant boomer ass will be the first person added to my ignore list as I don't need to find myself going off the rails over an ignorant fart like yourself. Was 1917 the year you were born or something?
  17. Why is that? Your thoughts on this are frankly just dumb, old man takes. It's not fearmongering, it's actually putting people's safety and health first during a fucking pandemic that has ravaged the entire world, not to mention our country. If you want to question their actual motives I am fine with that. But calling it fearmongering is just flat out ignorant as hell. (No, this isn't just a "flu")
  18. Right, because how to use a computer is a much more sensible gauge of intelligence than actually using logic. This quote is so laughable.
  19. Jose De Leon? Before I read the actual topic that headline made me like... wat?
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